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Kindergarten work plan for the next semester ppt model

diffusion. Under the premise of ensuring the health and safety of young children, arrange children's activity time reasonably, and pay attention to children's autonomy and initiative. Arrange targeted game activities every day, such as role-playing, puzzl

According to the age characteristics of the children in the small class, focusing on childcare, the plan for this semester is formulated for the children in my class as follows:

1. Daily activities

The three teachers in the class work together to do a good job in class hygiene, do a good job of cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation every day, prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases, and reasonably arrange the day-to-day life of the children;

In daily life, educate children not to move sockets and electric boards to prevent electric shock; do not put fingers on doors and windows to prevent pinch injuries; pay attention not to play with water, fire, soap and disinfection items; Do not push to prevent bumps and bruises.

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Young children in small classes are prone to novelty in the environment. Usually use morning conversations, teaching activities, and game activities to educate young children on common sense of safety and improve their safety awareness and self-protection ability. In routine training, educate children to abide by the rules of the activity, not to carry dangerous objects to participate in activities (such as: scissors, toys and other sharp objects), and not to do dangerous actions in the game (such as: sliding down the slide head-on, climbing the slide from the bottom up, not climbing etc.), do not leave the group without authorization, get along with each other in a friendly manner, give in to each other, do not squeeze or bump into each other, and do not (hit, push, bite, grab) others.

2. Do a good job in the three inspections

Morning inspection: look at, touch, check, and ask four times. The arrangement of primary and secondary shifts is reasonable, and the handover of shifts is clearly explained and well connected.

Children in the small class are used to stuffing a lot of things into the nostrils, ears, mouth, belly button and other places with holes. Always pay attention to them in their daily life, guide the children to pay attention to personal hygiene, and do not put dirty things in their mouths to prevent disease. Take it in your mouth, don't eat unclean, stale and moldy food; pay attention to the safety of food with spines and bones when eating, and safety matters when eating hot dishes and hot soup.

Afternoon inspection: keep eyes on the children, strengthen inspection with legs and hands, and touch the children frequently. Check that children do not play with clothes (such as buttons, beads, hair clips, zippers, etc.), do not sleep with their heads covered, and do not sleep with toys or objects.

Evening inspection: clear division of labor, receiving parents, organizing children, cleaning up, cutting off water and electricity, and managing class materials.

3. Home contact

Use forums, online schools, telephones, home columns, parent meetings, contact with the kindergarten and leave the kindergarten to publicize knowledge to parents, and parents are asked to actively cooperate with the kindergarten to do a good job in safety, sanitation, and education, especially in strengthening traffic safety. Pay attention to and abide by traffic regulations when picking up children. Remind parents to pay attention to the safety of home life and the environment of home activities (such as: burns, scalds, electric shocks, poisoning, falls and other preventive education work), and guide children to remember their parents' names and phone numbers.

There is a large flow of people coming and leaving the kindergarten, and children in small classes are easily attracted by the interesting points of the environment, so when they come to the kindergarten, parents are required to send it to the care teacher, and greet each other with the teacher, and do not stay in other places in the kindergarten; Children bid farewell to the teacher and explain the identity of the pick-up, and do not leave the kindergarten with strangers or without authorization. Keep an eye on the four directions. If the parents take their children to play in the large toy area in the park after leaving the class, they must remind the parents to keep an eye on the children.

4. Children's drug taking and self-help ability training

The different types of children's physique must remind parents to communicate with teachers in a timely manner. Parents are asked to cooperate and write down the class, name, dose, time, etc. on the children's medicines to be taken, and submit them to the kindergarten health teachers, who will do a good job in drug management. , in order to prevent children from eating by mistake, and prevent the class teacher from affecting the best time for children to take medicine due to other work. Usually actively cooperate with the infirmary to do a good job in various health care tasks such as physical examinations for children, so that children can grow up healthily.

Design some activities to guide children to identify special numbers and the uses of these numbers (such as 110, 119, 120), and at the same time educate children not to play these numbers at will. Train and guide children to identify the direction, and warn them not to trust strangers, and not to open the door at will if they are alone at home. When encountering danger, educate young children to learn to avoid (such as: self-rescue methods in case of fire). Education cheeper does the thing of in one's power more, strengthen the education of cheeper provide for oneself ability.

Remind yourself and your children all the time, we believe that we can make our children grow up healthily and happily.

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