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LaTeX Column 001 | Getting Started - Talking about Installation and Typesetting Experience

Poor experience in typesetting papers; in January 2018, I began to study LaTeX typesetting in depth, referring to a large number of tutorials and documents; in March 2018, completed the first excellent paper typesetting; in June 18, began to write LaTeX c

My Story

  • In May 2017, I came into contact with LaTeX for the first time;

  • In September 2017, I used this software for the first time, mainly for mathematical modeling;

  • In December 2017, it was used to typeset the excellent papers before the competition simulation, but in the first year of the competition, I did use wordsubmit.

  • At the beginning of 2018, I started to study systematically, and came into contact with the beautiful box of tcolorbox and learned from beamer;

  • In December 2018, translated a 42-page short LaTeX mathematics guide;

  • In July 2019, I started to learn TiKZ drawing. The function is still very powerful, but I personally don’t have a sense of design;

  • In August 2019, I wrote a Applicable Inkscake Tool Tutorial, mtpro2 font installation and use under TeXLive< /code>, tcolorbox package learning use, , in fact there are many, such as tkz-euclide, timetableChinese font installation tutorial;

  • In January 2020, the LaTeX template of the National College Students Mathematical Contest was co-written by me and Yogurt. The source code can be read https://github.com /hoganbin/CMCThesis/blob/master/cmcthesis.cls

Comparison between Word and LaTeX and their advantages and disadvantages

Simple word processing toolProfessional typesetting software
Easy to use and simple and intuitiveEasy to use but long learning period
What you see is what you getWhat you see is what you think, what you think is what you get
Advanced functions are not easy to grasp Advanced is difficult, but generally not used
Processing long documents requires rich experienceIt is basically the same as short document processing
Spent a lot of time adjusting the formatDon’t worry about the format, just focus on the author’s content
The formula layout is not satisfactory Especially good at formula typesetting
Binary format, poor compatibilityText files, easy to read and stable
Paid commercial licenseFree to use
  • Advantage
    • High quality layout looks More professional, mathematical formulas are especially pleasing to the eye;
    • The structure of the structured file is clear;
    • The batch source file is a text file, Convenient for batch processing;
    • Cross-platform can run on almost all computer hardware and operating system platforms;
    • Free.< /section>
    • Scientific, it will automatically typesetting format, automatic numbering and reference according to user settings.
  • Disadvantages
    • The writing process is cumbersome, sometimes it needs to be compiled repeatedly, and it cannot be previewed in real time;
    • The macro package is mixed, and its style is not completely unified;
    • Lack of flexibility;
    • The support for fonts is relatively poor .

There are no flat roads in science, only those who do not work hard to climb along the steep mountain road Only those who have the hope of reaching the peak of glory. --- Karl Marx

Getting Started Installation Tutorial

  • TeX distribution package: currently there are TeXLive, MacTeX, MikTeX and CTeX (obsolete);
  • TeX editor: TeXStudio, WinEdt, TeX Shop, TeX pad(Mac version), VsCode and Sublime.
  • Jabref: used to manage documents, it is more convenient to use and write references.

It is recommended to install the release version TeXLive first, and then install the editor TeXStudio or WinEdt code>, choose according to your personal preference, know what it is for, download and install from this official website, but the download speed cannot be guaranteed, so you need to choose a domestic mirror website with the following address, here I recommend you to choose to enter the open source mirror of Tsinghua University to download.


Click texlive2019.iso

First, users can download the TeXLive 2019.iso image file from the above image, download After the completion, you can load the image file to the virtual CD-ROM drive. Note that under the Windows 10 system, double-click the image file by default to load it, and then decompress the TeXLive 2019.iso file, and then Double-click to open the install-tl-advanced.bat file, as shown below

Double-click install-tl-advanced.bat

Originally, this image file contained install-tl-windows.bat and install-tl-advanced.bat These two script files, in fact, double-clicking any of them can automatically install on Windows, but you can customize the latter according to your own Personally choose to configure the installation location and the default options after installation. Here I recommend the latter (to be on the safe side), and then click Advanced to modify the installation path. The default is C drive

The installation path can be modified

Then this is a waiting process, usually it takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to install, when you After the installation, the interface will appear "Welcome to the world of TeXLive, then call the cmd under the windows system, enter tex -version (others such as < code >latex -v, xelatex -v, pdflatex -v are all available), if the version number appears as follows

TeX 3.14159265 (TeX Live 2019/W32TeX)

In general, C: exlive2019 inwin32 in the system variable, if not, you can manually set C: exlive2019 inwin32 Add to the path in the system variable.

