:Liu Xiang in the font design industry: Mr. Liu Bingke, teach you how to design!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Liu Xiang in the font design industry: Mr. Liu Bingke, teach you how to design!

Timing, can't start, can't find design inspiration? As an experienced type designer, I can help you address these issues and improve your design skills. let's start! 1. If you want to improve your poster design skills, you need to master some basic design

As a designer, have you ever seen countless beautiful advertising poster designs on street light boxes, subway stations, bus stops, and even Tmall Taobao?

As a designer, have you scratched your head when you encountered countless times when the LOGO design was not smooth and the title design was not distracted?

Actually, in many cases, a good LOGO design, a good poster, the most important thing is the dissemination of information, and how to make this information more artistically retained in the brains of users?

That is to make information graphic, and a LOGO design, a title word design is the result of transforming these information into graphics.

And today, we are honored to invite Mr. Liu Bingke, the most popular king of Zhanku and the master of font design, to drive a car for us again and take a class.

If you don't know Mr. Liu, you should know China's largest gathering place for designers: Zakuol.

And Mr. Liu Bingke is Zhanku, he is the double king of popularity and fans.

Introduction of Liu Bingke

Liu Bingke

Font Designer/Brand Designer/Zool Recommended Designer;

Typography Course Instructor;

Zhanku’s home page has 33 million+ popularity and 130,000+ fans, ranking among the top 5 among the 4.2 million Zcool registered designers;

In 2010, he began to publish font design works and articles on Zaku.com. Since 2012, he started teaching font design. He has given lectures for more than 30 font courses. He is a sharing guest of Founder Type's "Character Desire" font salon, and has been invited to many design colleges and design training institutions to give lectures and training on font design;

In February 2015, the font design tutorial book "Free Words" was published by People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House. The new book has been published for two years and has been reprinted 12 times, with more than 43,000 copies. Currently, the book is on the planes of Jingdong and Dangdang.com Ranked in the forefront of the design book list;

In December 2015, the first set of font work "Liu Bing Kexi Ran Ti" was designed and completed in the name of the individual and his wife;

In May 2016, led the font class students to complete "Zhanku Happy Body"...

Let me explain, in this era when fewer and fewer people read books, Bing Ke's "Free Words in" went against the market and sold more than 43,000 copies (You must know such a vertical detail For specialized professional books, one edition can sell 10,000 copies, which is considered awesome), and Bing Ke’s book is still being shipped in large quantities, and it has been reprinted 12 times.

This data can very well illustrate the popularity and quality of Bingke.

Although this is already the fifth course of Mr. Bingke, it is still constantly optimizing and adjusting the syllabus to meet the strongest needs of the moment.

How is this course different?

I'm going straight to 3 o'clock.

  1. Add practical operations for e-commerce design (you understand e-commerce designers)

  2. Add a new way of thinking about creativity (how difficult is creative design for you to understand)

  3. 5 free AE dynamic courses! (Now that I don’t know AE, I’m embarrassed to say that I’m a mature designer)

See below for details

Course Introduction

1, Lesson Objectives


Through a complete and rigorous course plan, guide everyone to have a more comprehensive and profound understanding and cognition of font design. With years of driving experience and teaching experience of old drivers, with the most straightforward and easy-to-learn ideas and methods, teach The most commonly used and most efficient font design skills, so that everyone can be familiar with it in the future, whether it is in the face of commercial font design or in the creation of personal fonts.

2, suitable for students


Graphic designer, e-commerce designer, design student, brand designer

3, Course Outline


Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Font Design (Part 1)

Basics of software operation + basic principles and theories of font design + on-site propositions and design demonstrations in class;

Note: The course mainly uses Illustrator (AI), and all the basic tools are used, which are easy to understand and master. Designing fonts is mainly about ideas and techniques, and software operation will not be a problem, even if you have never If you have used AI software, even if you only use PS or CDR or other software, it will not affect the learning progress;

Chapter 2: Rectangular and pen characters (section 2/3section)

Rectangular character-making method and fountain-pen character-making method are the two methods I first proposed and popularized. They are also the two most frequently used methods when designing fonts. In the second class, everyone will make a proposition on the spot, and I will Design presentations with different themes and different styles; after class, related homework will be assigned for everyone, and in the third class, review and analysis of typical homework problems and design revisions;How to make characters with a fountain pen - examples of students’ works (more students’ works will be found later)

▲Rectangular Character Formation-Examples of students' works (more students' works will be found later)

Chapter 3: Heading Fonts (Sections 4/5)

In this chapter, we will share the design methods of e-commerce title words (banner font) and poster title words and a variety of quick-start skills. Through the study and practice in this chapter, when designing such title words, Design efficiency will be greatly improved, fonts will be more beautiful, and at the same time, completelyavoidinfringement caused by using unauthorized font fonts Danger.

