Which folder is the font installed in?:Let me explain why I don’t use WPS and answer people’s questions-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Let me explain why I don’t use WPS and answer people’s questions

I wrote a headline the day before yesterday, explaining why I don’t use WPS, However, using Microsoft's OFFICE has caused many people to question it. There are mainly a few problems, and I will explain it today.

Among these questions, apart from some people saying that WPS has specific functions suitable for his needs, the main reason is that some people say that WPS cannot display uncommon characters. Problems with character set fonts and input methods. According to them, if I install a large character set font or an input method that can input rare characters in my computer, WPS can display the characters I want to type.

But this is impossible.

First of all, after installing the system on my computer, I will definitely install the fonts of the large character set into the character folder of WINDOWS immediately. There are downloads, which are stored in my specific folder, because the system will not automatically install them for you. Many people do not know that after installing the system, they have to install font files of such a large character set by themselves. They can only use the default font files of the system, but these font files are not font files of large character sets, and can output The number of characters is not enough.

There will be some font files of GBK character set on the Internet, but it is also necessary for people to find, download and install by themselves. The system will not install them for you. Computer people will not install it for you. But the font file of this kind of GBK character set only has more than 20,000 Chinese characters, which is far from meeting the needs, so we need to find a font file with a larger super-large character set.

For example, in the past few years, Haifeng Wubi had an option to allow you to install a font file with a large character set that can output more than 70,000 Chinese characters. Later, there will be a larger character set file, such as a name The font file of Kaixin Song has more characters than the font file brought by Haifeng. Recently, I found a Wubi input method that can input a larger character set called Huanggou Wubi. It will automatically add a font file with a large character set when installing , it is said that it supports GB18030-2000 encoding, supports unicode 13.0 super large character set, and can input and output 80,000 to 100,000 Chinese characters. This data may not be accurate, and those who are interested can check it, but it is definitely better than the Chinese characters in the font file brought by Haifeng many. Haifeng Wubi was launched relatively early and has not been updated in the future. Now this yellow dog has surpassed Haifeng Wubi.

I have been using the computer for more than 20 years. These things have long been just needed. Every time I install the system, they will be added immediately. Without these input methods and font files, I can’t work at all. .

With these input methods and font files, I will use a variety of text editing software, which I have introduced before, at least I have used the following:

Microsoft OFFICE, from its version 4.2 to the current version 2021, as long as there is a new version, I will immediately find it and install it on the computer for my work. It has supported large character sets since the 2003 edition, let alone now. It is advanced simultaneously with the continuous advancement of the national standard (GB) code.

WPS was first used from the DOS version. At that time, the character set was only more than 6,000, and there were too many missing characters, but no one could solve this problem. We could only use the one provided by the system. The character-making tool creates characters by itself, but it is a drop in the bucket and cannot solve the problem. WPS has been used until its 2019 version. It is still on trial for the past two years, but it cannot solve the problem of displaying text in large character sets, so it has to be deleted.

Others include IBM's Lotus Symphony (it will not be updated after version 3.0, and IBM has also produced a product called 123OFFICE before, and it has also been used), OPENOFFICE (now the latest version 4.16), Yongzhong OFFICE, they can all open Microsoft WORD documents, but when I use the words typed in WORD documents, some words cannot be displayed in these software, I didn’t pay attention at the beginning, and then I modified myself After trying them, I thought it was because none of them supported large character sets, so I typed them in WORD (of course, I used the Wubi input method that can print 70,000 to 80,000 characters and can output 80,000 Chinese characters. font file) documents contain text with a large character set, which cannot be displayed normally in these word processing software.

So I came to a conclusion that these word processing software, compared with Microsoft's OFFICE, have defects that do not support large character sets, so I deleted them all. No need, I'm afraid that the problem that the text cannot be displayed normally will appear again.

Many people followed my last article, saying this and that. It seems that I don’t know the input method and character set at all. Isn't it more a joke to use the character table to find words?

In short, these people may not have entered the rare words with a large character set in their documents at all, so they will feel that the situation I mentioned does not exist. Of course, I also understand people's love for domestic software, but domestic software has shortcomings and major flaws, which cannot be avoided. I only ask one question, why does Microsoft pay attention to the problem of Chinese character sets in China, but China's domestic software is insensitive to it and does not want to improve it for a long time?

I think there is one reason, that is, the domestic software is only intended to be used by ordinary people, and it does not fully consider that some users will have more requirements. Such as the problem of dealing with large character sets.

To be honest, I still miss the word processing software of the DOS era, such as WPS, CCED, WP of Wangma Company (to be matched with the special Chinese card of Wangma Company), and even I have also used American WORD under the DOS system, and various word processing software from Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. These all involve the problem of character sets. Later, because they do not face Chinese users, they cannot adapt My request was also abandoned.

It can be seen that I have extensive experience in using various word processing software and how to use them to deal with problems related to large character sets. It is precisely because of this that I wrote the headline article about not using WPS. This is not a temporary emotion, but a grudge for many years. If WPS is more powerful than WORD, and the user experience is better than WORD, why would I not use the domestic WPS? Woolen cloth? The reason why I abandoned it is not because it is a domestic software, but because it has not faced up to and improved its own functional defects for a long time. In terms of user experience, I have also said before that compared with WORD, the interface of WPS is not very good. The main color problem is that the former gives people a dazzling feeling, while the latter gives people a soft feeling. Of course, the color scheme can be adjusted, but in terms of the most direct interface color feeling, why not make the interface soft from the beginning to make users feel comfortable?

This is all a problem in the company's development. It is not acceptable to not pay attention to user experience, not to feel all aspects of your product from the perspective of users, but to only pay attention to certain technical functions. .

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