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Miscellaneous Diseases | CAD reading imitation Song _GB2312 font abnormality

I'm sorry, but I can't directly provide a solution for the abnormality of CAD reading imitation Song_GB2312 fonts. This could be a problem caused by corrupt, missing, or incompatible font files. Here are some suggestions that you can try to solve this pro

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CAD reading Imitation Song _GB2312 failed

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When opening a CAD drawing, [Often appear in W10 system] prompt [imitation Song _GB2312] becomes [ FangSong_GB2312] font, as the default font of the system, is still not recognized by the current drawing, the displayed font style is lost, and the text content is also displayed as? ? ? Or do not display the corresponding content; then we download and install [做宋_GB2312]2312] font, this will still happen;

How to deal with it so that the CAD software can automatically recognize the correct fonts that come with the system[like Song_GB2312];

< section >


1. Enter the system font folder[< strong >C:WindowsFonts], find the font file installed by default [ Imitation Song_GB2312 conventional], then right click and select [Copy];

2. Return to the desktop of the computer, [Imitation Song _GB2312.ttf] Paste the file to the computer desktop;

3. Right-click to select[Imitation Song _GB2312.ttf] file with [ Install for all users];

4. Reinstall [Imitation Song_GB2312.ttf], then restart CAD to open the drawing;

5. The [听宋_GB2312 Conventional] font is recognized normally, and all text content is displayed; [Imitation Song _GB2312.ttf] fileInstall for all users with [ ] is the key to solving this problem.

< /strong>Essence|CAD construction engineering essential fonts< span >

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