Mathematics ppt courseware:PEP Edition Sixth Grade Mathematics Volume 1 Unit 4 "The Meaning of Comparison" Courseware and Simultaneous Exercises-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

PEP Edition Sixth Grade Mathematics Volume 1 Unit 4 "The Meaning of Comparison" Courseware and Simultaneous Exercises

Comparison: Compare the magnitude relationship of two numbers by the size of the ratio. When comparing the size, it can be judged by comparing the size of the ratio, or by comparing the relationship between multiples of two numbers. 3. The application of

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Knowledge points

1. The meaning of comparison:

The ratio of two numbers means the division of two numbers. Ratio is another representation of division, which can be the ratio of the same quantity or the ratio of different kinds of quantities. When writing a ratio, sometimes it can also be written in the form of a fraction.

2. The ratio consists of two items, and each ratio has a ratio.

3. In the ratio of two numbers, the number in front of the ratio sign is called the former term of the ratio, and the number after the ratio sign is called the latter term of the ratio. The ratio is the quotient obtained by dividing the former term of the ratio by the latter term.

4. Use letters to express the relationship between ratio, division and fraction:

5. Differences between ratios, fractions, and division

6. The latter term of the ratio cannot be 0.

The latter term of the ratio is equivalent to the divisor in the division formula, and it is also equivalent to the denominator in the fraction. Because neither the divisor nor the denominator can be 0, so the latter term of the ratio cannot be 0 either.

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Graphic Interpretation

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Synchronization Exercise 1

Simultaneous exercise 2

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