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Online classes can be crazy

Poor communication between teachers and students. In traditional face-to-face teaching, teachers can interact with students through facial expressions, voice, and body language to better understand students' learning needs and make timely adjustments. How

Halfway through the third week of the suspension of classes and non-stop learning, the debate on whether online learning is effective or not has never stopped. Whether it is teachers or parents, many people think that the effect is poor, and the best answer is that something is better than nothing.

1. Reasons for the current poor effect of online learning

First, the teacher's reason:

1. Teachers' live broadcast conditions are poor. It cannot be said that it is unprecedented for teachers to broadcast live broadcasts, but it is indeed a rarity for most front-line teachers, and it can also be said that they have never seen or heard of it. Teachers are suddenly required to use DingTalk, and they cannot download software, use software, or connect equipment. Hurry up, training in the air, see vaguely, hear dizzy, learn while using, jokes keep coming, forget to turn on the audio to give a class, connect with the group live broadcast and join the wrong class, nervous and unintelligible Yes, those who can’t open the courseware at critical moments, those who have fully prepared the content and DingTalk will not be able to use it, those who put a courseware without interaction, just put a famous teacher’s class for nothing, and those who have no choice but to leave the class for a long time, vary. foot. There are even many teachers who have not given a live class so far. Even so, some remote areas are not yet able to broadcast live broadcasts, which is in vain.

2. Famous teachers lack interaction in classrooms. All kinds of websites are mobilized together, and all kinds of famous teachers are dispatched together, with a wide range of knowledge and even the epidemic situation, advanced equipment and excellent teaching. But the picture is rigid, students listen to and watch, lack of interaction, can only play back, and lack of classroom teaching atmosphere. At first, it may be interesting because of novelty, but after a long time, the visual, auditory and psychological fatigue will be exhausted, which is far worse than the classroom teaching effect.

Second, the reasons for the students:

1. Students have poor self-discipline. Children are naturally playful and lack self-discipline. What they do depends on their interests. They manage one thing and another. They have no detailed plans and lack strict management of time. What's more, learning at home is facing a screen, lacking the atmosphere of class restraint, and it is even more difficult to be independent and self-disciplined. Children with strong self-discipline, life goals, active learning, good study habits, and obedient children are slightly better. Those children who usually do not have good grades, are playful, have trouble concentrating, and usually like to play games on their mobile phones will not be able to do that. They will do that and do this during online classes. A parent reported: "Usually, the child said at home that he took online classes, played games with his mobile phone, didn't listen to the class well, and didn't memorize the books well, and the homework was also coping with it." Feedback from the live broadcast also reflected this problem. At the beginning, the lecturers, the lecture time, and the replays were all okay. After a long time, there were not enough people to watch the live broadcast, and there was not enough time for learning, so the replays were not watched. This is just data, those who don’t watch the live broadcast, those who watch the live broadcast go off topic, those who just like it during the live broadcast, those who don’t understand after the live broadcast, and those who even take advantage of the live broadcast to chat, it’s really impossible to estimate. Some students suddenly went to drink water or eat while watching the live broadcast, so how could they pay attention. Some parents complained: "Computers are used for online classes, and mobile phones are used for homework. Children cannot do without electronic products, and they cannot study quietly. If they fail, they may become myopic." Children in the younger age group are even worse.

2. Absence of parental supervision. Responsible parents will be better, irresponsible parents will let their own way and only complain. Children who wake up early cannot get up, children sleep late at night, work and rest do not follow the school schedule, do not ask whether the homework is completed, do not care whether the children are studying, and do not know what tasks the teacher assigns. Some parents simply can't control their children. A parent reported: "My child is afraid of the teacher at school, and doesn't listen to the adults at home. When the teacher sends a video lecture, she also listens absent-mindedly and doesn't listen to the adults. Although the homework left by the teacher I can finish it, but I don’t understand the content of the text, you can explain it to her, she finds it troublesome and angry all day long, I feel that the child can’t learn anything.”

