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Lecture 142: Biography·Zhang Heng Biography 1

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty" is a historical book that records the history from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty. It is divided into ten chapters and eighty biographies. Among them, biography is one of th

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty" is a historical literary work compiled by Fan Ye, a historian in the Southern Dynasty and Song Dynasty, and it is one of the "Twenty-Four Histories". "History of the Later Han Dynasty", "Historical Records", "Hanshu", and "Three Kingdoms" are collectively called "the first four histories". "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" is divided into ten periods, eighty biographies and eight records (taken from Sima Biao's "Continued Hanshu"). The 25th year of Jian'an (220 A.D.) of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, a total of 195 years of historical events. Most of the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" followed the ready-made styles of "Historical Records" and "Hanshu", but in the process of writing the book, Fan Ye made some innovations and changes according to the specific characteristics of the history of the Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty. "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" has a rigorous structure and an orderly arrangement. For example, the Eighty Biographies are generally arranged in chronological order. The first three volumes are about the influential figures during the Han Dynasty, and the next nine volumes are about the clan princes and important generals in the Guangwu era. The progressive nature of "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" is also reflected in the courage to expose dark politics, sympathize with and praise justice. On the one hand, it exposes the rich and powerful of the fish and meat people, and on the other hand, it commends those middle- and lower-class people who are strong and upright and fearless of violence. #History#

张衡字平子,南阳西鄂人也。世为著名。祖父堪,蜀郡太守。衡少善属文,游于三辅,因入京师,观太学,遂通《五经》,贯六艺。虽才高于世,而无骄尚之情。常从容淡静,不好交接俗人。永元中,举孝廉不行,连辟公府不就。时天下承平日久,自王侯以下,莫不逾侈。衡乃拟班固《两都》,作《二京赋》,因以讽谏。精思傅会,十年乃成。文多,故不载。大将军邓骘奇其才,累召不应。衡善机巧,尤致于天文、阴阳、历算。常耽好《玄经》,谓崔瑷曰:“吾观《太玄》,方知子云妙极道数,乃与《五经》相拟,非徒传记之属,使人难论阴阳之事,汉家得天下二百岁之书也。复二百岁,殆将终乎?所以作者之数,必显一世,常然之符也。汉四百岁,《玄》其兴矣。”安帝雅闻衡善术学,公车特征拜郎中,再迁为太史令。遂乃研核阴阳,妙尽琁机之正,作浑天仪,著《灵宪》、《算罔论》,言甚详明。顺帝初,再转,复为太史令。衡不慕当世,所居之官,辄积年不徙。自去史职,五载复还,乃设客问,作《应闲》以见其志云:有闲余者曰:盖闻前哲首务,务于下学上达,佐国理民,有云为也。朝有所闻,则夕行之,立功立事,式昭德音。是故伊伊思使君为尧、舜,而民处唐、虞,彼岂虚言而已哉,必旌厥素尔。咎单、巫咸,实守王家,申伯、樊仲,实干周邦,服衮而朝,介圭作瑞。厥迹不朽,垂烈后昆,不亦丕欤!且学非以要利,而富贵萃之。贵以行令,富以施惠,惠施令行,故《易》称以“大业”。质以文美,实由华兴,器赖雕饰为好,人以舆服为荣。吾子性德体道,笃信安仁,约已博艺,无坚不钻,以思世路,斯何远矣!暂滞日官,今又原之。虽然老氏曲全,进道若退,然行亦以需。必也学非所用,术有所仰,故临川将济,而舟楫不存焉。徒经思天衢,内昭独智,固合理民之式也?故尝见谤于鄙儒。深厉浅揭,随时为义,曾何贪于支离,而习其孤技邪?参轮可使自转,木雕犹能独飞,已垂翅而还故栖,盍亦调其机而銛诸?昔有文王,自求多福。人生在勤,不索何获。倘若卑体屈己,美言何以相克?鸣于乔木,乃金声而玉振之。用后勋,雪前吝,婞很不柔,以意谁靳也。应之曰:是何观同而见异也?君子不患位之不尊,而患德之不崇;不耻禄之不夥,而耻智之不博。是故艺可学,而行可力也。天爵高悬,得之在命,或不速而自怀,或羡旃而不臻,求之无益,故智者面而不思。妄身以徼幸,固贪夫之所为,未得而豫丧也。枉尺直寻,议者讥之,盈欲亏志,孰云非羞?于心有猜,则靡食馔餔犹不屑餐,旌瞀以之。意之无疑,则兼金盈百而不嫌辞,孟轲以之。士或解裋褐而袭黼黻,或委BD4 C筑而据文轩者,度德拜爵,量绩受禄也。 输力致庸,受必有阶。浑元初基,灵轨未纪,吉凶纷错,人用朣朦。黄帝为斯深惨。有风后者,是焉亮之,察三辰于上,迹祸福乎下,经纬历数,然后天步有常,则风后之为也。当少吴清阳之末,实或乱德,人神杂扰,不可方物,重黎又相颛顼而申理之,日月即次,则重黎之为也。人各有能,因艺授任,鸟师别名,四叔三正,官无二业,事不并济。昼长则宵短,日南则景北。天且不堪兼,况以人该之。夫玄龙,迎夏则陵云而奋鳞,乐时也;涉冬则淈泥而潜蟠,避害也。公旦道行,故制典礼以尹天下,惧教诲之不从,有人之不理。仲尼不遇,故论《六经》以俟来辟,耻一物之不知,有事之无范。所考不齐,如何可一?夫战国交争,戎车竞够,君若缀旒,人无所丽。浊武县靡而秦伯退师,鲁连系箭而聊城弛柝。纵往则合,横来则离,安危无常,要在说夫。咸以得人为枭,失士为尤。故樊哙披帷,入见高祖;高祖踞洗,以对郦生。当此之会,乃鼋鸣而鳖应也。故能同心戮力,勤恤人隐,奄受区夏,遂定帝位,皆谋臣之由也。故一介之策,各有攸建,子长谍之,烂然有第。夫女魃北而应龙翔,洪鼎声而军容息;春暑至而鹑火栖,寒冰沍而鼋鼍蛰。今也,皇泽宣洽,海外混同,万方亿丑,并质共剂,若修成之不暇,尚何功之可立!立事有三,言为下列;下列且不可庶矣,奚冀其二哉!于兹搢绅如云,儒士成林,及津者风靡,失涂者幽僻,遭遇难要,趋偶为幸。世易俗异,事执舛殊,不能通其变,而一度以揆之,斯契船而求剑,守株而伺兔也。冒愧逞愿,必无仁以继之,有道者所不履也。越王勾践事此,故厥绪不永。捷径邪至,我不忍以投步;干进苟容,我不忍以歙肩。虽有犀舟劲浪,犹人涉卬否,有须者也。姑亦奉顺敦笃,守以忠信,得之不休,不获不吝。不见是而不惽,居下位而不忧,允上德之常服焉。方将师天老而友地典,与之乎高睨而大谈,孔甲且不足慕,焉称殷彭及周聃!与世殊技,固孤是求。子忧朱泙曼之无所用,吾恨轮扁之无所教也。子睹木雕独飞,愍我垂翅故栖,吾感去蛙附鸱,悲尔先笑而后号也。斐豹以毙督燔书,礼至以掖国作铭;弦高以牛饩退敌,墨翟以萦带全城;贯高以端辞显义,苏武以秃节效贞;且以飞矰逞巧,詹何以沈钩致精;弈秋以棋局取誉,王豹以清讴流声。仆进不能参名于二立,退又不能群彼数子。愍《三坟》之既穨,惜《八索》之不理。庶前训之可钻,聊朝隐乎柱史。且韫椟以待价,踵颜氏以行止。曾不慊夫晋、楚,敢告诚于知己。

