:Notice on holding the first "Maker Shaanxi" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the 2019 "Maker China" Shaanxi Division SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition-empirical point of view免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Notice on holding the first "Maker Shaanxi" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the 2019 "Maker China" Shaanxi Division SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Departments, science and technology departments, and provincial colleges and universities: In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the national, provincial party committee, and provincial government on innovation and entrepreneurship, promote the i

Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shaanxi Province

About holding the first "Maker Shaanxi" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition And the notice of the 2019 "Maker China" Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Shaanxi Division

The competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises in each district and city, the Finance Bureau, and the director of small and medium-sized enterprises in Yangling Demonstration Zone Departments, Finance Bureau, Hancheng Small and Medium Enterprise Bureau, Finance Bureau, provincial small and micro enterprise entrepreneurship and innovation bases, relevant institutions of higher learning, mass innovation carriers, and innovation and entrepreneurship service agencies:

In order to implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on "improving the environment for entrepreneurship and innovation", "giving full play to the role of brand events such as the 'Maker China' competition, and strengthening follow-up support for outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship projects emerging in various events", etc., To further stimulate the vitality of "double creation" and guide the enhancement of market confidence, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Department of Finance are scheduled to jointly hold the first "Maker Shaanxi" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the 2019 "Creator Shaanxi" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition from May to August 2019 Hakka China" Shaanxi Province SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (hereinafter referred to as the competition). The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Purpose of the Competition

(1) Carry out the spirit of Central Province and serve innovation and entrepreneurship teams. Implement the central province's innovation and entrepreneurship policies and important deployments, stimulate innovation potential, gather entrepreneurial resources, create a "double innovation" atmosphere, and create experience exchanges, industry-finance docking, project incubation platforms and base.

(2) Cultivate and support high-quality projects to boost the prosperity of the real economy. Using the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition as a carrier, discover, select and cultivate a group of "double entrepreneurship" enterprises, high-quality projects and excellent teams with great development potential, strong driving effect and good demonstration effect, so as to give birth to new products, new technologies, new models and new formats , improve the professional capabilities and levels of small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the transformation, upgrading and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises into specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises, promote the collaborative innovation and development of large and medium-sized enterprises, and help build a manufacturing power and a network power.

(3) Create an innovative and entrepreneurial brand to help Shaanxi "catch up and surpass". With new carriers, new models, and new concepts, gather Shaanxi's innovation and entrepreneurship resources, demonstrate our province's innovation and entrepreneurship new deeds, new atmosphere, and new achievements, set new demonstrations for national innovation and entrepreneurship, and set new benchmarks to help the province "catch up and surpass" develop.

2. Theme of the competition

Around the industrial chain, deploy the innovation chain, and allocate the capital chain

3. Overall arrangement of the competition

The first "Maker Shaanxi" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the 2019 "Maker China" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition will hold "1 2" series of activities. "1" refers to the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition; "2" refers to 2 concurrent events, including the Shaanxi Province SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Achievement Exhibition, and financial service docking activities (investment and financing matchmaking meeting, financial institution SME product matchmaking meeting).

4. Organization

(1) Organizers and organizers

Sponsors: Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance

Organizers: Shaanxi Small and Medium Enterprise Service Center, Xi'an Shanshui Smart Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

(2) Provincial Competition Leading Group

Establish a leading group for the provincial competition:

Team Leader: Zhang Zongke, Director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology

Deputy group leader: Liu Hongchun, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Finance

Ren Junen, Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology

You Zhancun, deputy director-level leader of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology

team member:

Sun Guoquan Director of the Assets Management Division of the Provincial Department of Finance

Li Fanghu Director of County Industry Department of Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology

Zhang Mei, Deputy Director-level Investigator, County Industrial Division, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology

Li Peng, cadre of the Assets Management Division of the Provincial Department of Finance

Li Feng Director of Provincial Service Center for Small and Medium Enterprises

Liu Hui, Deputy Director of Provincial Service Center for Small and Medium Enterprises

The leading group has an office under the Small and Medium Enterprise Service Center of Shaanxi Province. The director of the office is Li Fanghu, director of the County Industry Department of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, who is responsible for the overall arrangement and organization of the competition.

The Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the competition; the funds for the provincial competition are implemented by the Provincial Department of Finance, and are included in the special funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology; the Shaanxi Provincial Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Service Center is responsible for supervising the organization of teams and Enterprise registration; Xi'an Shanshui Wisdom Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. is responsible for event planning, implementation, publicity, training, etc., responsible for statistics, verification, and notification of the number of participating projects, and assisting the organizing committee in other related work of the competition.

(3) Review Committee

In order to ensure the openness, fairness and justice of the competition, the provincial competition organizing committee will hire domestic and provincial venture capital industry leaders, well-known entrepreneurial entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial mentors, financial institutions and industry-renowned experts to form the competition review committee.

The review committee is responsible to the provincial competition organizing committee and independently conducts review work.

5. Eligibility for entry

There are no industry restrictions on the entries.

Participation is especially encouraged for teams and enterprises that have achieved economic and social benefits in original technologies or products, as well as in innovative means and entrepreneurial forms such as the Internet, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence or new materials, new processes, new design ideas, and new business methods.

The entries are divided into Maker Group and Enterprise Group. The registration projects are divided into four tracks according to the industry: modern agriculture, intelligent manufacturing, information technology and comprehensive competition. The participating projects should comply with national laws and regulations, national industrial policies, and business norms, have a good social reputation, have no bad records, and do not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights; applicants must be over 18 years old. Specific requirements are as follows:

(1) Enterprise group

1. Small, medium and micro enterprises that are registered in Shaanxi Province and meet the requirements of the "Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Classification Standard Regulations" (Gongxinbulianqi [2011] No. 300);

2. Legal enterprises and institutions that have obtained a business license or registered with the civil affairs department before March 1, 2018;

3. The participating companies have innovative products, technologies or business models with great growth potential;

4. The project has entered the market or has been actually produced, and has good management, economic and social benefits.

(2) Maker group

1. Small, medium and micro enterprises registered after March 1, 2018;

2. Teams with scientific and technological innovation achievements or entrepreneurial plans, unregistered enterprises or institutions;

3. Participants must be the core members or founders of the participating teams, and the core team members shall not exceed 5;

4. The team leader and main founder have not acted as legal representatives of other enterprises;

5. The ideas, products, technologies and related patents of the participating projects belong to the participating teams, and there is no intellectual property dispute with other units or individuals.

6. How to sign up

Qualified enterprises and makers (hereinafter collectively referred to as participants) can register for the competition. Participants can register through the official website of the competition (http://www.cnmaker.org.cn) (see Appendix 1 for the registration process). The organizer and co-organizers recommend unified registration. Unregistered entrants will not be allowed to participate in the competition. The contest does not charge any fees to participants.

7. Competition process

The competition will be conducted according to the recommended registration of cities and counties (districts), municipal preliminary competition, provincial semi-final, provincial final and national final. 1. The National Finals project recommends six stages to proceed.

(1) Competition launching ceremony (May 8th to May 15th, 2019)

In order to expand the influence and create a good and enthusiastic atmosphere for innovation and entrepreneurship, the organizing committee of the competition plans to hold the launching ceremony of the competition in early May 2019 (the specific time and place will be notified separately).

The competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises in various cities, districts and counties, national and provincial small and medium-sized enterprise innovation demonstration bases, universities, mass innovation carriers, venture capital institutions, etc. fill in the "Receipt of Participation in the Launching Ceremony of the First "Maker Shaanxi" Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition" Form" (see Attachment 2), determine the participants, and send it to Shaanxi Small and Medium Enterprise Service Center by letter or fax, and send the electronic version to 3063193227@qq.com.

(2) Organization registration (May 10 to June 10, 2019)

1. The competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises at the city (district) level should attach great importance to the organization, management and selection of this competition. All municipal competent departments are required to set up a leading group for the competition, with the participation of the Municipal (District) Finance Bureau, the leader of the municipal (district) small and medium-sized enterprise department as the team leader, arrange special personnel to be responsible for organizing and training local small and medium-sized enterprises to participate, and allocate special funds for this competition. Contest publicity, activities and other expenses. This competition "Maker Shaanxi" set up an organization award to commend the city (district) bureau that has performed outstandingly in the organization of this competition.

