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Key middle school teacher practice report ppt sample

The psychological state of students' learning provides a basis. 2. Purpose of the survey 1. To understand students' attitudes and motivations towards learning. 2. Explore the sources of learning pressure and coping methods of middle school students. 3. An

1. Survey overview

In October 20xx, I conducted a survey on the learning psychology of students in a key middle school I practiced. Through investigation and research, we have a preliminary understanding of the learning psychology of middle school students. In order to accurately grasp the current learning psychology trends of middle school students, deepen teaching reform, strengthen the pertinence of education and teaching, improve the effectiveness of education and teaching, and explore new ways to implement quality education way, providing an objective basis.

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2. Specific objectives and methods of the investigation

(1) Specific goals

1. The status quo of learning psychology of middle school students

2. The characteristics of learning psychology of middle school students

3. The causes and countermeasures of the current middle school students' learning psychology

(2) Investigation method

The student questionnaire covers four aspects: educational values, learning attitudes, learning needs and learning purposes. The questionnaire survey was carried out in the No. 6 Middle School. A total of 80 questionnaires were sent out, and 70 valid questionnaires were returned, which is close to the ideal number of high-efficiency samples.

3. Survey results

According to the survey and analysis of student questionnaires, the learning psychology of middle school students has obvious characteristics of the times.

(1) Analysis of the current situation of learning psychology of middle school students

1. The survey of educational values ​​shows that most middle school students have relatively clear educational values. 70% of the students think that the function of study is to improve their own quality, nearly 20% of the students think that the function of study is to take the university entrance examination, and 10% of the middle school students do not think about it.

The survey also shows that the educational values ​​of middle school students have significant economic and social characteristics. They believe that the economic income of young people is directly proportional to their education level. Nearly 60% of the students think that college students earn more money, nearly 20% of students think that high school graduates earn more money, and more than 10% of students think that junior high school graduates earn more money. A lot of money.

2. Learning attitude

The survey results show that more than 60% of the students have a high enthusiasm for learning, more than 20% of the students have a medium enthusiasm for learning, and more than 10% of the students are afraid of learning. This is consistent with their weakening awareness of "taking the university entrance examination". It is worth noting that the number of students who are afraid of learning accounts for a considerable share. Moreover, we also found in the survey that less than 90% of the students have their own "most hated courses". The fundamental reason why students are afraid of learning or dislike certain courses is closely related to the teaching method of teachers; secondly, it is closely related to the practical value of the course. The survey results show that more than 80% of the students are more enthusiastic about Chinese, mathematics, physics, and chemistry, which are closely related to real life and have strong practicality, but are not interested in history, geography, biology, and English, which are more academic. Among the courses that students hate, English is one of the core courses in junior high school. There are 4xxxx students who think that "English is almost useless for our future life".

3. Learning needs

At present, "specialty" is a hot topic of common concern to teachers and students. In the survey, we found that most of the students have a correct understanding of "specialty". of students want to be guided by teachers. At the same time, 70% of the students hope to learn more and practical scientific and technological knowledge, so that it can help them in their future life and work.

4. Learning purpose 90% of the students have the desire to go to university.

(2) The characteristics of learning psychology of middle school students

The survey shows that the current learning psychology of middle school students is significantly different from that of previous middle school students.

1. The value of education tends to be diversified, pragmatic and utilitarian

Most of them have realized that the important value of education lies in helping them improve their overall quality, enabling them to master the basic cultural and scientific knowledge needed for survival and life, so as to enhance their competitiveness in the future society. On this basis, some students with better family economic conditions and excellent grades are committed to pursuing higher education.

The other two characteristics of middle school students' educational values ​​are pragmatism and utilitarianism. Middle school students are increasingly pursuing the economic value of future education output. Many of them measure the value of the courses they have learned from an economic point of view, and then decide how hard they will work on different courses. They require course teaching to be more connected with life and production practice, and to infiltrate more practical technologies.

We know that due to the constraints of age and knowledge, middle school students' cognition, analysis, judgment and other abilities are immature and unstable. In fact, quite a few middle school students are confused about their educational values. The reasons for this are:

One is that more and more college students find it difficult to get a job, which makes them lose confidence in taking college entrance exams;

Second, it is difficult for middle school cultural courses with strong academic nature to meet students' needs for vocational skills, and it is difficult for them to generate intrinsic stimulation and interest-driven learning. These reasons make more and more students tired of studying.