3. Teaching feedback is not in place. It is easy for teachers to arrange, but it is difficult to give feedback, and it is difficult to understand students. It is difficult to understand whether it is easy to hear, whether it is difficult for students to communicate at that time, it is difficult to correct online homework, and the online tutoring lacks pertinence. It is unreliable to rely on the supervision and inspection of parents. A parent said: "The biggest drawback of online classes is the communication problem. Whether it is in class or in homework, it is better to ask questions in a timely manner when encountering questions that you don't know. But online classes can't be done, and parents can't answer them." A child with good self-discipline and excellent academic performance said: "There is always a feeling of impatience in online classes. I listen to it with all my heart, but the effect is not as good as my teacher's face-to-face. At first, I was not used to online classes. The method, I always stare at the teacher, listen and comprehend, and take notes. After class every day, I review as required before doing my homework, but it is difficult to understand some important and difficult content, and I can’t find it. People asked, and now there are a lot of questions left, it seems that we can only ask the teachers after the school starts.”

4. Reasons for hardware facilities: Computers are used for online classes, mobile phones are used for homework, and electronic products are inseparable from learning. However, some families have many children and few mobile phones, so it is difficult to meet the needs. A teacher in a rural school reported: The teacher worked hard to get online classes in exchange for the parents’ “Teacher, my child doesn’t have a mobile phone at home”, “Teacher, how many children do I have with only one mobile phone at home”, “Teacher, our family has no signal in the mountains”. For various reasons, there are dozens of children in a class, and at most half of the students can attend lectures and do homework. Many children even don’t even join the class’s WeChat group. As teachers, we still think about how to go to class every day. In addition, parents are gradually returning to work, and children have nothing to learn. I did a live broadcast the day before yesterday. After the broadcast, I checked the data and found that a classmate did not watch the live broadcast, nor did he watch the replay. He called and communicated, only to find out that the parents returned to work and took away their mobile phones. He said to let the child make up at night.

5. Network reasons: The network speed and network width cannot keep up. During peak hours, it often freezes, buffers slowly, cannot see clearly, cannot hear, and the screen shakes, which has become the norm. A parent reported: "The signal in my hometown is too bad. Watching a live video buffers for a long time, and opening a platform for homework can't be clicked in for a long time. I'm really anxious." I often encountered this problem in live classes several times. The interactive page I saw students keep replying "kakaka" on the Internet, and some students replied three and a half lines of "kaka" in a hurry, and the more they replied, the more they got stuck.

6. Reasons for textbooks. The teaching materials are not in place, and the electronic teaching materials and live lessons cannot be used at the same time. And it is inconvenient to read, read and write, draw and consolidate. Only a very small number of students have borrowed old books or printed paper materials.

Second, how to improve the teaching effect under the existing conditions.

1. Teachers study hard to improve the accuracy of online lessons.

Teachers should work hard to practice mobile phone and computer operation skills, practice network application skills, be proficient in the use of current live broadcast office software, and learn to use various channels to interact and communicate with students and parents. The skillful use of DingTalk and the communication skills of WeChat and QQ. The teaching content of each lesson should be precise and targeted.

2. Make scientific and meticulous arrangements to improve the effectiveness of managing students

First, schools should scientifically arrange class schedules, reduce class periods, reduce the time of each class, arrange homework preview and homework time (especially long-term subjects), guide and standardize teachers' scientific operation, and reasonably arrange teaching content and progress. Leave enough time for students to preview, listen to lectures, homework, interaction, feedback, testing, and consolidation.

Second, the head teacher should scientifically arrange study groups, with 5 to 10 people forming a group, appoint responsible and capable students as group leaders, and establish a WeChat group for each group, and the group leader is responsible for checking attendance every day and collecting homework. The group leader is responsible to the class teacher, and the teachers in the department are subcontracted to each group to communicate at any time. In this way, it is convenient for the class teacher to keep abreast of the student's movements, master the homework situation at any time, and communicate and cooperate with the parents at any time.

Third, the subject teachers make full use of the group leader, let the group leader become his right-hand assistant, complete homework statistics, give effective feedback, and communicate with parents in a targeted manner.

