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Mr. Huang Yongyu's 2022-2023 new work "Who else is so so so": Let this memory soothe all my sorrows

Mr. Huang Yongyu is a famous writer and photographer in China. According to your description, his new work "Who else is so so" will be launched in 2022-2023. This work aims to soothe the author's inner sadness through memories. However, it is a pity that

Mr. Huang YongyuPhotographer: Flounder< /span>

Mr. Huang Yongyu is sick Left at 3:43 on June 13, 2023. The family respects his wishes: no farewell or memorial ceremony will be held.

Mr. Huang Yongyu is a writer The author of the publishing house for many years, many important works have met readers and friends through the writer's publishing house, and are deeply loved by everyone. Mr. Huang has said many times: "One day when I bid farewell to the world, I will say two things: 1. I have many kind-hearted friends. 2. I am a hardworking person."

Mr. Huang is always writing Continuously, in 2022-2023, he wrote a number of articles recalling his old friends, which were collected as "Who and Who" and the Writer's Publishing House will be listed within a week. On May 16, 2023, when the editor and the US editor delivered the sample book to Mr. Huang, he said, "I can finally sleep well after this book comes out."

Published in 2021 In his complete collection of poems "Jian Xiao Ji", there is a poem "If I live to be a hundred years old": "One day will come, / Like a journey, / I will carry a small bag, / On my chest Put an unopened rose in your pocket, / Like an old hand on a long voyage, / Without disturbing others, / Gently close the / door of your long-lived home with your backhand.”

This is our farewell Mr. Huang. Thank him for the love he has given us.

Huang Yongyu: Let this memory soothe all my sorrows

Text/Zhang Wei

Write this review At that time, what I was looking forward to in my heart was going to Beijing to see the exhibition of Mr. Huang Yongyu's 100-year-old art exhibition in 2024. However, after writing the book review, there was news of Mr. Huang Yongyu's departure. Think of him in the collection of essays"Who and Who"< span style="color: #000000; --tt-darkmode-color: #A3A3A3;">This paragraph in the preface: "After this book is published, I will hold a painting exhibition until I am 100 years old. At least I will be busy. Three or four paintings. Probably, I probably don’t have time to write any more articles. There is still more than a year left before the 100th birthday. I climbed down day by day; so there is still time for me to finish drawing three or four paintings. If I don’t live to that moment, and I can’t see my own painting exhibition, of course I’m a bit regretful, that’s God’s will, no one can help I can't be busy." The pain in my heart is beyond words. It's just that Mr. Huang's insight, calmness, calmness, and composure may comfort all living beings in our generation! He has seen life and death so clearly, so let's read the swan song of his life.

Huang Yongyu's new collection of essays "Who else is so and so" is already in print, and the Writer's Publishing House is expected to be on the market within a week.

Mr. Huang Yongyu and the new book "Who and Who" (coming soon)

First seen book Ming couldn't help laughing: This old man is so funny, only he can come up with such a title! When I finished reading the book, I couldn't laugh anymore. Huang Yongyu's profound sadness seemed to be condensed in a book, showing to the worldThe century-old vicissitudes of a life, the image of a person's fate, the warmth and loneliness of an emotion.

Earlier, Huang Yongyu Published a collection of essays"Older than me"< span style="color: #000000; --tt-darkmode-color: #A3A3A3;">, recalling the mentors and friends in the literary and art circles who had an important influence on his life, in the preface of "Who else is so and so", Huang Yongyu said "There are more than a dozen articles I have written, which are similar in nature to "Old Man Older Than Me", so I compiled them"Who else is so and so",——a bit joking, old The husband's usual humor and jokes are also a bit indescribable, revealing the complex state of mind.

From In terms of content, "Who else is so so" should be said to be a sequel or supplement to "Old Man Older than Me". The two books constitute a complete history of contemporary personal memory.

Mr. Huang Yongyu and the new book "Who and Who" (coming soon)

One This book records the fate of many individuals, reflecting the background of an era. A nearly hundred-year-old man, looking back at his life journey, saw In this way, the people related to his life have all disappeared into the dust and smoke, and there may be boundless desolation and loneliness in his heart, right? I saw him write: "I went back to Hong Kong to live for a few years. After returning to Beijing, these gentlemen are gone." , Yu Feng, Ding Cong, Shen Jun passed away, Xu Linlu passed away, and Meixi also passed away."... Huang Yongyu's life is connected with their past, those familiar old friends once comforted and warmed his life, and now , this memory is so painful.

