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Kindergarten teacher work summary ppt model essay

We can include the following content in the kindergarten teacher's work summary PPT: 1. Semester goal achievement: review the goals set at the beginning of this semester, and summarize whether the expected results have been achieved. Some specific goals c

The semester is coming to an end. Looking back on the changes of a class of children and teachers in this semester, we feel gratified and proud, because we have seen the teachers' continuous progress and the innocent and lovely children growing up happily and happily every day.

Looking back on the work of this semester, with the correct guidance, support and help of the leaders of the park, with the concerted cooperation of the two teachers in our first class, according to the "Procedures", we will focus on the key points of the various education and teaching tasks in the park, combined with the In the actual situation, various educational forms, methods, and means have been adopted, and various tasks have been carried out with the actual development level, so that all aspects of young children have made great progress on the original basis, which will be summarized as follows:

1. Improve children's self-care ability, so that children can grow up physically and mentally

The children who entered the middle class have obviously grown up, and their ability to take care of themselves has improved. First of all, we will give individual attention and help to the children on the basis of understanding:

(1) Meals: For children who eat slowly and picky eaters, tell them more about the benefits of various vegetables to the human body in daily life. The growth of the body is inseparable from this kind of food, etc. Pay more attention during the meal, from Don't like to eat to eat less, and finally to love to eat, so that children's health has been well developed.

(2) Washing: children always need to be reminded by the teacher to wash their hands after going to the toilet. Later, we adopted that as long as a child comes out of the toilet, ask him to stretch out his little hand and let the on-duty students smell it. Whose little hands are the most fragrant ?Through this activity, children can also consciously develop a good habit of washing hands after defecating.

(3) Arranging clothes: This semester focuses on the training of children's clothes, because this semester will face the coming of winter, and many children will not and are unwilling to take the initiative to organize their pants. Mention, the little belly is always exposed outside. In response to this problem, we began to train young children in this area in October. First, we started by setting a small example, and invited a few well-dressed children to come up and ask the children to watch. Their little tops and trousers are all neat and tidy, and bring little red flowers for these children, so that other children can change from envy to imitation. Secondly, the teacher checks and reminds the children's belly after the children urinate and defecate randomly. Is it exposed? Let the children remember that the clothes should be neat and tidy all the time. After these three months of continuous training, a large number of children can do it without the teacher's reminder, and we are also training in this aspect. With the strong cooperation and support of the parents, the children have made continuous progress.

Through the cultivation and exercise of these aspects, children's self-care ability has been well developed, and they are more adapted to the collective life of kindergartens.

2. Continue to carry out education and teaching work to enhance the quality education of young children

In this semester, our two teachers use the educational goal of "comprehensively adding characteristics" to the guidelines of the park, combined with the development of the children in this class, to promote the development of each child's individuality through all aspects of the day's activities; Guide children to recognize, experience and understand basic social behavior rules, learn self-discipline, and establish a sense of rules; combine daily life, carry out safety education, and improve children's awareness and ability of self-protection; help children learn correct reading methods , cultivate children's interest in reading; guide children to respect others in interpersonal communication, be polite, honest, and trustworthy; cultivate children to actively participate in various sports activities; Like the interest of playing chess, so that every child has learned more than three to six kinds of board games. Make every cheeper get comprehensive development on original level.

(1) Cultivate children's listening ability and strengthen communication between teachers and children

In this semester, we have focused on the development of young children, focusing on cultivating children's listening ability. In the past, we paid attention to children's learning to listen, and let children listen to the teacher's verbal instructions, but neglected to listen to the children's expressions. In order for children to learn the ability to listen quickly, first of all, our two teachers should start from themselves and be the main listeners of children, because in kindergartens, teachers are the main listeners of children, and children like to talk to teachers about everything. It can be said that due to the negligence of our teachers, it has caused adverse effects, and the behavior of setting an example is also imitable by the nature of children, so that the children in our class have made great progress in listening, and teachers are listening to children. Listening to what they say and what they think, and also strengthen the communication between teachers and children, so that the relationship between teachers and children has been further enhanced.

(2) Improve children's sense of cooperation and enhance the friendship between children

Entering the middle class, we found that children have certain deficiencies in cooperation with their peers, and lack the ability to cooperate. When encountering problems in games and corner activities, they will not negotiate, do not divide labor and communicate, and often complain when conflicts arise. Therefore, our two teachers realized the importance of children's cooperation, and we also timely and effectively cultivated children's cooperation awareness in response to this problem.

