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Middle school teaching practice ppt model essay

Title: Survey and practice of school scientific research management Introduction: Dear teachers, dear students, hello everyone! Today I want to share with you the social practice activities of the investigation of the school's scientific research manageme

[Investigation time and place] During a period of one month from April 20 to May 20, XX, I conducted social practice activities related to the investigation of "school scientific research management" in Xitang Middle School.

[Investigation method] Field investigation, questionnaire survey, interview

[Investigation process and content]

In order to further strengthen the organization, management and guidance of the school's educational research and reform of education and teaching, and to understand and give full play to the nature, status and role of the teaching departments of primary and secondary schools, Xitang Middle School promoted some comrades from the front line of teaching and established the Xitang Middle School Teaching Department.

With the reform and development of education, the in-depth advancement of quality education and the comprehensive development of basic education curriculum reform, the educational ideology of the majority of primary and secondary school teachers and school leaders is also constantly changing, and the status and role of education and scientific research are being increasingly recognized. people know. Education and scientific research is no longer a short-term behavior, it is not an expedient measure, and it is not dispensable. It is a long-term, complex, arduous, and strategically significant systematic project of the school. It must be managed by a special organization and a full-time leader. Responsible. The establishment of the school's teaching department just filled this gap, making the school's educational research and teaching reform experiments truly implemented.

During the investigation, I interviewed Mr. Chu, the person in charge of the school's scientific research management, and he introduced to me the situation of the school's scientific research management in detail.

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1. Routine management

The teaching department adopts scientific management methods and establishes and improves various rules and regulations. For example, the education and scientific research leading group and the science and technology education leading group have been established; the responsibilities of the members of the scientific research leading group, the responsibilities of the leading group for science and technology, the responsibilities of the teaching department, the responsibilities of the director of the teaching department, the responsibilities of the organizers of scientific and technological activities, and the responsibilities of the staff of the science and technology activity room have been formulated. More than ten kinds of responsibilities, such as the Code of Conduct for Students' Science and Technology Activities. Through several cleaning adjustments and improvements, various folders have been established. Such as provincial documents, city documents, county documents, school documents and campus dynamics, materials exchanged between various departments, various materials in this room, room code of responsibilities and plan summary, project approval documents, basic situation of experimental subjects, science and technology Innovation contest documents and related materials, competition documents and competition materials, research learning materials, teacher published papers, student published papers, teacher awards, student awards, meeting records, work logs, etc. 18 folders.

2. Project management

(1) Establishment of subject files

First create a file for each topic, the file content includes:

⑴Project approval documents; ⑵Project experiment plan; ⑶Phase summary report; ⑷Individual experimental research results (papers, experience, etc.); Experimental typical teaching plans (teaching and research-type teaching plans); ⑼ modern educational media software materials (self-made according to the experimental content, including slides, slides, audio tapes, video tapes, vcd, cai courseware, collections, electronic portfolios, etc.); ⑽ students’ Examination results (experimental class and control class); ⑾The activities of various types of extracurricular activity groups; ⑿Students in the experimental class are doing exercises in various subjects (knowledge competitions, small essays, literary works, learning experience, proposals, proposals, etc.); (10) Data obtained by observation and investigation. In short, the materials that you think are relevant to your experiment are all within the scope of data collection.

(2) Introduction to the basic situation of the subject

In order to facilitate the review and understanding of the basic situation of the subject, the content of the basic situation is as follows:

1. Experimental stage: first, second and third stages.

2. Subjects of the experiment: Which grade, which class or which classes are the experimental classes, and which classes are the comparison classes.

3. Organizational management: ① Topic leading group; ② Topic research group (a, main researchers, b, co-researchers); ③ Advisory guidance group.

4. Promotion, communication, and awards: ① Time to complete the question, and time to pass the appraisal of the expert group; ② When to publish it in magazines or newspapers;

(3) Compile experimental teacher training materials

Theory and Application of Modern Educational Technology Research in Primary and Secondary Schools

1. Principles of subject research

(1) The principle of integrity: starting from the whole of education, according to the requirements of educational scientific research, select topics and conduct research.