Older than me In "The Old Man", Huang Yongyu wrote "These Melancholic Detritus" recalling his uncle Shen Congwen. The core content of the story also constitutes the real and subtle historical folds presented by different characters. Their Sorrow, honor and disgrace, rise and fall, life and death, haste and composure, weakness and bravery, betrayal and faith ...these are all past events that Huang Yongyu will never forget. Those teachers, friends and friends who intersected with his life have already become a part of his life in time. They are his light and shadow, his background, and his journey. The map is also his spiritual texture, and he wrote a book of life together with them.

《Who else "Who and Who" except "Sports and the Relationship between Men and Women" and "Dream Side", which are reflections on some current social issues, the other chapters are memories of old people. "Only One Wang Shixiang"Writing about the encounter and intersection with Wang Shixiang, a master of cultural relics collection and appreciation,"Lucky Xiao Can Heard"recorded Zhang Xueliang The younger brother Zhang Xueming is forthright and straightforward, "How Can a Light Boat Cross Ten Thousand Mountains?" ——Reminiscing about my friend Wang Xun and Chang Renxia"Complicated and multifaceted human nature,< /span>"Lonely Dream Fragrance-Unforgettable Mr. Xu Xingzhi"Highlights the integrity of the Republic of China director Xu Xingzhi,"Let this memory soothe all my sorrows"Desperately write the 60-year friendship between the Huang family and the Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao" Pan Jidi and Zou Jieyu couple,"Mr. Zheng Zhenduo"shows the style of a scholar who respects facts,"Nearly Forgotten Story"Seeing an equal and generous Jiang Jingguo,《 Late Tears"Literary writer Xiao Qian and his son Xiao Tiezhu surfaced to the little people "Has your aunt ever laughed?" "Destroying the liver and breaking the intestines...

"Who else is so so" with pictures

The long river of Huang Yongyu's memory Here, the turbulent years of history and the ups and downs of personal fate experienced with the deceased are the woodcut prints he carved with one knife at a time. These words,Calm and sharp, calm and ups and downs, humorous and sad. The sadness of a centenarian may not be carried by time, when he wrote "I was sitting at the table writing this memory, and I didn't feel that the words had been fully explained. How many shadows of old friends passed by, and the last one was me", how lonely it must be! The sky and the earth are pale and yellow, and the surrounding fields are bright, but there is only one person who is crying.

Huang Yongyu is experiencing life The biggest separation is the disappearance of those people who form the latitude and longitude of his life, just like the extinguishing of lamps one by one, he can only sing the brilliance of life softly in the words. Huang Yongyu's generous and soft heart is burdened with irreparable human wounds, but he still restores those broken and warm memories with perseverance and great compassion, so that history refuses to be forgotten and humanity shines brightly.

Yes The unique insight of human nature is the most thought-provoking writing of "Who and Who", Huang Yongyu The wisdom created by a hundred years of extraordinary life experience is comparable to that of Kuo Dahan. He allows us to enter history by describing human nature, and sees how the waves of history topple human destiny, and also makes human nature present a multi-sided mirror. Huang Yongyu capitalizes the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, and records the integrity and persistence of life when he is in an involuntary life dilemma, the light and strength of human nature; he will also pass through the dark tunnel of human nature, and write about his pity and interrogation, and the absurdity and barbarism of history.

"Who else is so so" with pictures

Cartoonist Huang Miaozi After returning from the Anti-Rightist Movement, he heard that Huang Yongyu wanted to re-carve a set of fine characters in "Water Margin", so he immediately took out his note cards about the Song Dynasty for Huang Yongyu's reference, and also helped Huang Yongyu read books and check materials, but Huang Yongyu faced the darkest In a moment, a passion is gone:"I copied the borrowed card carefully, and respectfully Thank you very much. Two hundred pieces of wooden boards were also prepared, and I also learned to read some historical materials of the Song Dynasty. Later, the wooden boards were removed, and the cards were scattered on the floor of the rebel office. I saw it with my own eyes when I was asking questions. Being stepped on."What a cruel and painful scene, Huang Yongyu's chest at that time It's like inserting a knife! When Huang Miaozi came back, he was "in rags", but he used his generosity to convey the friendship and warmth of the righteousness in the world. This kindness of human nature is enough to support Huang Yongyu's pain and regenerate his pride: "People like me who grew up in the rivers and lakes cannot be discouraged, and anger never lasts overnight!"