In the first year of Yangjia, the wind and seismograph of the summer solstice. It is made of fine copper, with a diameter of eight feet, and a raised cover, which looks like a wine statue, decorated with the shape of turtles, birds and beasts in seal script. There is a capital column in the middle, which walks along eight paths, and uses gates and engines. There are eight dragons outside, with copper balls in the head, and toads in the bottom, and they open their mouths to inherit it. The ingenious mechanism of its teeth are all hidden in the statue, covering them meticulously and endlessly. If there is an earthquake, Zun will shake the dragon machine to spit out pills, and the toad will hold them. The vibrating sound is exciting, and the waiter is aware of it. Although one dragon is moving, but the seven heads are not moving, if you look for its direction, you will know where the shock is. Test it with facts, and the agreement is like a god. From the records in the book, there is no such thing. Tasting a dragon's machine, but the ground did not move, scholars in the capital blamed it for not having a sign. After a few days, the post arrived, and there was an earthquake in Longxi, so they all admired its magic. Since then, the official historian has recorded the origin of the earthquake. At that time, the political affairs were gradually weakened, and the power was transferred to the lower level. Heng Yin said: His Majesty Fu Wei Xuanzhe Keming, inherited the body and inherited the sky, was overthrown in the middle, and Longde was muddy. Today, riding on the clouds and ascending to the top, the sky is in the sky, and it is true that the so-called generals must first be humbled. Those who go through hardships personally know the situation, and those who have prepared for the dangers will realize the falsehood. Therefore, it can be consistent with all kinds of opportunities, and the doubts are overwhelming, and Bai Kui agrees, and the achievements of Xianxi. It is suitable to be a god of well-being, and to be praised by Li Shu. But yin and yang are not in harmony, disasters and evils are common, the gods are far away, and the dark mirror is here. Blessings, benevolence, misfortunes and prostitution are responded to by the sound of the scene. Virtue is reduced to rest, and misfortune is blamed. Therefore, if you are respectful, thrifty and fearful, you will be rewarded with blessings. If you are extravagant, promiscuous and arrogant, you will never kill them. If you don’t forget the past, you will be the teacher of the future. Husband's love is stronger than his nature, and if he escapes and forgets to rebel, he is not only unworthy, it is the same for middle talents. Gou is not a great sage, and cannot see the meaning, so accumulating evil becomes provocation, and the crime is inexcusable. Xiang Shi can look forward and backward, and use the mirror to guard himself, so how can he fall into danger! Noble and favored ministers are admired by everyone, and they have faults, and everyone knows it. Praising the beautiful and ridiculing the evil has the same intentions, so resentment overflows the world, and the gods will bring disaster to them. The annual rain is often insufficient, and what is lost in thinking is what "Hong Fan" gets "alleged to the constant sun". Fearing the extravagance of the officials, fainting beyond the code, pushing from the bottom to the top, and using quick blame to conquer. In the year before last, the earth was cracked in the capital earthquake, and those who cracked were powerful, and those who shook were disturbed. The king sings in silence, the ministers in harmony, the power comes from the top, not the bottom, this is the rule of etiquette. Afraid of being tired of holy thoughts, unable to control oneself, unable to bear to cut off thoughts, sharing power with everyone. Power cannot be divided, virtue cannot be shared. "Hong Fan" said: "The minister has a prestige, a blessing, and food, which is harmful to the family and evil to the country." Kongming, the sky mirror, is not lost. Disasters and abnormalities have been shown to people, counting back and forth, but no changes have been seen, so I will regret it again. Since he is not a saint, he cannot be without fault. May your majesty think about it, so that we can learn from the past and lead the old, and don't order punishment and morality, which is not up to the emperor. If En is from top to bottom, things are in accordance with the ritual system, and if the ritual system is repaired, it will be extravagant and presumptuous, and if the matter is appropriate, there will be no evil. Then God looks forward to Yunsai, and the disaster will not disappear. At the beginning, Guangwu was good at prophesying, and Xianzong and Suzong were related by their ancestors. Since ZTE, Confucians