The first Nobel Prize award ppt:Lesson 2 "Announcement of the First Nobel Prize" courseware + simultaneous exercises-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Lesson 2 "Announcement of the First Nobel Prize" courseware + simultaneous exercises

Knowledge point explanation

General knowledge of literature

The Nobel Prize was established in 1900 with a part of the estate (31 million Swedish Kronor) of Alfred Bernhard Nobel, the famous Swedish chemist and inventor of nitroglycerin dynamite, in 1901. issued for the first time. The Nobel Prize is divided into five prizes: physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace. It is awarded for the first time in 1901 to those who have made significant contributions to mankind in these fields with the annual interest or investment income of the fund.

The King of Sweden and the Norwegian Nobel Foundation awarded the Nobel Prizes for the first time today. According to Nobel's will, "the Nobel Prize is awarded each year to those who have, during the past year, made the greatest service to mankind in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and the cause of peace".

Be clear: The words "first time, yearly, biggest" reflect the accuracy of the language of the article.

Read the second paragraph, discuss among the group members and sum up which two types of people are awarded the Nobel Prize?

Clear: The annual Nobel Prize is awarded to those who have made the greatest contribution to the progress of world science and the maintenance of world peace in the past year.

The content of the third and fourth paragraphs has nothing to do with the title of the news, do you think it can be deleted?

Clearly: no. The supplementary background part of the third confession paragraph explains the source of the Nobel Prize funds and the ownership of the Nobel Prize evaluation right, which can show the fairness and justice of the Nobel Prize evaluation; the fourth natural paragraph introduces the source of the Nobel Prize bonus, supplementary explanation The separation of fund management rights and award review rights is more conducive to readers' understanding and understanding of the Nobel Prize, thereby enhancing the authenticity of news content.

News is to use a general narrative method and relatively concise text to report quickly and timely at home and abroad A style of recent, valuable facts. Generally speaking, a message consists of five parts: title, introduction, main body, background and conclusion.

Ideological content of the article

This article is a news article from Reuters, which introduces when, where, who won the first Nobel Prize, and why, It also supplemented the funding source, fund management and evaluation of the Nobel Prize, which is a typical news report.

Synchronous practice

The First Nobel Prize Award

1. Preview

(1) Learning objectives

1. Understand Nobel's contribution and people's evaluation of him.

2. Able to sort out the content and levels according to the structure of the news, and analyze the concise language.

3. Feel the greatness of scientists, cultivate students' spirit of loving science, and inspire self-confidence.

(2) Learning focus

Read the news carefully, understand the content of the article, understand the significance of the news, feel the greatness of scientists, cultivate students' love for science, and inspire self-confidence.

(3) Pre-study guide

1. Data link

★Introduction to the author

Born in Stockholm, Sweden, Nobel was an outstanding chemist, engineer, inventor and entrepreneur.

In his lifetime, he obtained 355 technical invention patents, among which the invention of nitroglycerin to make explosives is the most famous. He not only engaged in research and invention, but also carried out industrial practice and set up industries. He established about 100 companies and The factory has accumulated huge wealth.

★Background Perspective

In 1860 Nobel began research on nitroglycerin, but in 1864 the factory exploded. In order to prevent accidents in the future, Nobel absorbed nitroglycerin in an inert substance, which is safer to use. Nobel called it Dana Dynamite and later patented it. In 1875, Nobel mixed gun cotton (cellulose nitrate) with nitroglycerin to obtain a jelly-like substance called fried glue, which has stronger explosive power than Dana dynamite, and his invention was also patented. He had many other inventions, patented in the manufacture of rubber synthesis, leather, and rayon. Nobel operated oil fields and explosives production and accumulated a huge fortune. According to Nobel's will, after his death, most of his estate will be used as a fund, and his interest (about 200,000 U.S. dollars) will be awarded every year for his great contributions to mankind in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace in the previous year. contributors. This is the Nobel Prize, first awarded in 1901.

★Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize was established in 1900 with part of the legacy of the famous Swedish chemist and inventor of nitroglycerin dynamite (31 million Swedish kronor) as a fund, and was first awarded in 1901. The Nobel Prize is now divided into six categories: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace, and Economics. The annual interest or investment income of the fund is awarded to people who have made significant contributions to mankind in these fields in the world.

2. Give phonetic notation to the following bold words.

Issuance Issue ( ) Arbitration Arbitration ( ) Will Test ( )

Huge amount ( ) Penetration ( ) Money( )

3. Discrimination and analysis of similar characters.

Grant ( ) Award ( ) Copy ( )

Aid ( ) Frequency ( ) Banknote ( )

4. Familiarize yourself with the text and clarify the context of the article.

The first part: ( ) briefly summarizes the main content of news reports and the origin of the Nobel Prize.

The second part: ( ) reports the winners of the Nobel Prize and the knowledge about the Nobel Prize.

Second, research cases

1. What is "Reuters, Stockholm, December 10, 1901"? what's the effect?

2. What information is explained in the opening paragraph of the article? what's the effect?

3. What is written in the second natural paragraph? what's the effect?

4. The end of this article is a supplementary narrative. What are the benefits of writing this way?

Third, compliance testing

1. One of the following sentences without typos is ( )

A. Issue a will b. death

C. Build a banknote D. norwegian devour

2. Fill in the appropriate words.

( ): To award, distribute something, such as medals, certificates, etc.

( ): Great achievements in career or immortal feats

( ): A person gives oral or written instructions on how to deal with the afterlife before he is alive or dying

3. In the following sentences, the item that does not have a word defect is ( )

A. The attendance rate of the performances of this year's Plum Blossom Awards for Chinese Drama is extremely high, which shows the enthusiasm of the citizens for traditional drama.

B. Some scientists believe that genetically modified rice rich in vitamin A can effectively improve malnutrition in developing countries.

C. The China Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievement Exchange Conference is permanently settled in Yangcheng, which is the fruit of Guangzhou's accelerated construction of a national innovative city.

D. Whether it can effectively reduce the schoolwork burden of students and let them grow up happily is the top priority of the teaching work in primary and secondary schools in our country.

Fourth, expand communication

This news report is the specific situation of the first Nobel Prize awarding. The article lists in detail the nationalities, names, awards and contributions of the winners. At the same time, the awarding institution, time and place are also clarified. This news is factually accurate and the content is detailed and appropriate. It is a masterpiece of news.

Reference answer

【Preview guide】

2. bān zhòng zhǔ é shèn chāo

3. Awards Reinforcements Issued Frequency Transcribed Banknotes

4. The first part: (1) A brief summary of the main content of the news reports and the origin of the Nobel Prize.

The second part: (2-4) reports the winners of the Nobel Prize and the knowledge about the Nobel Prize.

【Cooperative Research】

1. This is the headline of the news, which includes the name of the news agency, the location of the power generation, and the time, indicating that the news materials are true and reliable, and the report is timely.


The first sentence is the introductory part of the news, explaining several elements of the event: people, time, events, summarizing the content of the news, concise and clear, allowing readers to understand the specific content of the news report at once. The second sentence explains the origin of the Nobel Prize and its specific classification and awarding conditions, which popularizes relevant knowledge for readers and facilitates readers to understand and understand news content more effectively.

3. The paragraph lists the nationalities, names, awards and contributions of the Nobel Prize winners in various categories that year, all of which fully reflect the accuracy and authenticity of the news content.

4. Explain the background of the news, further introduce the source of the Nobel prize money, and add that the separation of fund management rights and award review rights is more conducive to readers' understanding and understanding of the Nobel Prize, thereby enhancing the authenticity of the news content.

【Standard detection】


2. Issue a will


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