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PPT making tutorial steps Zero-based learning ppt tutorial

A very impressive figure. If you are interested in PPT production and hope to earn some income through this sideline business, I can provide you with a zero-based tutorial on PPT production. Here are some steps and suggestions: Step 1: Choose the right so

Farewell to reporting embarrassment!

Do you know how young people make money nowadays?

A few days ago, I was taken aback by Zhihu’s last answer about “side jobs”. A junior student earns 140,000+ from side jobs alone.

What is the concept of 140,000, which is the salary of an ordinary white-collar worker who does not eat or drink for at least 2 years.

Why can you earn so much at once?

He didn't steal money, and he didn't break the law,He just knows how to do PPT.

One PPT is priced at 100 yuan, 10 is 1K, and 100 is 10K. After several customized services, 10,000 to 20,000 will arrive in the account.

▲Student self-disclosure and customer chat records

For this reason, I am particularly envious of my friend Xiao Zhou, who not only uses the exquisite PPT reports to get a higher salary for himself, also usually puts the PPT templates he made on some paid websites, except Platform commission, At least 2-3K more income per month.

I have to sigh, If you do a good job in PPT, you can earn extra money, get promoted and raise your salary. People who can do PPT really don’t have to worry about money for the rest of their lives!

Unlike us, not to mention not being able to make money, we often lose a lot of opportunities because of poor PPT.

"31 years old, lost his job by PPT"

"The PPT is too ugly, not worthy of the company's image, it is recommended to evaluate human resources and arrange resignation communication" Just saw this news, I just thought it was a joke and didn't pay much attention to it. I later found out that it was true.

A large-scale meeting of a company, the PPT in charge of A is published Problem: Temporarily set the template directly, but in the end there is still a dislocation of the effect.

So the leader changed newcomers to follow up the year-end reception. There is no harm if there is no comparison.

It can be seen that the quality of PPT has become an indispensable skill for career development.

Imagine, if you are the boss, and your subordinates report to you with a PPT with confusing logic and ugly colors, would you like to read it?

To apply a sentence: No one is obliged to discover your awesome plan ideas through your rough and ugly PPT.

"90% of entrepreneurial big coffee and executives

They are all 'upright' PPT masters"

The high-profile technology boss, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun, has asked for PPT on Weibo many times, which shows that the boss The importance of PPT.

▲ Compared with the influence of the new product itself, it pays more attention to PPT

Not to mention that Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, the world's most valuable company, was so harsh on PPT that it was almost abnormal, and he brought minimalism to the fullest.

Why do Jobs and Lei Jun have strict requirements on PPT?

Because of a good PPT, the judging criterion is not only the control of aesthetics, but How to fully present the inner logical thinking of the producer on the basis of ensuring aesthetics, and help the reporter to achieve better reporting effect.

You must know that PPT is just an expression tool, not a design software that sacrifices everything.

So, to make a PPT that can help you get promoted and make money, What you need to master most is not the PPT operation skills, but the internal logical thinking of the PPT designer.

But how to make a good PPT?

You need a guide.

12 years senior PPT trainer, Mr. Li Geng said: PPT is actually a contest of "persuasion".

Who is Teacher Li Geng?

Teacher Li Geng

Microsoft MOS certification

12 years+ visual design experience, 5 yearsPPT training experience

He is a Microsoft MOS certified teacher. As early as 2010, he has obtained the international certification of Microsoft Office software recognized by 168 countries around the world.

▲Authentication certificate issued by Microsoft

He is a senior PPT trainer. Provided PPT training for 10,000+ students and 300+ corporate customers, participated in 200+ large-scale corporate projects, and output a total of 100,000+ PPTs.

▲As long as it is Mr. Li Geng's sharing meeting, the venue must be full

He said, PPT can actually be very simple, as long as you master the persuasion logic and aesthetics, anyone can complete a wonderful presentation quickly and well.

Teacher Li Geng has studied almost all PPT courses and books on the market, found that most of them just stay in the The superficial operation skills do not mention the inherent logical thinking and aesthetic judgment when making PPT.

It's like looking at plums to quench thirst, self-deception, the teacher thinks that everything has been taught, and the students think that they have learned everything, but in fact, the root problem still exists.

Teacher Li Geng said that it is not difficult to change the logic or aesthetics of PPT.

Insert data and charts into PPT to make your report more convincing;

Through the adjustment of animation, font, and color matching, you can make your expression even better.

For this reason, we invited Mr. Li Geng, and it took 6 months to polish this 《28 Affected nearly 100,000 students!

Through thinking, design, layout, charts, speeches, and scene combat, 28 lessons are all-round improvement, teaching you to make high-quality PPT in a short time with zero foundation!

New year,

Want to win the favor ofleaders?

Want to wrap up the yearmake a splash?

Want to pass the perfect year-end summaryPromotion and salary increase?

A set of training will help you get it all done!

Teacher Li Geng also packed a PPT learning spree worth 299 yuan for you, to help you go directly from a PPT novice to a 666 existence in the eyes of others!

Special Offer

(Original price: 199 )
Contains a total of 28 lessons, each lesson only costs 3.5 yuan
The course is permanently saved and played back at any time

Recognize the QR code below to enter the course


currently13577People have taken it, only 37parts left



< /path>

What to learn ?

The course focuses on "expression". In addition to the 100% high-frequency operation practice in most courses, it will focus on training Your "persuasion", this is the key to stand out in the report!

15 minutes per session, get started with PPT steadily


Special Offer
< span >

(Original price: 199 )
Contains a total of 28 lessons, each lesson only costs 3.5 yuan
The course is permanently saved and played back at any time

Recognize the QR code below to enter the course


Currently13577 people have received, the discount is only 37servings left



< /path>

What is the course different?

Solve 99% of your PPT problems from thinking to practice

Single-point breakthrough, completely open up your expression logic

Video practical teaching

The lecturer personally takes you to avoid pitfalls

Premium value gift package, no need to worry about PPT materials

Learn to make more convincing PPT——

The PPT I used to spend a whole day doing was still ugly and low, but now the PPT is professional and beautiful, and I no longer have a headache when it comes to reporting;

√ With the PPT made, the leader has a clear view of the work results and trusts me;

√ You can also use PPT to make professional icons, and use PPT to make money part-time.

< svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' x='0px' y='0px' viewbox='0 0 119.9 66.1' width='100%'>

Who needs this class

The last PPT class in your workplace

Presentation skills + expression logic + speech thinking

Improve work efficiency, say goodbye to embarrassing reporting

Won the applause of the leaders and talked about cooperation easily

Special Offer

(Original price: 199 )
Contains a total of 28 lessons, each lesson only costs 3.5 yuan
The course is permanently saved and played back at any time

Recognize the QR code below to enter the course


Currently13577 people have received, the discount is only 37servings left



Advancement in the workplace, one step in place!

PPT is far more powerful than we imagined. As long as you learn and use it, you will find that promotion and salary increase are so simple.

Click "Read the original text" to view the course details~

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