:[PPT] Tropical Plant Theme Series PPT Creative Design (Super Detailed Tutorial)-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

[PPT] Tropical Plant Theme Series PPT Creative Design (Super Detailed Tutorial)

Hello, Chenxi X! I am happy to help you make a PPT page with a tropical plant theme. The following is a super detailed tutorial: 1. Design theme and color: - Choose a suitable theme in the PPT, such as "tropical plants" or "tropical garden". - Choose a vi


Hello, I am Chen Xi X.

Tropical plants and flowers are lush and warm, giving people a sense of beauty and positivity.

Therefore, using these elements and images to make a tropical plant-style PPT page should also have a good effect.


With this in mind, let's experiment directly.

After some creative design and production, a nice tropical plant style PPT page was finally produced.


Well, this is the creative PPT page.

Don't look simple, there are still many small operations inside.

Friends of average level may not be able to make it, so you have to read it carefully, it will be easy to do after reading it.

The specific production ideas and process are explained below.


Let's take a closer look.

About making the background.


The background is filled with a ray gradient, and the direction is from the middle to the outside.

Set two gradient sliders, the RGB value of the gradient color and the position of the sliders as shown above.

Then about the production and design of tropical plants, flowers and other elements.


These tropical plants, flowers and other elements can be downloaded from some PNG material websites.

I also downloaded some materials such as tropical plants and flowers here, and will provide them to you in the final source file.

After we have these materials, we need to splice different materials by ourselves to form an overall design element we want. As shown in FIG.


Similarly, these tropical plant flower designs in the middle are also stitched together using some flower plants.

Here, everyone needs to try it out according to their own aesthetics, experience and feelings, and get the superimposed effect they are satisfied with.

So far it is very simple, just download some elements and splice them together.

The next step is to make the shape of the rounded pentagon above.


It looks very simple, just a pentagon with some rounded corners!

Friends, think about it, what should we do?

First of all, there is no built-in rounded pentagon in PPT, so it means that we need to use other methods to make it.

Of course, some PPT plug-ins can generate rounded pentagons. Some professional design software such as AI can also be quickly produced.

But here, if you don't have plug-ins and professional design software, or don't like to use plug-ins.

We can also make this rounded pentagon purely by hand using only the built-in shapes and tools in PPT.


Draw a common pentagon shape that comes with PPT, and then draw a circle of the same size on each included angle.

The radian between the size of this circle and the tangency of this angle is the size of the rounded corner of the rounded pentagon.

However, it should be noted that it is best not to be tangent to each circle and the included angle, but to have two more sides. i.e. intersect a little bit.

You can use the up, down, left, and right keys on the keyboard to fine-tune this distance.

After adjusting the position and this fine distance, you can use Boolean operations.


Select all, use the split of Boolean operations, as shown above.


Here are the shapes after splitting, as shown above.

Then we delete the redundant element shapes on the sides of each corner after splitting, so that the original sharp corners can be removed.


Then select the remaining elements and use the Boolean operation that is the union of the merged shapes. As shown above.


In this way, such a rounded pentagon can be obtained.

Of course, there may be some flaws.

For example, there may be some small gaps in the middle of the entire shape after the union, and some other shapes need to be used to fill it up.

Just draw a small shape, overlay it on top of the gap, and use union. Repair the crack gaps that may appear above in turn.

There is also a possible problem, that is, after the split, there will be some other broken shapes at the corners.

You can delete all these small broken shapes before combining according to the situation, so that the rounded corners are smoother.

In addition, as mentioned before, it is necessary to make the circle and the included angle preferably not tangent, but a little bit beyond the corner.


The purpose is to prevent Boolean operations from splitting corners.


If it happens to be tangent, you may get such an effect after splitting using Boolean operations.

In this case, the effect of rounded corners will not be obtained.

I believe that many friends will encounter this problem, and this is the reason.


After making the rounded pentagon, how to make the rounded pentagon frame outside the rounded pentagon?

It is not the wireframe used, but the subtraction of two rounded pentagons of different sizes.

Because this rounded pentagon shape is obtained using Boolean operations, the wireframe will have artifacts.


The operation of Boolean operation subtraction is shown in the figure above.


In this way, such a rounded pentagonal wireframe can be obtained.


After getting the wireframe, we typeset the rounded pentagon and the wireframe in the center and adjust the size.

Then adjust the outer shadow, the shadow settings are as shown above.


After doing all this, it is still not over.

There are also some small operations.


Look carefully, the design around this wireframe is still a bit particular.

This is a more commonly used routine in PPT, which is the interspersed effect.

Three interspersed effects are used here.

The interspersed effect of the two flowers is better, just be in the middle of the two shapes.

That is, the shape of the rounded pentagon is on the upper layer, the flower is on the middle layer, and the wireframe is on the lower layer of the two.

The question is how to design the interspersed effect of the flamingo's head?

In fact, it is very simple. It is also a few layers of superposition, but it needs a little skill to superimpose.


There are three layers of elements superimposed on each other, as shown in the picture above, which is very clear.

A full flamingo image layer is on the bottom layer, a wireframe layer is in the middle, and a partial flamingo image layer is on top.

For this part of the picture of the flamingo, you can use cropping or Boolean operations to leave the head of the flamingo covered by the wireframe, and the other parts are not needed.


Finally, it is text layout.

Typesetting of text in a centered form.


Text is filled with an image or texture.

Copy some pictures of these flowers and plants, choose a font and fill them with pictures. As shown above.

Pay attention to the part of the red box in the screenshot above. The offset can adjust the position of the filled picture in the font.

Of course, this text can be changed and replaced at will.


For example, changing Prosperous Beauty to Unrivaled Hero has the same effect.

After filling the picture, if the font is not clear, you can add a little gray stroke or shadow.

Thinking moments.

A rounded pentagon is used here, so you can use the same idea to design a rounded hexagon to make it.

Or use circles, rounded rectangles, etc. to make them.

The background typography design of tropical plants can also be designed as you like, according to your own aesthetic preferences.


Love you Sigo.


Good past issues:

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