2. The competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises in each city (district) should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises in each district (county), give full play to the industrial advantages of the concentrated industrial parks in the county, and recommend specialized and special new enterprises and excellent enterprises and entrepreneurial teams in the jurisdiction to register in accordance with the requirements of the competition . The number of entries recommended by the small and medium-sized enterprise administrative departments of each county and district shall not be less than 5; the projects recommended by the small and medium-sized enterprise administrative departments of each district (county) shall be directly submitted to the municipal-level small and medium-sized enterprise administrative departments in the form of written materials after online registration; After being selected by the municipal competent department of small and medium-sized enterprises, they will be reported to the leading group.

3. The national-level SME entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration base recommends excellent enterprises and entrepreneurial teams to register in accordance with the competition entry requirements, and the number of recommended entries is required to be no less than 5; the provincial-level SME entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration base requires no less than 2 recommended entries The project organization recommended by each SME entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration base to participate in the competition shall submit the written materials directly to the local municipal SME competent department after online registration, and the municipal SME competent department shall report to the leading group after selection.

4. Organizations such as universities, employment and entrepreneurship authorities, science and technology authorities, and crowd-creation carriers intend to participate in the enterprises and teams, directly through the competition registration system, and recommend registration within the specified time limit.

5. The deadline for registration of projects recommended by each unit is June 10, 2019.

(3) Municipal preliminary competition (June 10 to June 30, 2019)

Encourage the competent departments of small and medium-sized enterprises in each city (district) to take the lead in establishing the city (district) competition organizing committee, and organize experts to review the entries recommended by each district (county) according to the competition review rules and based on the registration materials of the entries, or The organizing committees of each city-level competition select and recommend excellent projects through project roadshows.

After the city-level project review is over, each city-level competition organizing committee will select and recommend no less than 10 projects from the Maker Group and the Enterprise Group to participate in the provincial-level semi-finals. Enterprise Service Center, the deadline for submission is July 5, 2019.

(4) Provincial semi-finals (July 2019)

The provincial semi-finals are divided into two links: online review and on-site roadshow, and are held in four tracks: military-civilian technology, information technology, biomedicine, and comprehensive (modern agriculture, advanced manufacturing, cultural creativity, social services, etc.).

The specific arrangements are as follows:

1. Online review (July 12-14, 2019)

For the projects recommended by each city to participate in the provincial semi-finals and the entries recommended by other units for registration, five review experts will be organized to hold an online review meeting to select makers from the four tracks of military-civilian technology, information technology, biomedicine, and comprehensive 15 projects from each group and enterprise group will participate in the on-site roadshow of the provincial semi-finals.

The results of the online review will be disclosed to the public through the official websites of the competition sponsors, organizers and co-organizers, WeChat public platforms and cooperative mainstream media.

2. On-site roadshow (July 18-31, 2019)

The on-site roadshow of the semi-finals will be divided into four categories: military-civilian technology, information technology, biomedicine, and comprehensive categories. The maker group and the enterprise group will be held. The specific time and place will be notified separately.

Both groups will adopt the "5 5" road show and on-site defense mode, that is, the contestants will introduce their projects for 5 minutes, and the judges will ask questions for 5 minutes. Among them, the project introduction shall be demonstrated through PPT; the enterprise (team) members participating in the defense shall not exceed 2 people. Each participating company (team) will be scored by 5 judges, and the judges will score the final score of the project on average.

The Maker Group and the Enterprise Group will be ranked according to the score value, and the top 3 projects of the Maker Group and Enterprise Group in each track will be selected to participate in the provincial finals; Cooperate with mainstream media to disclose and publicize to the public.

(5) Provincial finals and awards ceremony (mid-August 2019)

The finals will be divided into Maker Group and Enterprise Group (the specific time and place will be notified separately). Both groups adopt the "5 5" road show and on-site defense mode. Each entry is scored by 7 judges, and the highest score and the lowest score are removed. The judges summarize and average the final score of the project.

In the final, the first, second and third prize projects, excellence prize projects, special prize projects and organization prize projects will be selected according to the final scores on the spot, and an award ceremony will be held.

(6) National final project recommendation (mid-August 2019)

The top 2 projects in the maker group and enterprise group selected on the spot in the provincial finals will be recommended to participate in the national finals held in October 2019.

8. Pre-competition training

The organizing committee of the competition invites relevant entrepreneurial mentors to carry out pre-competition training and guidance for the projects entering the semi-finals and finals. Help participating projects sort out business models, improve business plans, guide PPT production and road show defense, etc. The training is arranged for 9 days in total, including 3 days of intensive training and 6 days of one-on-one training.