have been vying to learn Tuwei, and at the same time attach it with words. It is not the law of sages, but Shang Shu said: I heard that the sages clearly judged the laws and calendars to determine good and bad, the most important ones were divination, and the miscellaneous ones were nine palaces. The Tao was verified by heaven. Or observe the stars and stars against the sky, the cause of the cold, or observe the turtle's strategy, the witch's words, the cause, and the cause are not the same technique. Words come before, signs come after, so the wise are precious, and they are called prophecies. The book of prophecy began to come out, but few knew it. Since the Han Dynasty took the Qin Dynasty, fought with military force, and achieved success, it can be described as a major event. At this time, it cannot be called a prophecy. If the disciples of Xia Housheng and Sui Meng are famous for their Taoism, there is no prophecy in their works. Liu Xiang, father and son, led the school secretary, and he had read it nine times, and there was no prophecy. After becoming and mourning, it is the beginning to hear about it. "Shangshu" Yao sent Yu to deal with the flood, but after nine years of failure, he died, and Yu was the heir. And "Spring and Autumn Prophecy" says "Gonggong Lishui". All the prophecies say that the Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou, but the "Poetry Prophecy" only thinks that 'Chiyou is defeated, and then Yao is ordered'. In the "Chunqiu Yuanming Bao", there are Gongshuban and Mo Di, which happened in the Warring States Period, not in the Spring and Autumn Period. He also said "don't benefit the state". The location of Yizhou lies in the Han Dynasty. Its name is Sanfu Zhuling, and the number of generations can be known. As for the picture, it ends in Emperor Cheng. A volume of books, different things, the words of the sages, the words are irrelevant, and they are bound to be hypocrites, who want to get money from the world. In the past, Jia Kui, the attendant, picked up more than 30 different prophecies, and none of the prophecies could tell. As for Wang Mang's usurpation of the throne and the catastrophe of the Han Dynasty, why not stop the eighty chapters? Then you know that the prophecy of the picture will be completed at the time of mourning and peace. In addition, "Heluo" and "Six Arts" have already been recorded, and later generations have nothing to tamper with. In Yongyuan, Song Jing of Qinghe used the calendar to infer floods, and pretended to be a jade plate of Dongshi. Or as for abandoning the family business and entering the mountains and forests. The latter are all invalid, and the previous life is used again to prove it. As for the reunification of Yongjian, we don't know. These are all deceiving the world and disregarding the customs, ignoring the position and status, and the false feelings are more obvious, so don't correct them. Moreover, the laws and calendars, Fenghou, Jiugong, and Fengjiao all have their effects, and the world is not willing to learn them, and they are competing to be called books that do not occupy. For example, a painter. He is evil like dogs and horses and likes to be ghosts and ghosts. Sincerity is hard to describe with facts, but the hypocrisy is endless. It is advisable to collect pictures and prophecies. Once they are forbidden, the nobles and purples will not be dazzled, and the classics will be flawless. After moving to the servant, the emperor led in Weiwei, satirizing left and right. Try to ask the people who are sick and evil in the world. The eunuchs were afraid of destroying themselves, and they all had their eyes on each other, but Heng came out against him. Eunuch Shu feared that he would eventually suffer, so he slandered him together.

【Translation】Zhang Heng, courtesy name Pingzi, was born in Xi'e County, Nanyang. The world is a common surname. His grandfather, Zhang Kan, was the prefect of Shu County. Zhang Heng knew how to write articles when he was young, and he once traveled to Sanfu to study. Because he entered the capital, he watched Taixue and mastered the six arts of the "Five Classics". Although the talent is above the world, there is no pride. Usually calm and indifferent, do not like to associate with lay people. During the reign of emperor Yongyuan, he was elected as Xiaolian, but if he didn't go, the government failed to recruit him several times. At that time, the country had been in peace for a long