In the 4th class, everyone will search and provide relevant propositions. I use a variety of different methods in the class to conduct on-site design and live demonstrations.After class, I will assign related homework for everyone ;Lesson 5, Critical analysis and design revision of typical homework problems;

▲Title font - examples of students' works (more students' works will be found later)

Chapter 4: CuteFonts (section 6/7)

In the 6th lesson, we will share cute creative glyphs, which are widely used commercially. An effective quick method of cute fonts. After the class, we will assign related homework for everyone. Lesson 7 will comment on the typical problems of the homework, analyze and design revisions;

▲Cute fonts-example of student works (more student works later)

Chapter 5: Creative Song Typeface(Section 8/9)

Creative Song typeface is a creative deformation and design of traditional Song typeface. This type of font often has a strong visual expressiveness. It can be simple and fresh, cute and playful, beautiful and light, or strong and thick. The styles are diverse and forceful. Full grid, in the 8th class, we will share a variety of fast-track methods for creative deformation of Song typeface characters. After class, we will assign related homework for everyone. In the 9th class, we will comment on typical homework problems and design revisions;

▲Arial type fonts - examples of student works (more student works later)

Chapter 6: Curved Fonts + Calligraphic Fonts(Section 10/11)

Lesson 10, curvilinear fonts are beautiful and soothing, suitable for expressing emotions, and are very commonly used in female themes, emotions, and festival themes, while calligraphy characters Title (Here, "calligraphy font" does not refer to creation with paper and pen, but to use other methods for creative combination and design) After class, we will arrange homework related to these two types of themes. In the 11th class, we will analyze and design typical homework problems;

▲Curve type font-example of student works (more students' works later)

▲Calligraphy fonts - examples of students' works (more students' works will be found later)

Chapter 7: Creative Graphic Fonts(chapter 12/13)

Whether it is a commercial font or a font exercise, after incorporating graphic creativity into the font, it will make the font more vivid, lively, more ornamental and recognizable. Lesson 12 explains the design principles and principles of creative graphic fonts Design skills, Lessons will set the topic on the spot, I will explain and design live, and leave related homework after class. In the 13th class, comments, analyzes and design revisions on typical homework problems;

▲Creative graphic fonts - examples of student works (more student works later)

Chapter 8: Commercial Font Logo Design(Section 14/15/16)

Compared with graphic logos, font logos are simpler, more direct, easier to remember and spread, and have gradually become a design trend. In the 14th lesson, we will share commercial font logo design cases and design experience.< span> The topic will be proposed by everyone on the spot, I will explain and design it live, and assign related homework after class. In the 15th/16th class, I will comment on the typical problems of the homework and make design revisions;

▲Commercial font logo-examples of student works (more student works will be found later)

Chapter 9: Handwriting Creativity(Section 17)

The content of this chapter is a new content. I will share interesting and fun handwriting ideas with you, and let you play with them easily and open your mind together! Before this class, I will share more handwritten works with you, and leave relevant homework for you. During the course, I will comment on the homework for you. This class seems to have no real use at first glance, but I must emphasize that design is a mental work, and enough brain holes can give you enough inspiration and creativity. Through these simple and light exercises, you can cultivate Everyone's sensitivity and imagination to words, so that you can have a wider and broader thinking and perspective when doing business design.

▲Liu Bingke's practice works

Chapter 10: Course Summary and Competition Awards(Chapter 18)

During the course, relevant information about the font design competition will be announced. In this class, everyone's works will be commented and awarded, and a complete review and summary of this course will also be conducted.


After the font class, 5 AE animation classes will be given

It’s not only UI that uses motion effects. Whensubmitting font and LOGO design proposals to customers, throws a cool GIF to the customer’s father Dynamic effects, thiswill clarify your design concept more clearly,It will also be easier to impress people, and more importantly, the other party will I think you are very careful and careful...Through these 5 AE lessons, you can make your fonts and logo sexy and moving!

Lecturer Liu Bingke - some font design works

?Commercial Works(excerpt)

?personalartwork< span>(excerpt)

It is important to be a good teacher, but I think it is more important to teach students to be good. That is the performance of a good teacher.

Collected Works of Past Students (Part)


So. .

Who is this course suitable for?

(1) Graphic designer

(2) E-commerce designer

(3)School design students

PS: Students with 0 software foundation, please do not sign up, PS and AI or CDR are familiar with the same ones to come.

1. How to register?

As usual, by adding the QQ group number provided by the post on the day of registration, the limit is 300 people. The group will end when it is full. (According to the previous period, it usually takes 10-30 minutes to fill up)

Next week 2 (July 18th) at 7:00 a.m. will post on Pangmen Zhengdao on time, and there is a Q group number at the bottom of the post.

There are probably so many disciples on Pangmen Zhengdao sharing these 300 places, so getting up on time on Tuesday is the safest way to sign up.

2. How to teach?

YY Voice (Video) is an online class. If you don’t know what YY is, please go to yy.com. It’s an online live broadcast platform similar to QQ. To register, you must have registered with YY, otherwise you will not be able to participate in the course.

3. When will the class start?

Register on July 18, and the class will start on July 25. The class time is from 8:00 to 10:00 in the evening, and classes will be held on 2.4.6 every week.

A total of 18 lessons in the formal course, 36 hours+,

5 ​​more AE dynamic design courses will be presented, which is 46 hours+

4. How much is the tuition fee?

At present, the price of Mr. Bingke's single font LOGO has gone to about 15,000, and his current course price is ¥3900, but Amen can let Mr. Bingke come to class, how can it be possible not to rely on the number of people to bargain? ?

Reminder: This is the last course that Mr. Liu Bingke will take this year. If you don’t register this time, you will have to wait until March 2018.

Don't always find out that you lack this ability when you need to use it.

This is why others eliminated you on the design road.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

This is the right path of Pangmen.

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