2. Vertical multi-level and horizontal multi-objective of learning needs

In the survey, we found that due to differences in individual learning foundations, educational values, and expectations for the future, middle school students' learning needs have the characteristics of vertical multi-level and horizontal multi-objective. The vertical multi-level of learning needs means that students have different requirements for the depth of knowledge they have learned. Students who are preparing for employment after graduating from high school are only required to master basic knowledge; students who are preparing to enter higher vocational colleges or art colleges are required to have moderately difficult courses and moderate academic performance; students who are pursuing university education require maximum capacity Master the knowledge you have learned and achieve a high level of academic performance. The horizontal multi-objective of learning needs means that students have broad requirements for the breadth of knowledge they have learned. They not only require to learn the academic course knowledge well, but also require to fully develop their own specialties, and also require to master more practical techniques.

3. The purpose of learning is clear, but it is subjective and uncoordinated

According to the questionnaire survey of students, 80% of the students have a clear learning purpose. However, through the comparative analysis of the questionnaires and the inspection of the students themselves, I found that the students' learning goals are seriously subjective and uncoordinated. The subjectivity of students' learning goals is prominently manifested in that they have realized the difficulty of entering urban employment in the future. Obviously, the idea of ​​such a large group having this is highly unrealistic. In addition, 40% of the students hope that they will succeed in their careers in the future. The incoordination of students' learning goals is mainly manifested in the incoordination of thought and action. The results of the survey show that 30% of the students who are preparing for the university entrance examination do not show corresponding enthusiasm in learning, but show a passive and waiting learning attitude.

I have an educational internship in Baoshan No. 1 Middle School. The internship content includes two aspects, one is the educational internship of professional courses, and the other is the work internship of the head teacher. During this period, I worked actively and hard, humbly consulted experienced teachers, and achieved excellent results. At the same time, I also did an in-depth investigation during the internship, which was aimed at the Chinese course. The investigation process was very hard. In order to obtain the real thoughts of teachers and students, I spent a lot of time thinking, and the final investigation results are still very satisfying to me.

In order to obtain materials in a comprehensive and detailed manner, I am not limited to the investigation of the two classes I took during the internship, but also across classes, grades, and even the internship schools where other students are located. The most important form of investigation is the distribution of questionnaires. At the same time, I am also actively looking for students to talk and communicate with teachers to better understand the situation.

Here, I would like to introduce the results of my investigation and talk about some of my views on Chinese teaching and learning in middle schools. Some of the problems may have been described by predecessors or often talked about by teachers, but I think this is very important for our internship. For students, it is a real experience and feeling, not just a previous theoretical understanding. I hope that my understanding can have some effect on my future work.

First of all, let's talk about the situation of Chinese teaching from the teacher's point of view.

My survey found that in the current physics classroom teaching, the teaching methods used by most teachers are correct, and it conforms to the actual situation of teaching. Many language, physics and literature teachers design a lot of questions when preparing lessons, so that they can ask students in class and achieve the purpose of communicating with students. Some physics teachers in the survey told me that the current students are lazy and don’t pay much attention to learning. They think that whether they work hard or not, they will not get too high marks in the exam, nor will they get low marks, and they will not have differences with other students. The gap is too big, and even if you work hard, you may not get good results. Therefore, when you let them go home to preview the text, most students basically don't read it. Therefore, more questions should be asked in class, so as to force them to read after class. In the process of physics teaching, we must ask more "why". On the one hand, teachers and students can communicate, and on the other hand, we can further explore the relevant content of the textbook. I have also adopted this method in the teaching of the internship, and the results are really good.

I found that some advanced teaching methods and teaching concepts are not very popular in the current middle school teaching. The important reason is that the effect of using this teaching method is not very ideal, and it reduces the opportunities for teacher-student interaction. Taking the use of multimedia teaching as an example, most students' eyes are attracted to the big screen during class, and few students read books anymore. Students love to look at some pictures, and they remember the pictures very clearly, but they ignore the text next to the pictures. This teaching method also makes teachers lazy. Most teachers seldom write on the blackboard during multimedia classes. Some teachers don’t write a word on the blackboard after a class, and students don’t take notes.

The teachers think that there is a big difference in the Chinese performance of the students in a class, so they can be divided into several grades. It is almost impossible for a teacher to let all students learn physics well. It depends on the specific situation of the students, and there are different requirements for students depending on the individual situation. For students with particularly poor grades, some teachers have adopted an attitude of giving up. They think that it is not worth sacrificing everyone's interests because of a student's poor grades, and the teacher's energy is limited. The teachers also admit that they have prejudices in the teaching process, but this is something they can't help. After all, there is a baton of the college entrance examination that imperceptibly restrains them. Teachers cannot treat students equally. It is really commendable that teachers can tell me frankly.

In the survey, I also found that when experienced teachers teach, the classroom atmosphere is always very active. When preparing lessons, they are not limited to teaching references, excellent teaching plans and other books, and can use them according to the actual situation of the students they teach. This is the deepest feeling when I listen to different teachers during my internship. It is not difficult to see from it that understanding and analyzing the actual situation of students, seeking truth from facts, specific analysis of specific issues, and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude have a direct impact on the teaching situation. This theory has been verified in the investigation of my educational practice.