3. The content is carefully crafted, and the frequency of interactive feedback is increased.

Scientifically and rationally arrange the preview, explanation, interaction, practice, feedback, error correction, consolidation, and testing of each live broadcast, and form a teaching plan. The day before each live broadcast, the pre-study content arranged by the lesson plan is notified to the students through the Internet; the live broadcast cannot copy the classroom teaching mode, the arranged content should be precise but less, the explanation should be to the point, and there should be more interaction after the live broadcast. Classes can use video interaction, panel interaction, roll call question and answer, etc. After class, you can use WeChat audio and video, WeChat chat, QQ interaction, Dingding phone, Dingding video conference and other in-depth communication. After-school exercises should be precise, not burdening students, easy to upload, easy to review, easy to correct errors, convenient for timely feedback, convenient for parents to guide, manage, supervise, and consolidate. The test should be concise, right and wrong should be clear, parents can help.

4. Heart-to-heart communication, deepening the depth of home-school cooperation.

To improve the effect of online classes, parents' cooperation is very important. Responsible parents are easy to talk about, but the more they can't learn to keep up with the children with bad habits, the more irresponsible the parents are. People say that behind every problem child there is a problem parent. This is true. For such parents, we must use various methods to communicate with them from the bottom of our hearts. We must arouse their psychological attention and let them pay attention to their children's learning. Wechat QQ Dingding can be used to understand the reasoning, move it with emotion, give it with virtue, supervise it with action, and timely remind and track feedback. Also pay attention to the technique, so as not to cause conflict, which is counterproductive. It is best for the class teacher to be able to briefly summarize every day, and report the learning situation of the day through Dingding live broadcast or video conference, or WeChat QQ notification, large-scale meetings, or small-scale emphasis, and individual phone calls are needed. Emphasis in the group posting of the exported data after the live broadcast also has a certain effect. Parents can even be invited to exchange management experience to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of parents in management.

5. The live broadcast changes patterns and broadens the breadth of online teaching effects.

One: In addition to the teacher's live broadcast, students can also be invited to explain a certain question to fully mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning. The specific method is to notify the students of their preparations in advance, communicate the students' preparations, and let the students explain at a fixed time when they are fully prepared. In addition, it can also display excellent homework to mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning.

Second: the integration of teachers' live broadcast and classroom resources of famous teachers, and complementary utilization. Students watch famous teachers' classrooms after class, and teachers and students interact with each other in live classes for feedback and targeted communication. Students ask questions and teachers answer them, and students can also be invited to answer each other. In order to make up for both deficiencies.

6. The government coordinates and assists to smooth online courses.

In response to network and textbook problems, schools should coordinate government support, mobilize the enthusiasm of various functional departments, and provide convenience for students to learn. Nowadays, China Mobile temporarily upgrades the Internet speed of teachers for free, schools distribute books on a regular basis, various media provide free electronic textbooks, and schools count which children whose parents do not have smartphones prevent their children from studying.

3. Reflections on the phenomenon of suspension of classes and non-stop learning.

The sudden outbreak of the epidemic caused all work to be passive. So how can education and teaching work turn passive into active in similar incidents in the future?

1. The state should increase strategic investment in education and teaching, and respond to sudden education and teaching crises at any time. The reserve of educational and teaching strategic resources, the training of strategic skills for teachers, the allocation of teaching equipment for teachers, and the reform of the teaching material distribution mechanism (such as distributing textbooks in advance, distributing two volumes at the same time, etc.) are all on the agenda.

2. All functional departments of the society must have a sense of responsibility, be ready to respond to the call of the state at any time, contribute to the normal operation of the society, and do their best for social stability and harmony.

2. The education department should dare to break the deadlock of education and teaching reform, and dare to break the deadlock of education and teaching based on performance assessment. Fully mobilize teachers' enthusiasm for learning new technologies and skills, and give full play to teachers' independent initiative in education and teaching innovation.

3. Schools should have forward thinking, take into account the emergence of various possibilities, formulate corresponding plans, and conduct drills from time to time.

4. Teachers should focus on cultivating children's interest in learning, cultivating children's learning initiative and self-discipline, teaching children to learn, so that children can adapt to society and cope with various crises.

5. Parents should establish a sense of social responsibility and pay attention to the cultivation of children's moral character. They should not be blindly fond of their own children, and push the responsibility of education to teachers and society. #During the epidemic, don’t forget study#

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