:PPT shortcut keys necessary for masters-PPT skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

PPT shortcut keys necessary for masters

Ctrl+T: Change the character format between sentence, lowercase or uppercase Shift+F5: Start the show from the current slide Ctrl+N: Create a new slide Ctrl+D: Duplicate the selected slide Ctrl+X: Cut the selected Ctrl+V: Paste the slide in the clipboard

PowerPoint provides users with practical shortcut keys that are commonly used but that people don't pay much attention to, so as to improve the efficiency of slide editing and production.

Ctrl+T: Change character formatting between sentence, lowercase or uppercase

Shift+F3: Change letter case

Ctrl+B: apply bold formatting Ctrl+U: apply underline

Ctrl+l: apply italic formatting

Ctrl+equal sign: Apply subscript formatting (automatically adjust spacing)

Ctrl+Shift+plus sign: apply superscript formatting (automatically adjust spacing)

Ctrl+Spacebar: Delete manual character formatting, such as subscripts and superscripts

Ctrl+Shift+C: copy text formatting

Ctrl+Shift+V: Paste text formatting

Ctrl+E: Center align paragraph

Ctrl+J: Align the paragraphs at both ends

Ctrl+L: Align the paragraph to the left

Ctrl+R: Align the paragraph to the right

When presenting in full-screen mode, the user can only operate the right-click menu and the show button. You can also use the following shortcut keys for controlling the slideshow, which is very convenient!

+Enter: hyperlink to the slide

B or period: black screen or return to slideshow from black screen

W or comma: white screen or return to slideshow from white screen

s or plus sign: stop or restart the automatic slide show

Esc, Ctrl+Break, or hyphen (-): Exit the slideshow

E: Erase annotations on screen

H: Go to next hidden slide

T: Set new time when rehearsing

O: Use the original set time during rehearsal

M: Switch to the next slide with a mouse click during rehearsal

Press both mouse buttons simultaneously for a few seconds: go back to the first slide

Ctrl+P: Redisplay the hidden pointer or change the pointer to a drawing pen

Ctrl+A: Redisplay the hidden pointer and change the pointer to an arrow

Ctrl+H: Immediately hide pointer and buttons

Ctrl+U: Hide pointer and buttons for 15 seconds

Shift+F10 (equivalent to clicking the right mouse button): Display the right-click shortcut menu

Tab: Go to the first or next hyperlink on the slide

Shift+Tab: Go to the last or previous hyperlink on the slide

The following shortcut keys are used to view web presentations on a network (including LAN, Internet, etc.).

Tab: Switch between hyperlinks, the Address field, and the Link field in a web presentation

Shift+Tab: Switch in the opposite direction between the hyperlinks, the "Address" column and the "Link" column of the Web presentation

Enter: Performs a "mouse click" action on the selected hyperlink

Spacebar: Go to the next slide

Backspace: Go to the previous slide

If the user wants to send the presentation as the body of the email, the following shortcut keys can be used to improve work efficiency. At this time, the email header is required to be activated.

Alt+S: Send current presentation as email

Ctrl+Shift+B: Open "Address Book"

Alt+K: Select names in the To, Cc, and Bcc columns in the Address Book

Tab: selects the next box of the email header, or the message body if the last box of the email header is active

Shift+Tab: Select the previous field or button in the mail header


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