Secondly, let's talk about the situation of Chinese from the perspective of students.

During the survey, some students openly stated to me that they were not interested in learning physics and did not want to learn physics. They think physics is abstract and difficult to understand. Especially for liberal arts students, their thinking is even more serious. They think that they don’t want to be scientists, and it’s useless to be good at physics, and their scores in the exam will not be too low. The current students are so individual, I think there are still many benefits to learning physics well. After all, you got one extra point in the college entrance examination, and your life path is different. What's more, after you step into the society, you need to communicate with others. Good communication skills are very popular.

Students liked and were very interested in modern teaching methods at the beginning, but it didn't matter after a long time. Some students told me that the teacher didn't grasp the teaching time very well with the polyhedron in class. Sometimes it was too fast to take notes, and sometimes it was too slow, and the students sounded bored. Some students simply told me that it is better to study online at home.

Most students like teachers who are humorous in class, don’t like to criticize students, and can get along well with students. They all hope that teachers can pay more attention to themselves, even students with poor grades. This desire is even higher than that of other students. more intense. They hope that the teacher can understand their true thoughts more, forgive their rebellious psychology, and be good friends with them, instead of the teacher treating them with a condescending manner. Moreover, some students also like to pay attention to the teacher. They are interested in the teacher's clothes and some things that happen in the teacher's daily work. It seems that as teachers, we must communicate with students in a timely manner to understand students' true thoughts so that we can work better in teaching.

Because most of my survey objects are high school students, they generally think that they are under a lot of study pressure now. Some students told me that they seldom have time to play, participate in less sports activities, and spend most of their time on work. on practice questions. Regarding this situation, I also asked a few teachers, and the teachers told me that there is no way to do it. One is that the current students are not conscious of their studies, and the other is that the school’s annual evaluation and evaluation work still depends on the students’ exams. The third is that parents of students also look at the school's progress when choosing a school for their students. In this way, they can only work harder on the students' grades.

Through the above survey, I think that in the future Chinese teaching, teachers should pay attention to the following issues:

1. Cultivate students' interest in learning physics. Only when students increase their interest in the subjects they study can they improve their grades quickly. Teachers can organize more Chinese activity classes to allow students to actively participate and make students realize the importance of learning Chinese through their own participation. During the class, the teacher can give more vivid and vivid examples to let the students have an intuitive feeling, not just a boring understanding in theory. The examples should be close to life, preferably what is happening at the moment, and things that people pay attention to, so that students can better discuss and further arouse students' interest.

Second, treat modern multimedia technology correctly. The application of multimedia to the current teaching is indeed a great progress in the history of education. Its intuition, vividness, and richness have a huge role in promoting teaching, but I think that when applying modern multimedia technology, we must grasp a certain degree. Excessive use of multimedia may arouse students' resentment, which is not difficult to find from the above survey. For some boring texts, I suggest that it is best to use multimedia teaching, and make more pictures and Flash in the courseware, which will make students interested in the pictures at once, so that they can study the text with curiosity, and the boring text will easy for students to accept. For some texts with strong storytelling, it is best for teachers to speak in class, interact with students more, and let students participate more. comminicate.

3. Treat students equally and appreciate every student. Regardless of whether a student's grades are good or bad, teachers must fully respect the personality of students, which is also a basic requirement for a qualified teacher. Now when we talk about respect, we not only require students to respect teachers, but also require teachers to respect students. As a teacher, you must know that only when you respect students can students respect you better. In addition, students with poor grades should be actively encouraged to study. As long as such students make progress, they should be praised in time. Praise is a good way to promote poor students' progress. In the usual teaching, try to criticize students as little as possible, and focus on encouragement. Even when criticizing students, you must pay attention to the method. The language is best not to be sharp and mean, and not to hurt the students' self-esteem. I am afraid that it is difficult for teachers to do this. In fact, students are no less tolerant than teachers. Teachers who sincerely admit their mistakes to students may be more respected by students. I have such feelings during the internship and investigation.

4. In addition to doing my own job well, I think it is best for Chinese teachers to participate in some activities organized by students. Communicate with students during participation, understand students' true thoughts, and affirm students' organizational achievements, so as to better integrate with students. Take the initiative to talk to students, be a good friend of students, eliminate the gap between teachers and students, and promote better development of education and teaching.

In short, the above is the relevant situation I investigated during this internship. Some of these opinions may not be correct, but after all, this is the result of my actual investigation. I will learn from some excellent teachers' practices and apply them to future teaching based on my actual level. I think as long as I can persevere with a positive attitude, learn more about the current teaching situation, emancipate my mind, seek truth from facts, and keep pace with the times, I will become a qualified people's teacher in the near future. I hope my thoughts can change. become a reality.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers and students who supported this survey!

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