⑵Principle of objectivity: face up to objective facts, reflect objective facts, base everything on objective facts, proceed from reality, and reflect the nature and laws of things realistically.

(3) Systematic principle: treat research activities as a system, and comprehensively study elements, structures, contact methods, activity states and development processes.

(4) Feasibility principle: whether it is true and reliable, whether it has scientific value and whether it can be promoted and applied.

2. The research method of the topic

(1) Experimental method: According to the purpose of the research, artificially control the research factors, and obtain scientific facts and laws by observing and measuring the behavior or psychological changes of the subjects.

(2) Survey method: A method of obtaining a large amount of information by investigating the history and current situation of the research object.

(3) Observation method: A purposeful and planned method to investigate phenomena that occur under naturally occurring conditions.

⑷Measuring method: A method of giving certain characteristic symbols or mathematics to some objects or events. Educational measures include intelligence, aptitude, academic achievement, creativity, interests, attitudes, or personality.

(5) Statistical method: the principles and methods of sorting out, calculating, analyzing, interpreting and statistically testing the collected data through observation and investigation experiments.

3. Questionnaire Design and Survey

(1) Design questionnaire

Before carrying out the investigation, it is necessary to introduce the basic method of research on the subject—the relevant knowledge of the investigation method, and determine the object and content of the investigation. The survey mainly includes two aspects: (1) the current situation of scientific research in the school; (2) teachers' evaluation, opinions and suggestions on scientific research.

In order to produce a good questionnaire, I carefully studied and analyzed some collected questionnaires. The design of the questionnaire was completed in two parts. The first time, a questionnaire about the status quo of scientific research in the school was drafted. After implementing the survey and collecting the questionnaires, we discussed and designed a questionnaire about teachers' evaluations, opinions and suggestions on scientific research.

During the questionnaire design process, I began to feel the seriousness of the research project and the requirements for personal quality in the operation process, and realized that there is a lot of knowledge to learn beyond scientific research.

(2) Questionnaire survey

Two groups (grass-roots teachers and leaders in charge of scientific research) were selected as the survey points, and questionnaire surveys were carried out separately. The survey was done in two parts. The method of random sampling was mainly adopted, and a total of about 50 questionnaires were distributed and returned twice, 15 for the first time and about 35 for the second time. Such a survey is also a first for them.

4. Problems

Indeed, the teachers living at the grassroots level really feel the obstacles or estrangements in the educational and scientific research activities of primary and secondary schools. They are afraid, shout, and hesitate about the educational and scientific research activities.

First, there are gaps and conflicts between teachers’ teaching and scientific research activities and external administrative departments and social evaluation scales

Specifically, teaching and scientific research activities are activities that seek truth and goodness, while social and educational administrative departments often use student performance as the evaluation criterion when evaluating school work. Educational scientific research activities require independence and fear of authority, but the evaluation of educational scientific research ignores these and puts utilitarian goals in the first place. Facing this kind of conflict, school principals and teachers feel that although teachers' teaching and scientific research activities are advocated, they can be an emergency or a means of decoration due to the evaluation orientation of persuasionism. Therefore, research for the sake of research, research for professional titles, and research for evaluation have become commonplace.

Second, there are gaps and conflicts between individual teachers' teaching and scientific research activities and the teaching behavior of teachers groups

For teachers, teaching and scientific research activities are not only a new behavior, but also a new cultural value. It requires the formation of a teacher culture of cooperative inquiry and joint development among the teacher groups. For a long time, under the dominant value orientation of quality and efficiency, under the activities of subjects, classes, classrooms, grades, teaching units, and tasks, what the teacher group has formed is a task-oriented individualism and competition. teacher culture. In this way, although some schools have teaching and research activities, such research activities often become a means of mutual inspection, evaluation, supervision and gossip between leaders and peers, which in turn intensifies the individualistic culture of teachers. Therefore, teachers' teaching and scientific research activities need to form a new teacher culture in the teacher group.