Movie "The Wind and the Cloud" "Director Xu Xingzhi "stands up silently and goes home when discussing the "Pull the White Flag" of the Red College and White College at the Academy of Fine Arts. The whole audience was dumbfounded." He also defended art when criticizing "Impressionism", Emphasize the aesthetics of Impressionism. The conscience that people stick to in suffering and the character of intellectuals are vividly displayed on the paper. Huang Yongyu, who fell into trouble because of his painting of owls, had to be criticized by 20 or 30 philistines at the Academy of Fine Arts every day. He didn’t have the energy to eat when he went home at night, but he had to write the “check” to be handed in the next day. His friend Pan Jidi wrote it for him every night. , Huang Yongyu copied it by himself early the next morning. Many years later, Huang Yongyu is still heartbroken:"In the middle of the night, Lao Pan was sweating profusely on the table for I'm in a hurry", this is a picture of love in troubled times, engraved on the earth Woodblock prints, reading makes people cry.

Taste like Huang Yongyu Text:"Brother Wang Shixiang and Brother Zhu Jiayu were working in the lower ranks, one day they passed a field of rapeseed On the ground, I saw a plant that was trampled on the ground for unknown reasons. When I was in grief, it was still struggling to bloom and bear fruit, and said: 'It has fallen, but it can still bloom with its neck twisted.'”My heart is in great grief, and the world is moved by it. What kind of stubborn struggle is this? What kind of indestructible faith in life? How can the light of humanity still shine in the desperate situation?

"Who else is there"

Huang Yongyu/author

Published by Writer Press in June 2023

I especially like it One is "Has your aunt ever laughed?" ", describes the aunt Cao Yuru who works in Huang Yongyu's house, an ordinary low-level laborer, her husband Sacrifice during the fierce battle with the Japanese devils, the twin sons were thrown into the river by the devils,"Auntie was I went back to my natal family, and sat alone by the Chaobai River for three days", come She has been working and living in Huang Yongyu's house for many years. She is simple, sincere, honest and kind. She sincerely likes the two children of Huang's family. She has the wisdom of life that has experienced great hardships and the calmness of wading through the torrent of life. There is only one thing she can't force herself: the guests Never seen her smile. Her smile only blooms when she gets along with children. This woman is so rich yet so simple, richness stems from suffering, simplicity stems from purity, the writer Nie Gannu sighed:"Love, hate, motherland, death, life, how is it so simple for her?"Sitting by the Chaobai River, what kind of turmoil did she have in her heart? What kind of thrilling and intense battle did you experience? Huang Yongyu's writing has always been straightforward and concise, without major arrangements or strong exaggerations, but there is an undercurrent behind the writing, and the blank space gives people unlimited imagination:"If you knew about her first half of her life, you wouldn't be able to laugh!"She will implant the principles of life when telling stories to children, she will know where to bring the child back when the child is angry and disappears, and she will stand up for the Huang family when they are in trouble. Mrs. Huang Meixi called her the "gyroscope" at home, "playing the role of stability on the ship", Huang Yongyu said:"She understands life, she also laughs, her smile is not superficial, she has a sense of humor."She has clear grievances and grievances, and abides by morality. The Huang family gives her full respect and love. She becomes a member of the Huang family, relying on each other and supporting each other. When she was sick, the Huang family devoted all their efforts to treating her, and then married and had children from the Huang family. This woman named Cao Yuru has an ordinary life, but she shines with the brilliance of human nature. The great sufferings of life are turned into the spring of life, nourishing those in need. Her existence is the existence of the light of human nature, and it is the first and last shelter of human nature.

Aunt Cao went back to her mother's house at that time, and after returning home, she sat alone by the Chaobai River for three days

There is light and there is In the shadow, Huang Yongyu also writes about human weakness, the unbearable and gloomy nature of human nature in special circumstances. "How Can a Light Boat Cross Ten Thousand Mountains?" ——Recalling my friend Wang Xun and Chang Renxia"The academic opinion of art historian Wang Xun , academic accomplishment, and academic achievements, he had a chivalrous act of caring for the lonely Shen Congwen, and the two were still arguing about traditional Chinese art together. An old friend who talks about calligraphy and painting and life. However, during the "Cultural Revolution", Wang Xun demolished the window Huang Yongyu painted for him when he got married and the lampshade fan painted by Huang's children and handed it over to the organization, and exposed Huang Yongyu, Shen Congwen, and their roommates when they collectively "studied". Standing man. Huang Yongyu doesn't understand,"He has read so many Chinese and Western texts in his life, and his profound knowledge includes moral conduct On the one hand, you should control your own style."He tried to understand Wang Xun, imagining if If he doesn't experience brutal political campaigns, will he have more understanding and compassion for others? Huang Yongyu knows that fear destroys a person's will in this way:"It's a pity that anti-rightists degenerate him into A cicada with nothing left.”He told his wife Meixi:< span style="color: #000000; --tt-darkmode-color: #A3A3A3;">"Forgive him, he is too scared."Huang Yongyu's sympathy and regret are depressing. Only through his insight into human nature can he cross the torrent of the soul.