Next, I will introduce the second installation method, install TeXLive 2019 from the command line, and continue to return to the that was originally downloaded from the domestic Tsinghua mirror TeXLive 2019.iso, you don’t need to decompress it first, check the environment first

echo %path%

Check C:Windowssystem32 exists, then switch to the path of the downloaded TeXLive 2019 to open cmd, then check the md5 code, execute certutil -hashfile texlive2019.iso md5 and the following will appear

MD5 hash of texlive2019.iso:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully

Then switch to the disk where you downloaded TeXLive 2019, for example, if you download to E by default, you can execute cd /d E:, and then execute the following command to carry out the installation process

install-tl-windows.bat --no-gui

Then you can use the keyboard I to install the default path, D to modify the installation path (execute 1 later and then change the path such as D:/texlive/ 2019, and then the waiting process. The entire command line process is very simple, mainly testing the patience of the students.

Finally, about upgrading the macro package, first find the specified mirror source to download, such as Tsinghua University and then execute

tlmgr option repository https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet
< br>tlmgr update --list % View upgradable macro packages
tlmgr update --self --all % Upgrade all macro packages.
tlmgr install cmc % Install specified macro packages
< /pre>

Basic composition, document type and node

% hello_world.tex
< ul data-tool='mdnice editor' style='' class='list-paddingleft-2'>
  • article: with part, section, subsection, without chapter
  • report: part, chapter, section, subsection, abstract
  • < section >book: There are part, chapter, section, subsection, no abstract
  • beamer
  • slide
  • For general conference and journal manuscripts, we can use article Type; for official publications, use book type; for dissertations, use report or book type.
    < /li>
    documentclass[options]{…} % where options can include Font size, Paper size, Page Formats, sides and openany, etc.< br>pagestyle{…} % Set the parameters of the footer and header
    pagenumbering{…} % The style of the page number. The default parameter is Arabic numerals, and the page number can be reset.

    egin{document }
    % Title part: contains itle, author, date, maketitle
    % By default, the content is automatically centered, and the title will automatically wrap if it is too long. This part will start a new page in book and report type articles , while the article is on the first page of the document.

    %Abstract: only in article and report can call egin{ abstract}, this part will start a new page in the report class, and this part will be under the title of the first page in the article
    egin{abstract}< br> Abstract section
    chapter %chapter*{chapter} will not generate numbers

    Regarding the usage of \pagenumbering, I would like to emphasize one more sentence , generally the default parameter is Arabic numerals, and its types are as follows

    arabic: Arabic numerals; roman: lowercase Roman numerals; Roman: uppercase Roman numerals; alph: lowercase English letters; Alph: uppercase English letters

    Usage: Assuming Roman numerals are used in the preamble and Arabic numerals are used in the rest of the text, then use the command pagestyle{roman}pagestyle{roman}, then use chapter{...}pagenumbering{arabic} after the new chapter, and you can also follow it with setcounter{page}{number} to set start page number.


    < span >Reference and Understanding Macro Package

    usepackage{ctex} load Chinese package
    usepackage{amsfonts ,amsmath,amscd,amssymb,amsthm} % American Mathematical Society package
    usepackage{mtpro2} Personally like math fonts
    usepackage{relsize} Adjust formula font size: mathsmaller,mathlarger
    >usepackage{fontspec,xunicode,xltxtra} XeLaTeX related font font library
    usepackage{extarrows} can add text long equal signs above and below. Use xlongequal{#1} (add characters on the equal sign, It will change according to the length of the characters added)
    usepackage{etex} solves the macro package no room for. . . Error
    usepackage{lipsum} produces test text