9. Reward Mechanism

(1) Award setting

There will be 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, and 3 third prizes in the maker group and enterprise group respectively, with bonuses of 50,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan, and 10,000 yuan respectively; there will be 6 excellence awards each, with a bonus of 3,000 yuan There will be one award for the most commercial value, one for the best product innovation, one for the best technological innovation, one for the best business model, one for the best entrepreneurial spirit, and one for the best popularity, with a bonus of 3,000 yuan and two organization awards , a bonus of 10,000 yuan; and awarded honorary certificates and trophies.

A number of outstanding organization awards will be awarded to units that have made outstanding contributions to the organization of the competition.

(2) Exhibition

Provincial award-winning projects will be given priority to participate in the Shaanxi Provincial SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Achievement Exhibition and various related exhibitions and promotion activities, and will be displayed and promoted on the official platform of the competition.

The winning projects of the national finals will be awarded through the "Maker China" competition digital pavilion, "Maker China" national innovation and entrepreneurship public service platform (including "Maker China" WeChat official account, Weibo, Maker China headlines and live broadcast rooms, etc.) ), China International SME Expo, APEC SME Technology Exchange and Exhibition, etc., to exhibit, publicize and report and recommend services for participating projects, "double innovation" resources and docking results.

(3) Policy incentives

Winning projects can receive the following support:

1. The winning projects of the enterprise group and maker group of the provincial finals will be included in the provincial entrepreneurship and innovation project library, and qualified enterprises will be supported in the 2020 provincial special development funds for small and medium-sized enterprises.

2. Recommend to investment funds and venture capital institutions that cooperate with the competition, conduct investment and financing docking, and strive for investment support.

3. Recommend to the banking institutions that cooperate with the competition, and strive for loan support.

4. Settled in the National Demonstration Base of New Industrialization Industry, the National Demonstration Base of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Small and Micro Enterprises, and Industrial Towns, enjoy the latest entrepreneurship support policies and entrepreneurship incubation services, and accelerate the realization of industrialization.

5. Achievement transformation technical services. Provide technical services such as inspection and testing, technology transfer, industrial design, and solutions on the national public service demonstration platform for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as legal, human resources, financial, and intellectual property services. Arrange entrepreneurial mentors and experts in technology, investment and management to provide guidance.

10. Other matters

1. The working expenses of the provincial semi-finals, finals and follow-up activities of the competition and the prize money of the winners shall be in charge of the organizing committee of the provincial competition; the relevant funds required by each city (district) competition shall be in charge of the organizing committee of each city (district).

All cities (districts) encounter problems in the process of organizing and implementing the competition, and can report and communicate to the provincial competition organizing committee in a timely manner.

2. Contact information of the Provincial Competition Organizing Committee:

County Industrial Division of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology

Zhang Mei Tel: 029-63916834

Shaanxi Provincial Service Center for Small and Medium Enterprises

Wang Penghua Tel: 029-85201093 Fax: 029-85201052

E-mail: smewph@163.com

Xi'an Shanshui Smart Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

Yang Dayou Mobile: 13468886311

Jiang Yuhang Mobile: 18829014818

Tel: 029-87302102

E-mail: 3063193227@qq.com


Attachments: 1. Competition registration process

2. Participation receipt form for the launching ceremony of the first "Maker Shaanxi" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition



Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance

May 16, 2019




Appendix 1

Competition registration process(competition registration and docking service registration)

Competitors and matchmaking service agencies register through the Internet.

1. Enter the competition official website, website: www.cnmaker.org.cn.

2. To register as a user for the first time, click "Free Registration", fill in and complete the information according to the prompts, and pass the real-name authentication.

3. As a registered user, click "Login" to enter the "User Center" to maintain, publish or update information.

4. Contestants click on "Registration" to publish their entries.

Appendix 2

The First "Maker Shaanxi" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship CompetitionReceipt Form for Participation in the Launching Ceremony


Organization name




Contact information



Note: 1. It is required that no less than 2 persons in charge of the specific work of each unit attend the meeting;

2. Send the return receipt form to the Shaanxi Small and Medium Enterprise Service Center by letter or fax;

3. Send the electronic version to 3063193227@qq.com.



Unit (stamp):


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