《Who else Whoso" is alsoElegy about true temperament, the scenery of a group of temperamental people described in the work has disappeared today. With their passing away, we can only feel sad about their gone back view. When Huang Yongyu recorded their true temperament, he was recording an open-minded and free way of life Dissipation, a kind of spiritual seclusion belonging to a generation.

Chang Renxia is India A cultural scholar and a well-known activist during the Anti-Japanese War, he was the director of the library of the Central Academy of Fine Arts at the time. In 1966, he was escorted by the rebels to the countryside in the suburbs of Beijing. Amidst the noise, Chang Renxia, ​​the leader of the rebel faction, ordered Chang Renxia to recite poems to the peasants. This book He wanted to insult Chang Renxia, ​​but Chang Renxia recited Du Fu's "Prime Minister of Shu" like a formal performance: "Where can I find the ancestral hall of the prime minister? Outside Jinguan City, there is a dense forest. The steps are green and the grass comes from the spring scenery, and the oriole is empty with a good voice." Three Gu frequently troubled the world with schemes, and the two dynasties helped the old ministers. He died before he left the teacher, which made the hero burst into tears." Then,"Mr. Chang bows to thank you and returns to the original position" . Using Du Fu's silence to imply the haste of people's situation when the world is in danger, but it is easy to be insulted Human dignity and decency are maintained amidst the damage and damage.

Huang Yongyu and Wang Shixiang The first meeting was at the home of Mr. Zhang Guangyu, an art professor. I saw the book Wang Shixiang gave to Zhang Guangyu on the table, and took it for a look. The clinker Wang Shixiang didn’t know Huang Yongyu. "!" At that time, Huang Yongyu really wanted to pat the back of his head. The next time I went to visit Zhang Guangyu, Wang Shixiang turned around and went back to the house to bring a book to Huang Yongyu: "I'm so rude! I'm sorry! I, Wang Shixiang, you Huang Yongyu! Please enjoy "Painting Records", please enjoy." Pride and Sincerity without falsehood, love and loveliness to the extreme.

Pan Jidi and Zou Jieyu He has known the Huang family for 50 or 60 years, and he has a panoramic view of many details: Pan Jidi likes to play chess and also likes to regret chess, and is immediately annoyed when someone exposes him. His wife, Zou Jie, loves beauty. Wear beautiful clothes with headscarves,"Every day from morning to night, clean the entire hall Like the photos in the newspaper promoting the new society". Pan Jidi wanted to go hunting with Huang Yongyu. He was fully armed like a long trip, and he kept talking about forgetting this and that along the way. He completely forgot about the hunting rules of concentration and keeping quiet. After walking a few steps, he had to rest and sleep. As soon as I fell asleep, I walked sixty miles for a day without hitting anything! Huang Yongyu's Pan Jiye's youthful heart is ready to come out, which is hilarious, and his affirmation of the truth is even more unbearable:"When I write it today, decades later, I don't feel sorry for his spirit in heaven at all, and there is no exaggeration..."When it comes to hunting, although it was done in difficult times, Huang Yongyu felt very sad when he thought of it in his later years, and he had deep reflection on this: "I have shot goats, rabbits, geese, and they all have homes and mates. Cruelty is not a part of it It’s true. The world belongs to everyone, and people only understand this when they are old, alas!” I think later he raised many animals in his house and he treated them like family, does that have something to do with that?

He comes to life Zhang Xueming's willfulness, Wang Daoyuan's bloodiness, Tang Shengming's legend, Zhang Er's exuberance, Jiang Jingguo's Nostalgia, Han Suyin's mastery, old Gongtou's dream, Xiao Tiezhu's deep affection...Huang Yongyu The faces passing by in the historical corridor of memories are scattered into mud and dust, only the fragrance remains the same. Such landscapes of his woodcuts have become relics.

Huang Yongyu is looking back I have said many times in my century life:"When I say goodbye to the world one day, I will say two First satisfaction: First, I have many kind-hearted friends. Second, I am a hardworking person.”It is true that Huang Yongyu has never slackened his work to win the sincere love of his friends, and the friends who cherish each other have become the basis of Huang Yongyu's artistic career. This is the affirmation and dignity that people with great achievements, great personality, big heart, and great temperament give to their lives.

