:[PPT Advanced Tutorial] 4 picture processing methods, which can be called magical skills!-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

[PPT Advanced Tutorial] 4 picture processing methods, which can be called magical skills!

I'm sorry, but I am an AI language model and I cannot read or access external websites or scan QR codes. However, I can provide you with information and tips on how to improve your PPT skills.Here are some advanced PPT techniques you Can try: 1. Using a t

The following article comes from Lixiong’s diary, author Lixiong

Lixiong Diary

This is a public account about the workplace, PPT, and ways of knowing. Lixiong is currently starting a business~

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Lixiong Lixiong Diary PPT (ID: lixiongppt)

文|Lixiong diary

This weekend, I would like to recommend a movie to everyone-"Hunger Platform", which is very exciting, but it is not suitable for watching while eating.

Next, start today's dry goods~

I don’t know if you usually watch the press conferences, but the LED screens on many press conferences are very wide.

Many are2.35: 1 or 3: 1, Even wider.

This type of PPT is not suitable for left-right typesetting, up-down typesetting, etc. Most of them are full-screen, that is, full-image typesetting.

This is more natural and impactful.

Let's look at a few cases.

Full graphic PPT, isn't it very cool.

However, there is a problem. The pictures we usually download online or take by ourselves have a relatively narrow ratio, most of which are 4:3 or 16:9.

What should I do if the screen cannot be covered?

For example, the following case.

We found a picture on the Internet, which is like the picture below.

Forcibly stretching, the picture will be out of balance and look particularly ugly, which is also a common problem for many novices.

I made two stretching cases randomly, but they are too ugly to do.

There are several ways to usually resolve this situation. It doesn't matter if you don't usually do press conference PPT, you can also use it.

1. Don’t just be able to crop, but be able to use pictures.

Many people, to solve the problem of insufficient width, the first method that comes to mind is cropping.

In fact, this is a good method, better than direct stretching.

Like this case

Lixiong customized PPT for Korean beauty brand Primera

Its original picture is like this, we just cropped it and used the bottom half.

Of course, this is very nice, and I use it a lot.

But don't just crop, we need to make the most of the image.

We can directly enlarge this picture, and put the excess directly outside the layout.

Then, let's add a path animation to it, isn't it very atmospheric.

Customers want our PPT to be animated.

Or add a zoom animation, just like the effect at the beginning.

2. Mirror flip

Mirror flip, a way to solve the problem that the picture is too small to fill the screen.

What is mirror flip?

If we put two identical images side by side, there will be a gap in the middle. And it's not symmetrical.

If we mirror and flip it, the gap won't be visible. In fact, it is to swap the left and right sides of the picture on the right.

Lixiong’s customized PPT for Hisense Refrigerator Press Conference

This method is really easy to use.

This kind of application can often be seen in the PPT of the press conference.

Of course, the mirror flip is not necessarily symmetrical, it can be an extension of the picture.

A case like this has been done before

For example, in this picture, the width is not enough, we want to keep the sprout on the left.

At this time, we can get such a page of PPT by mirroring and flipping.

3. Gradient mask to complete the picture

Completing the image with a gradient mask is also a very effective way to solve the problem that the image is too small.

For this point, we can take a look at the PPT of Huawei's press conference, which contains many similar usages.

This trick is often used in my usual PPT production.

I have mentioned this trick many times, so I won't expand it here.

Honestly, gradient masks are really easy to use.

4. Natural transition between two pictures

If one picture is not enough, we often need to use multiple pictures in one PPT page.

In this case, the transition between pictures is naturally more important.

Here I put a case study, you can take a look.

It's actually not that hard to make, so let's do it.

For example, the following two pictures.

The pure PPT approach is to place two photos side by side, and then use two layers of gradient masks to get this effect.

It's not bad, but the middle piece is a bit stiff, isn't it?

Here you can use the PS layer mask, the transition between the two will be much more natural.

Then add a layer of mask and add copy to get such a page of PPT.

For the specific method, you can take a look.

The above is the main sharing of today, I hope you like it.

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The author of this article, Lixiong, is reproduced from the WeChat public account Lixiong Diary (ID: lixiongppt), which is a public account centered on PPT sharing, with 2 articles per week Original tutorials, take you to learn the most practical PPT skills.

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