Third, there are gaps and conflicts between teachers' teaching and scientific research activities and teaching activities

Some teachers believe that there is a phenomenon of two skins between teaching and scientific research activities and daily teaching activities, and this phenomenon is quite common in primary and secondary schools. Teachers’ teaching and scientific research has the problem of “three fees and one nothing”: that is, “time-consuming, labor-intensive, and money-consuming” and “ineffective”. The reason for this is that there are reasons for teachers’ concepts and understandings: that is, some teachers regard teaching and scientific research as It is a matter for professional scientific research personnel, and they have not seen that teachers' teaching and scientific research is a new requirement for teachers' quality in the new social and historical period; The possibility of improving teaching quality. There are also policy-oriented reasons: the evaluation of teachers’ teaching and scientific research activities by administrative departments and schools is often based on the number of major projects they participate in and the number of published articles. This kind of evaluation standard is undoubtedly an unrealistic requirement for the majority of teachers. There are also constraints of realistic conditions, which are specifically manifested in: teachers have a heavy workload. Although teaching and scientific research activities are carried out in teaching practice activities, teachers After all, teaching and scientific research is different from teaching practice. Reflection on teaching practice, improvement of theory, and writing of papers all require special time.

Then can it be said that there are many difficulties in education and scientific research that cannot be solved for a while, so teachers do not need to engage in educational scientific research? No, teachers have their own characteristics and methods in educational scientific research.

5. Conclusion and experience

making plans

In teacher education research activities, making a plan is a crucial link. It is not only a prelude to taking further actions after teachers raise research questions, but also a systematic review and reflection on their own behavior before taking action. These plans are not required to be as detailed and comprehensive as the plans formulated by professional researchers. They may be reflected in the teaching design of teachers before class, and may be reflected in some assumptions and plans in the interaction between teachers and students; nor are they formulated by professional researchers. Like the plan, it remains the same and follows the trend. It may move with the scene of the activity and the state of the research, reflecting strong flexibility and flexibility.

In many cases, the plan of teachers' educational and scientific research activities is mainly manifested as their own conscious design, assumption or planning of the activities. It is different from the daily education and teaching practice in that teachers consciously incorporate behavior into the research framework, Continuous reflection runs through the education and teaching activities. It is not to formulate a research plan in addition to action, but to integrate research into action, and to improve the level of consciousness of action through research.

Write an educational journal

As one of the important ways to express teachers' research results, education log (also known as "teaching log", "research log" and "teacher log") has attracted everyone's attention in recent years. In the past impressions, people often exclude this method from research intentionally or unintentionally, thinking that writing a diary and making records cannot be called research. If we agree that teachers' research is an ongoing reflection on their own practice and is fundamentally different from that of professional researchers, then there is no reason why we should not include the educational diary as a form of research. Because in the diary, what is shown is the teacher's regular records of educational life events. When he transforms real life scenes into words and language symbols to record, he is sorting out his behavior and expressing himself consciously. insights. A foreign middle school teacher once described how the diary is combined with self-growth: "(The diary) is a valuable tool. I often come back and read what happened in the past week. I can Noticing things about my teaching, such as useful and unhelpful lessons. I take notes at least four times a week. This seems to allow me to focus on key issues in my teaching practice.” By keeping a research journal in this way, teachers It is possible to review and reflect on the daily education and teaching situations on a regular basis. During the process of continuous review and reflection, teachers will also continuously enhance their insight into education and teaching events, cognitive methods and emotions of problems. Specifically, teachers will have a deeper understanding of students' problems, and recognize special phenomena in education from multiple dimensions; teachers will have a better understanding of how they organize teaching, the most suitable teaching methods for them, and how to obtain those A variety of teaching resources to support teaching. And so on. Compared to other forms of research methods and outcomes, educational journal writing is the easiest and most familiar. Of course, writing an educational diary should be persistent, and it can focus on a certain theme within a period of time, that is to say, it can be written in conjunction with a certain research focus. For daily writing, it is necessary to combine event records with event analysis, and ensure a certain amount of analysis in form, so as to accumulate materials and grasp occasional flashes of inspiration.

Starting from a small place, we can overcome the "mystification" of education and scientific research; from the perspective of development, we can overcome the "utilitarianism" of education and scientific research; proceed from reality, and overcome the "simplification" of education and scientific research. Only then will there be endless research topics and projects that will never be repeated, and only then will there be a real prosperity in education and scientific research.

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