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My summer vacation life ppt model essay

After writing, you can also write a few more sheets in advance, just in case. My summer vacation life ppt is as follows: Page 1: Title My summer vacation life Page 2: Contents 1. Chinese homework 2. Math homework 3. English homework Page 3: Chinese homewo

The summer homework given by the teacher includes Chinese, mathematics and English, each of which is less than 60 pages in total. Write a piece of paper, and check it carefully after you finish it, so you can finish it in a month. If you can’t write it because of special things, you don’t have to worry about not finishing your summer homework.

Read 20 minutes of wonderful articles on time at seven o'clock every day. Prepare to read more than 8 extracurricular books during the summer vacation. Must be useful or a book I like. Read at least one hour a day to increase your knowledge.

Write a diary and post a blog post every two days. If you want to travel, or go to summer camp, you can relax a little bit. Usually, you must strictly control yourself to revise each article several times before posting it to the blog. Try to write as smoothly and vividly as possible, and work hard for each article.

I signed up for two summer vacation classes during the holidays, street dance class and English class. I am going to write the words silently at home one hour before the English class, review and preview the text content. After the study class, when I go home, I will teach my mother the English content I learned that day (I often serve as my mother's teacher). Hip-hop dance must be studied every day and performed for the family at home.

I signed up for a summer camp in Beijing in the Little Newton Science Experiment Class. There are seven days in total. Beijing played around. Write a good composition when you get home. In those seven days, you must learn to manage your life well and have a happy summer camp.

In addition to the above'plans, physical exercise is also very important, and you should exercise outdoors for at least one hour a day. During the holidays, I still want my father to teach me how to swim. Have a fulfilling summer vacation.

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