time, and there was no one from princes and princes who was not extravagant. Zhang Heng then learned from Ban Gu's "Two Capitals" and wrote "Er Jing Fu" to satirize. It took ten years of hard work to make it. There are many articles, so I won't write them here. General Deng Zhi appreciated his talent, and he was recruited many times, but he should not. Zhang Heng is good at machinery, especially in astronomy, yin and yang, and calendar calculation. I usually love Yangxiong's "Taixuan Jing", and said to Cui Yuan: "I read "Taixuan" before I knew Ziyun's wonderful Taoism, but compared with "Five Classics", it is not just a biography, which makes people In discussing the matter of yin and yang, the Han Dynasty had the books of the world for two hundred years. Will the "Taixuan Jing" decline in another two hundred years? Because the author's fate must be manifested forever, this is a natural testament. In a hundred years, "Xuan" studies will rise." Emperor An had long heard that Zhang Heng was good at learning, and Gong Che was worshiped as a doctor, and then promoted to Taishiling. So he studied yin and yang, became proficient in astronomy and calendar, made armillary spheres, and wrote "Ling Xian" and "Sun Wang Lun", which were very detailed and clear. In the early years of the emperor, he was transferred again and became the Taishi Ling. Zhang Heng does not envy the fame and wealth of the present age, and the official positions he holds are often not promoted for many years. Since leaving the official historian, he returned to his original post five years ago. So I set up an objective question and wrote "Ying Q" to show my feelings. In the first year of Yangjia (132), a wind and seismometer was built. It is made of refined copper, with a diameter of eight feet, and a protruding top cover, shaped like a wine bottle, decorated with images of turtles, birds and beasts in seal script. There is a big pillar in the middle, which walks along eight paths, and securely shuts down the engine. There are eight dragons outside, and each dragon holds a copper ball in its mouth, and there is a toad underneath, which opens its mouth to receive the ball. The tooth machine is ingeniously made, all of which are hidden in the bottle, covering it tightly and without gaps. If the ground shakes, the bottle will make the dragon shake, and when the machine is fired, the dragon will spit out a pill, and the pill will enter the mouth of the toad, making a stirring sound, so the guardian knows that the ground is moving. Although one dragon starts its engine, the heads of the other seven dragons do not move. If you find the place where the dragon moves, you will know the direction of the earthquake. After testing, it conforms to the established system and is like a god. Since it was recorded in books, it has never happened. Once a dragon was sent out and the ground didn't move, the scholars in the capital blamed it for not being trustworthy. A few days later, the messenger came and it really shook Longxi, so they all believed in its magic. Since then, historians have been ordered to record the place where the earthquake occurred. At that time, political affairs gradually declined, and power was manipulated by subordinates. Zhang Heng then made a statement on the matter. Said: "The emperor is smart and wise, and he is a man of destiny. Unfortunately, when he was the prince, he was deposed as the king of Jiyin, and the dragon's virtue was not promoted. Now riding the clouds, if you don't enter the throne, it is really the so-called general who will ascend to the throne. You must be poor first." .I have personally gone through hardships, understood the situation, experienced dangers, and understood the authenticity of things. Therefore, I can handle everything without doubts. The measures are appropriate, and all walks of life are coordinated. They should be blessed by the gods, and the common people Loved by the common people. When yin and yang are not in harmony, disasters often occur. Although the gods are far-reaching, they watch secretly. Benevolence brings blessings, and prostitution brings disasters. Although the way of heaven is far away, good and bad can be seen. In modern times, Zheng Zhong, Cai Lun, Jiang Jing, Fan Feng, Zhou Guang, and Wang Sheng are all obvious examples. So be careful, and you will be blessed. Those who have been killed. Never forgetting the past is also the teacher of the future. As for emotion