:Over 100,000 downloads on the first day! Free commercially available Chinese fonts - Youset Title Hei is here!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Over 100,000 downloads on the first day! Free commercially available Chinese fonts - Youset Title Hei is here!

Companies or individual designers do face this problem. Sounds like you have good news to share! May I ask what new free Chinese fonts UTS has launched?

Friends who follow Uniset know that Uniset has been sharing high-quality design dry goods for everyone. Designers often leave messages to us, complaining that there are too few free Chinese fonts available for commercial use. It often takes a lot of time to design fonts. Many designers of small and medium-sized companies even took the risk of copyright to complete the design in fear, thinking that they would not receive a letter from a lawyer with a fluke mentality.

Therefore, on the last day of 2019, Uniset brought a big gift to the designer, and specially made a Chinese font for the title: "Unique Title Black". Let more people benefit!

After the font was released, we received many heartfelt thanks from designers and affirmation of the beautiful font.

This motivates our team. I hope to bring you more free and commercially available Chinese fonts in 2020.

When I first had the idea of ​​making a free commercial font, I happened to meet a friend from Ziyou. We hit it off and reached a consensus to jointly release the free font of Youset. In order to ensure the smooth and rapid release of fonts, U-set invites Ziyou to jointly participate and check the quality of fonts. After U-set formulates the creativity and specifications of more than 300 basic fonts, letters and symbols, Ziyou takes over from the perspective of the font library Starting from the overall improvement and optimization of fonts, the production of more than 6,000 fonts has been completed, and a lot of time has been spent on productization and optimization of font details.

After more than 100 days, after overturning and adjusting the details, this "U-Set Title Black" including 6,763 Chinese characters and characters is finally officially launched on the 8th anniversary of U-Set!

Download URL

Notice! The cooperation between Uniset and Ziyou is not limited to this one. It has been confirmed that there will be two more fonts that will be released soon after the year, and they are also free commercial fonts.

Speaking of cooperation with Ziyou, I believe everyone is familiar with the software "Ziyou". This software has more than 2,000 carefully classified fonts. English fonts, and you can preview and use them without installing fonts. It can be called the best font management artifact in China.

The font "Uset Title Black" can also be used synchronously on Ziyou official website and Ziyou client.

If you haven’t used this software yet, open the official website on the right and you will find a new world? http://www.hellofont.cn/download

Now let's first understand the characteristics and application scenarios of this "Uset Title Black".

Font Features

"You Set Title Black" is a professional art title font with wide applicability, strong sense of speed and power.

It is based on the bold font, the overall font is calm, and at the same time, it uses larger characters and thick strokes to strengthen the sense of strength. The design of each font with an 8° horizontal inclination endows the font with a strong sense of speed. In order to keep the font stable even after it is tilted, the designer set the overall font body to be wide and flat. The unique sharp corner design on the starting pen and the hook not only highlights the geometric sense of the design, but also facilitates later modification.

Therefore, this font is most suitable for the titles of various brand advertisements and product packaging designs!

Application scenario


Poster Design>▼

Books and magazines>▼

Text group>▼

In the future, Uniset will be a company that serves the design ecosystem, gathers design strength, builds a design engine, and drives the beauty of the world.

We will not only have two models next year, but also more excellent free Chinese fonts will be released. Please look forward to it. Thanks again to the co-producer "Ziyou".

More free Chinese fonts:

Click Read the original text to download the font ↓↓

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/Over%20100000%20downloads%20on%20the%20first%20day%20Free%20commercially%20available%20Chinese%20fonts%20%20Youset%20Title%20Hei%20is%20here.html

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