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LOGEST function calculates regression fitting curve values

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A function that computes an exponential regression fit curve that best fits the data and returns a numeric array describing the curve.


LOGEST(known_y's, [known_x's], [const], [stats])

LOGEST function syntax has the following parameters:

■known_y's Required. The set of known y values ​​in the relational expression y = b*m^x.

If the array known_y's is in a single column, then each column of known_x's is treated as an independent variable.

If the array known_y's is in a single row, then each row of known_x's is treated as a separate variable.

■known_x's Optional. The set of known x values ​​in the relational expression y=b*m^x, as an optional parameter.

The array known_x's can contain one or more sets of variables. If only one variable is used, then as long as known_x's and known_y's have the same

If they have the same dimensions, they can be regions of any shape.

If using multiple variables, known_y's must be a vector (i.e., a range of cells with one column height or one row width).

If known_x's is omitted, the array is assumed to be {1,2,3,...}, which is the same size as known_y's.

■Constant Optional. A logical value that specifies whether to force the constant b to 1.

If const is TRUE or omitted, b will be evaluated normally.

If const is FALSE, the constant b is set to 1 and the value of m satisfies the formula y=m^x.

■Deadline Optional. A logical value that specifies whether to return additional regression statistics.

If stats is TRUE, function LOGEST returns additional regression statistics,

So the returned array is {mn,mn-1,...,m1,b;sen,sen-1,...,se1,seb;r 2,sey; F,df; ssreg,ssresid}.

If stats is FALSE or omitted, the function LOGEST returns only the coefficient m and the constant b.


The closer the graph drawn from the data is to an exponential curve, the closer the calculated curve is to the original given data.

Just like the LINEST function, the LOGEST function returns a set of numerical arrays that describe the relationships between values,

But the LINEST function fits the data with a straight line, while the LOGEST function fits the data with an exponential curve.

When there is only one independent variable x, the value of the y-axis intercept (b) can be directly calculated using the following formula:


You can use the y=b*m^x formula to predict the value of y

When entering an array constant (such as known_x's) as a parameter, use commas to separate values ​​on the same line and semicolons to separate lines.

The delimiter may vary depending on locale.

One thing that should be noted is that if the y value predicted by the regression formula exceeds the y value range used to calculate the regression formula, the value May not be valid.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/LOGEST-han-shu-ji-suan-hui-gui-ni-he-qu-xian-zhi.html

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