《 Who else is so and so reveals a sad and wild, independent and free soul of the century.

"Who else is there"

Huang Yongyu/author

Published by Writer Press in June 2023

A new collection of essays by the famous painter and writer Huang Yongyu, created in 2022-2023. In this work, the centenarians look back at the long journey of life they have traveled, and the old friends and relatives who have traveled along the way, telling about their feelings, destiny, ideals and return. Those moments of interaction between souls and hearts have illuminated each other's lives and become indelible memories. Their sympathy for each other is deeply shocking, and the affection of the mountains and rivers is an invisible and peerless scenery. Straightforward, sincere, sharp, introspective, the end of the pen is full of a philosopher's deep love for life.

The book has a total of 14 chapters, with many new illustrations created by Mr. Huang.

Writer Press is expected to be available within a week.

Preface to "Who else is so so so"

Today is the 15th day of the first month of Guimao, and many friends will come to have dinner later. This meal is like saying goodbye to Renyin Nian.

There are more than a dozen articles I have written at hand, which are similar in nature to "Old Man Older Than Me". Give it a name, simply call it: "Who else is so so so".

After this book is published, I will hold a painting exhibition until I am 100 years old, and I will be busy with at least three or four paintings. Probably, probably there is no time to write more articles. There is still more than a year before I turn 100. Today is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and I will be ninety-nine by the ninth day of July, and then I will gradually climb closer to one hundred years old; so there is still time for me to spend three years. Four paintings are finished. If I don't live to that moment, and I can't see my own painting exhibition, of course I'm a little regretful, that's God's will, and no one can help.

This book is dedicated to my dear daughter Heini, thank her for taking care of my sick body day and night.

Dad's ninety-nine-year-old process

Huang Yongyu Works Series

"Along the Seine to Emerald"

(new revision)

Huang Yongyu/drawing

Published by Writer Press in January 2023

"Along the Seine to Emerald" is Mr. Huang Yongyu who lived in Europe in the 1990s The artistic travel essays written while sketching and painting have been widely loved by readers for more than 30 years since their publication. The book is divided into two volumes: "Along the Seine" and "Emerald Feelings". Following Mr. Huang's brushwork, we can enjoy a different kind of artistic landscape: Notre Dame Cathedral, Eiffel Tower, Fiesori Hill, Leonardo da Vinci Memorial, and the Rotonda Café mentioned in Ehrenburg's memoirs, coffee Rodin's Balzac statue near the museum, the Holocaust Memorial Hall not far from Notre Dame, the town and tombstone where the Van Gogh brothers are buried, Dante's home and the Holy Trinity Bridge where Dante met Beatrice, etc. wait wait wait. The author is sensitive and meticulous, full of sense of humor, and vividly and fascinatingly describes the strange and interesting things encountered during the journey and the interesting contacts with the people in the places where he lives. From the street to the panorama of the town, from the culture to the folk customs of the city, from the architecture to the customs, from the celebrity to the ordinary citizen... All of Huang Yongyu's paintings and words exude a fresh atmosphere, which can be called a volume of souls that understand the feelings of European people and the world. map.

This isRevised by Mr. Huang himself. Each article is accompanied by Mr. Huang's oil paintings, watercolors, etc., a total of 70 pieces< /strong>. Some paintings are included in this book for the first time. The binding design is elegant and elegant, and the format is large 16 format (205X240) , sealed inside and outside, stitched and bound, and the book block is wrapped in blue cloth, which can be read evenly at 180 degrees, while taking into account the beauty and firmness. The whole book is printed in four colors using high-weight special paper to restore the details of the paintings to the greatest extent.

《Wu Shimang Forum》

Huang Yongyu|drawing

Published by Writer Press in May 2022

Cloth Cover Hardcover Collector's Edition


Say a few words

Huang Yongyu

This joke book published in 1998 will be published again, after 23 years, many respected friends And the elders are gone. One year when I attended the memorial service of Gong Nugong in Babao Mountain, I met Xia Yangong. He asked me who Wu Shimang was? The third and the fourth, how could you see the little girl Yu Feng wearing two braids in the school, stepping on roller shoes, going to each classroom to watch people draw sketches? How come I don't know you? Never heard of it? Yu Fengmiaozi came over and pointed at my nose: "He's just busy with nothing!"

How many years have passed, I was only seventy-five years old, so young and glorious!

These articles were published in the magazine "New Observation" at the time. This book has been republished, how can I forget those countless respected friends?

Sun City, Beijing, September 27, 2021< /span>

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