plsql font size setting:PL/SQL based conditional statement-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

PL/SQL based conditional statement

PL/SQL flow control statements are mainly divided into three categories:

  • Conditional statement
  • Loop statement
  • Sequential statement

PL/SQL judgment statement

if statement

IF <Boolean expression> THEN --processing statement END IF;
  • Single conditional judgment statement, execute the processing statement if the condition is met, skip the statement after the end if if it is not satisfied
IF < Boolean Expression> THEN --Processing statement 1ELSE --Processing statement 2END IF;
  • Double conditional judgment statement, execute statement 1 if the condition is satisfied, and execute if it is not satisfied Statement 2
IF <Boolean expression> THEN --processing statement 1ELSIF < other Boolean expressions> THEN --processing statement 2ELSIF < other Boolean expressions > THEN --Processing statement 3ELSE --Other statement END IF;
  • Multi-branch conditional judgment statement, satisfying different conditions to execute the corresponding statement
  • < li>ELSIF cannot be written as ELSEIF/

case statement

CASE selector WHEN <expression 1> THEN result1 WHEN <expression2> THEN result2 ...... WHEN <expressionn> THEN resultN [ ELSE resultN+1]END;
    < li>selector value range corresponds to the expression
  • ELSE statement is optional

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