1. First set an example of cooperation for children

Teachers have high prestige in the minds of young children, and teachers' words and deeds affect young children subtly. Therefore, whether the teachers in our class can divide the work and cooperate with each other will have a direct impact on the children. For example, when one teacher organizes children to carry out operational activities, another teacher takes the initiative to help arrange and distribute materials; one teacher is teaching children to sing, while the other teacher plays the piano to cooperate, which virtually provides positive support for children. Be a role model. In addition, peers are also role models for children to observe and learn. We positively evaluate and encourage children with cooperative behavior, such as: two to three children cooperate to build building blocks in the corner activities, and two children cooperate to make handmade works together. Teachers will give positive comments and encouragement after they find out, thus motivating other children to learn from them; at the same time, in acting games and role games, if there is no cooperation between peers, it is impossible to proceed, so that children can further understand the relationship between peers. cooperation is extremely important.

2. Second, teach children how to cooperate

Teachers teach children how to cooperate and guide children how to cooperate. For example, before building blocks or playing store games, everyone should discuss together and cooperate with each other; when encountering conflicts, negotiate to solve the problem; When you are in trouble, you should take the initiative to help him with actions and words; when you encounter difficulties that cannot be solved by yourself, you can take the initiative to ask children for help, etc. Through these specific cooperation scenarios, help children gradually acquire the methods and strategies of cooperation, and learn to cooperate through cooperation.

(3) Put appropriate materials in the corner activities to develop children's spirit of exploration and interest in learning board games.

According to the kindergarten's guidelines of "comprehensively adding features" and combining the curriculum theme goals, we put appropriate materials in the corners for children to operate, so that children can explore while learning and developing during the activities.

First of all, we combined themed activities in the science area to explore the mysteries of mirrors, explore the origin of frictional electrification, understand the principle of oil-water separation, and the changes of hourglasses, etc., so that children can understand the characteristics, types, and uses of mirrors through operations; By putting in different materials: silk cloth, plastic sticks, paper scraps, sand, iron, combs, etc., let the children find out which material can be charged by friction and which one is not during the process of playing with water. I understand the reason that oil and water are separated; secondly, we also put classification boxes through themes in the puzzle area to allow children to learn object classification while operating, learn the classification between graphics, recognize, read and write numbers and other activity materials for children to play. In combination with the age characteristics of the middle class children, various peanuts, beans, glass balls, etc. were put in for the children to practice using chopsticks, so that the children's small hand muscle movements were exercised; of various board games.

There are folk chess games: Flying Chess, Running Horse Chess, Beast Fighting Chess, Checkers, etc.; there are chess games created and designed by our two teachers under the guidance of the principal in combination with the theme goals: Ants Moving Bean Chess, Baby Feeding Chess (these two kinds It is to let children practice the ability of counting); find shadow chess, find insect chess, figure chess (these three kinds of chess are to practice children's understanding of graphic features); find autumn chess, find winter chess (to let children understand autumn and winter through chess) The characteristics of the two seasons and people's life, clothing, weather changes, etc. have a further understanding); polite chess, good baby chess (to let children understand those behaviors are polite and good behavior habits through playing chess) ;Literacy chess is for children to review the Chinese characters they have learned and learn to form words by playing chess; children will use the Children's interest in playing chess, thinking ability, awareness of rules, analytical ability, and intellectual development have all been well cultivated.

(4) Carry out rich and colorful educational activities around the theme goals.

In this semester, we have carried out various and colorful educational activities based on the "Outline" combined with the garden-based curriculum. Hometown), golden autumn, fun of exploration, cold winter (Christmas and New Year’s Day) and other activities; in this series of activities, children have obtained different developments from various aspects, such as the theme activities in I love my hometown Middle: We first let the children collect different information about their hometown: the scenery of their hometown, special products of their hometown, famous brands of their hometown, changes of their hometown, etc. to understand our hometown. The ability to exchange information with peers. At the same time, we also launched a unique autumn outing. In this autumn outing, we first discussed the autumn outing plan with the children, where to go, what to do? What matters to pay attention to, etc. are all negotiated by teachers and children Secondly, we will announce the results of the consultation to the parents, and ask the parents to make a further confirmation, and we will invite the parents to participate with us.

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