overpowering one's nature and forgetting to turn against the tide, not only the unworthy people, but also the middle talents. If you are not a great sage, you can't see the righteousness, so you accumulate evil A crime is inevitable. If you can look forward and look backward, and use the past as a warning, how can you be harmed! The ministers of noble and favored people are all watching, and everyone knows what crimes they have committed. Rewarding good and punishing evil, people The same heart. Therefore, when the resentment is full, the gods will bring down evil. In recent years, the rain is often insufficient, and the research is lost, that is, the "Hong Fan" said that if the king's behavior is at fault, Changyang will follow it, and Changyang will be more dry. Be wary of extravagant ministers, not following the example, pushing from the bottom to the top, and hastening the arrival of signs of guilt. In addition, the earth cracked in the capital's earthquake the year before last. The crack means prestige, and the earthquake means someone is making trouble. If you use quiet singing, then This is the country's system. I am worried that the emperor is afraid of trouble, and government orders cannot be monopolized by one person. Love cannot be forsaken, and the prestige is shared with everyone. Prestige cannot be divided, and virtue cannot be shared. .

"Hong Fan" said: "The minister has a prestige and a blessing to eat food, which is harmful to the family and evil to the country." ’ God can see clearly from above, although it is far from wrong. Disasters and catastrophes have occurred several times before and after, but no reform has been seen, and people who regret the past are not sages and cannot be without fault. May the emperor's archaeology follow the old days, and don't use the eight handles of punishment and morality, so the emperor can't help it. If kindness is followed from top to bottom, things are done according to the etiquette system, the etiquette system is complete, extravagant and deviant things are stopped, and everything is handled properly, there will be no crime. Then all the wishes of the gods are satisfied, and the disaster is eliminated. "At first, Guangwu was good at prophecy. Xianzong and Suzong inherited the theory of their ancestors. Since the resurgence, Confucian scholars have been vying to learn Tuwei, and they have added demonic words. Zhang Heng believes that Tuwei is false and not the law of a saint. So he went to Shu. Said: ": I heard that the sages clearly analyzed the astronomy and calendar to determine good and bad luck, added divination, used nine palaces, measured celestial phenomena, and tested the truth. Some looked at the adversity of the stars, the cause of cold and heat; some investigated Gui Ce's divination, and what the shaman said, they relied on more than one technique. What was said before was confirmed later, so it is valuable for smart people. It is called prophecy. Prophecy books became popular, but not many people know about them. Since the Han Dynasty replaced the Qin Dynasty, it can be said that it is a great event to use military force to fight and achieve success. At this time, no one prophesied. For example, Xia Housheng, Mu Meng, etc., are famous for their Taoism, and their writings do not have prophecies. Liu Xiang, father and son, led the school secretary, who approved Jiuliu, and did not record the prophecy. After Cheng and Ai, I began to hear about prophecy. "Shangshu" records that Yao ordered Gun to control the flood, but failed in nine years, Gun was executed, and Yu succeeded him. And "Spring and Autumn Prophecy" said: "Gong Gong manages water." ’ All the prophecies say that the Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou, but the "Poetry Prophecy" only thinks that 'Chiyou is defeated, and then Yao is ordered'. In "Chunqiu Yuanmingbao", there are Gongshuban and Mo Di. The incident happened in the Warring States period, not in the Spring and Autumn Period. He also said, "Don't benefit the state". When Yizhou was set up in Emperor Wudi, its name was Sanfu Zhuling, known from generation to generation. As for the picture prophecy, it was stopped by Emperor Cheng. In a book, the number of things is different, and the words of the sages will not be like this. It is probably a hypocrite who seeks the world to make money. In the past, Jia Kui, the servant, pointed out more than 30 contradictory things about prophecies, and a group of