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PPT production steps and diagrams, the most complete tutorial for beginners to make ppt

employees, which he calls "super employees." So, if you are a novice and want to make an excellent PPT to present your work report or other content, here are some steps and diagrams, as well as a comprehensive tutorial. Step 1: Determine the Goal and Them

Most people's work report PPT is a journal

About layoffs, those bigwigs have their own weird sayings.

No, Jack Ma's words have become popular recently: In the future, 1,000 talents who have worked in Ali for more than 10 years will be exported to the society every year.

The layoffs are so fresh and refined, it is worthy of Mr. Ma who is famous for his eloquence.

For us ordinary people, this is not just a show. Big companies have started to "optimize" their personnel structure, which is undoubtedly a wake-up call for all professionals: The future , someone will be eliminated at any time.

So,Which kind of person is most likely to be What about elimination?

It's very simple, those only know how to do things hard, but don't let the leaders know.

I want the leader to know how much work you have done and what irreplaceable value you have played. What you need is a excellent report PPT.

In the workplace, most people’s work report PPT is a journal, boring, think about it, If you are a leader, will you fall asleep after listening to it?

Excellent reporting ability does not mean blindly exaggerating one's work achievements, that is bragging. The real report is to accurately convey what you have done, what problems you have solved, and what effects you have achieved.

This kind of report can make the leader suddenly light up and see your irreplaceable value when he is drowsy.

So, no matter what report you are doing, I suggest you learn to make a Professional report PPT.

Why do PPT

Became the most important skill in the workplace

There has been a saying in the workplace:

Those who can use Word are not as good as those who can use Excel, and those who can use Excel are not as good as those who can use PPT.

Many people will wonder: do you still need to learn PPT? Isn't it just to insert some text and pictures on the template?

That is just the most basic usage. Whether a person can use PPT, the key is reflected in logical thinking and visual expression< /strong> above.

These two abilities behind PPT are the abilities that many leaders value most.

Think carefully,

Why can others do it in a few hours PPT, do you need to work overtime for several days until midnight?

Why do all the points of view are reflected in the PPT when others report, but your PPTonly has a bunch of words, making people unable to find the point?

Why other people's PPTs are dense in places that should be dense and thin in places that should be thin, but yours are always like draft paper, and you can't see it yourself Do you understand the relationship between the parts?

In addition to logical thinking, Visual expression is also very important Ability.

The PPT with only pictures and text, and the PPT with visual expression, look completely different:

After reflection, do you still think PPT is a very simple thing? Still think it's not important?

Because I don't know how to do work reports

My colleague's year-end bonus is twice as much as mine

A few days ago, a friend who worked overtime every day suddenly invited me to dinner, and my eyes began to flood without saying a few words Tears:

"I have worked for the company for so many years, and the year-end bonus is not as good as the young people who just joined the company..."

It turned out that my friend's company had just finished the year-end summary recently. When she was doing a personal report, she took the PPT that spent all night to report on the work, and the leader just nodded. Let her go down.

Afterwards, she found that the leaders were discussing a newcomer's PPT in the work group, and even sent it to the whole world For company reference, in comparison, she felt that the reaction was too different.

After receiving a small year-end bonus, she said: No matter how much you do, what's the use if the leader doesn't know?

If you ask me now:What can I do in the workplace to amplify my own value , Quick promotion and salary increase?

I will definitely say PPT.

Yes, you are not dreaming

Only 9 lessons, you can completely handle PPT

Many friends asked me: Is it too late to learn PPT now that the year-end report is coming?

The answer is: Of course! You only need to spend 20% of your daily work energy to learn PPT well, and all future reports will be easy.

Some people will wonder: Is it really that simple?

Some people think that theirfoundation is too weak , not even the simplest operation;

Some people think that their aesthetics are too poor, and they cannot learn PPT layout design;

Some people think that they are lack of logic and don't know what to say first.

Today, these are not problems, because Ms. Zhang Jing I can tell you with confidence:

It is really easy to break through PPT in a short time.

Teacher Zhang Jing, who has been engaged in speech design training for nine years, has thousands of lectures Speech teaching experience.

He has always believed that: working life is already busy enough, spending a lot of time learning PPT, the investment is not directly proportional to the return.

He found that PPT's logical expression thinking, visual optimization thinking, data thinking is the most critical and effective in the learning process. With the least amount of time and concentrated learning of these knowledge, you can still make a practical and high-quality working PPT.

This is the concept of "price ratio" that Mr. Zhang Jing has always insisted on.

The important reason why PPT has become a mainstream presentation tool is that it is simple and easy Get started, to make a PPT approved by 80% of people, just follow the classic 37 principles:

70%< /span> Time should be used to sort out the logic of the PPT and the corresponding information, including text, data, charts, pictures, etc.

30% time, used to get the layout and design of the PPT layout.

So, you can expend very little effort to master With the most important skills, you can make a report PPT suitable for various scenarios.

Ms. Zhang Jing, who has many years of training experience, took the essence of his training and produced the course "9 lessons with zero foundation and short time to make a high-quality PPT"!

He will teach everyone to master the common layout ideas in an intuitive and easy-to-learn form. Ordinary people only need to put in 20% energy to make 80% of the layout. Work-type PPT approved by people.

In addition to quality courses

You will also gain

50 sets of fee-level PPT templates

200 pages of original exquisite PPT charts

160 real case analysis

and PPT dry goods spree

Special offer
69 yuan
(Original price: 199 yuan)
Includes 9 lessons in total, each lesson only costs 7.6
The course is permanently saved and can be played back at any time

Recognize the QR code below, let’s complete the PPT together

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You are not dreaming, 9 lessons will do it PPT

If you don't believe me, take a look at this fulloutline

Course Outline

Video recording

9 lessons

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Only tailored for you

In addition to high-quality courses

You will also gain

50 sets of fee-level PPT templates

200 pages of original exquisite PPT charts

160 real case analysis

and PPT dry goods spree

Special offer
69 yuan
(Original price: 199 yuan)
Includes 9 lessons in total, each lesson only costs 7.6
The course is permanently saved and can be played back at any time

Recognize the QR code below, let’s complete the PPT together


31837people have received the offer, only 24parts


No matter how much you do, what's the use if the leader doesn't know?

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