    usepackage{fancyhdr,lastpage} % header footer, last page
    usepackage[table,dvipsnames,svgnames]{xcolor} color
    >usepackage{fontawesome} icon macro package
    figure title format package
    usepackage{graphicx,wrapfig,float} illustration
    usepackage{esvect} arrow macropackage
    usepackage{latexsym,bm} formula symbol
    usepackage[misc,electronic,clock]{ifsym}electrical symbol
    usepackage{ dingbat}
    usepackage{graphicx} illustration macro package
    usepackage{shadowtext} font shadow effect
    >usepackage{pstricks,pst-node,pst-tree} Graph Theory
    usepackage{wallpaper} Graphic text wrapping macro package, page background macro package
    usepackage{booktabs} Adjust the interval between the table line and the upper and lower content
    >usepackage{ifthen} logical judgment
    color table, table line
    usepackage{booktabs,colortbl,diagbox,longtable,multirow,tabularx,dcolumn} table thick Line, slash, color form, long form

    page layout, margin setting
    usepackage[top=2.54cm,bottom=2.54cm ,left=2.15cm,right=2.15cm,includehead,includefoot]{geometry}
    up and down2.54, left and right2.15

    Chinese bookmark
    urlcolor=blue,< br>conflict with attachfile2
    pdftitle={handbook of latex},title
    pdfborder={0 0 0},

    usepackage{ccmap} Make the generated PDF file support copying etc., for pdflatex
    usepackage{titletoc} directory format package

    where bf sets the font of the chapter title to bold, which is also The default value, and can be set to rm (Roman), sf (sans serif), tt (typewriter), md (medium black), up (upright), it (Italian italic), sl (mechanical italic) ), sc (small capital letters).
    small Set the font size of the title, and it can also be set to big (default), medium, tiny.
    center makes the title center, and can also be set to raggedleft (left, default), raggedright (right)
    indentafter is equivalent to the function of the macro package indentfirst, making the first paragraph below the title normally indented
    pagestyles is a statement to customize the page style

    usepackage{fancyhdr} custom header and footer
    usepackage{fancyvrb,sverb} copy environment
    usepackage{fancybox} and framed macro package conflict
    usepackage{framed} box environment
    usepackage{asymptote} ASY drawing macropackage
    usepackage{shapepar} SHAPE macropackage
    usepackage{flaafter,float} image placement macro The package is not placed in front of the text
    usepackage[normalem]{ulem} The underline macro package is added to the macro package
    usepackage{CJKfntef} The Chinese character underline macro package
    usepackage{lastpage} page number macro package
    usepackage{animate} Animation macropackage
    usepackage[left]{lineno} Line number macropackage
    usepackage{movie15} Video macropackage
    usepackage{tdclock} Time macropackage
    usepackage{shortlst} Shortlist macropackage
    >usepackage{enumerate} list number macropackage
    usepackage{threeparttable,endnotes} footnote endnote macropackage
    usepackage{makeidx} makeindex index table
    usepackage{xesearch} index macropackage
    usepackage{xeindex} makeindex
    usepackage{cite} implements [1-4] to cite multiple reference packages
    usepackage{flushend,cuted} double-column typesetting macropackage< br>usepackage{multicol} Multi-column typesetting
    usepackage{html,epsf} Generate HTML macro package
    usepackage{attachfile2} Attachment macro package
    usepackage{dirtree} Directory structure diagram macro package
    usepackage{bardiag } histogram macropackage
    usepackage[open,openlevel=0,atend]{bookmark} bookmark macropackage
    pdf comment macropackage
    usepackage[subject={tex},author ={wangfan},dvipdfmx,version=1]{pdfcomment}
    usepackage{eso-pic} Auxiliary macro package for wallpaper
    usepackage[left=2.6< /span>cm,right=2.6cm,top=2.54cm,bottom=2.54cm]{geometry}
    usepackage{tikz }Drawing macro package

  • Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/LaTeX%20Column%20001%20%20Getting%20Started%20%20Talking%20about%20Installation%20and%20Typesetting%20Experience.html

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