prophecies could not explain them. As for Wang Mang's usurpation of the throne, it was a catastrophe for the Han Dynasty. Why didn't the 80 chapters stop? This shows that the prophecy was born in the world of peace! In addition, the titles of "River" and "Six Arts" have been fixed, and future generations will strongly adhere to each other, and no arbitrariness is allowed. In Yongyuan, Song Jing, a native of Qinghe, used the calendar to infer floods, but pretended to see what he saw on the jade tablet. Some even abandon their family business and go into the mountains and forests, but even if it doesn’t work, they collect the successful deeds of their previous lives as proof. It is not known that Emperor Zhishun was abolished and restored. These are all deceiving the world and the world, ignorant of their position, their feelings are hypocritical, clear, but no one corrects them. Luli, Guahou, Jiugong, and Fengjiao have been proved to be effective many times, but no one learns them, and they contend for the book of prophecy. For example, a painter hates drawing dogs and horses, but likes to draw ghosts and ghosts. This is because specific things are difficult to describe, but ghosts and ghosts are hypocritical and invisible, so they are easy to draw. Illustrated prophecies should be collected and popularized, so that there will be no confusion between right and wrong, and there will be no bad books. "After he was promoted to a servant, the emperor led him into the deep palace and satirized him. He once asked Zhang Heng what the world hates. The eunuchs were afraid that he would say bad things, so they all looked at him with open eyes. Zhang Heng then told some lies and went out. But the eunuchs were still afraid that he would be a trouble, and framed him together. Zhang Heng often thought about how to stand up and act. He believed that good and bad fortune, good and bad, dark and subtle, were difficult to understand, so he wrote "Sixuan Fu" to express and entrust his emotions. At the beginning of Emperor Shun Yonghe, he came out as Prime Minister of Hejian. At that time, the king of Hejian was extravagant and licentious, and did not abide by the law; , was arrested for a while, awe-inspiring, and known for political integrity. He served for three years, and wrote a letter requesting to resign and return home. He worshiped Shangshu. He was sixty-two years old and died in the fourth year of Yonghe (139). He wrote "Zhouguan Exegesis", Cui Yuan believes There is no difference from other Confucians. He also wanted to correct the incompleteness of "Yuan" and "Xiang" following Confucius' "Yi", but it was never completed. His poems, Fu, Ming, Qiyan, "Lingxian", "Yingjian" ", "Seven Debates", "Xungao", "Xuantu", a total of thirty-two articles. In the middle school of Emperor Andiyong, Liu Zhen, the servant of the audience, and Liu.. Ma Yu, the school secretary, wrote Dongguan, and wrote the collection "Han "Records", due to the etiquette of the Han family, Shangyan invited Zhang Heng to participate in the discussion. When Liu Zhen and Liu.. Collected and searched the posthumous texts, and tried our best to repair them. There are more than ten things recorded by the superiors Ma Qian and Ban Gu that are inconsistent with the classics. He also thinks that Wang Mang's original biography should only record the usurpation of the throne. "Hou Benji". Gengshi took the throne again, and the people did not have any objections. Guangwu was the general at the beginning, and he came to the throne later. The title of Gengshi should be established before Guangwu. It was written several times, but it was not adopted. Most of the later writings are not found in the classics in detail. The people at the time felt sorry. The historian commented: Cui Yuan praised Pingzi and said: "The art of mathematics thoroughly studies the mysteries of heaven and earth, and the skill of making works with nature. "Can you talk about this kind of attainment? Considering his study of the world, the spiritual energy of the world has nothing to store; no one can match his wisdom with his mind and machine. Therefore, people's deep and subtle thoughts have reached the pinnacle of intellectual thinking. "Li "Records" said: "The success of virtue goes up, and the success of art goes down. "Considering his intelligence, can it be said that it is just a kind of art? What loss does it have to virtue?

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