Founder Small Standard Song Simplified Font Download:It is enough to understand a few points in general official documents (take WPS as an example)-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

It is enough to understand a few points in general official documents (take WPS as an example)

As a part of the official document requirements, you should choose Song typeface for the main text and Hei typeface for the title, which can be realized by using the standard font settings in WPS. The second is the font size. In general official documents

As a staff member of an ordinary institution, and as a staff member of the two offices of the city and county, I think it is enough to understand the following requirements for official documents . Now we use wps more now, so take WPS as an example.

One is the font. Fonts are the most intuitive. Unless otherwise specified, all elements of the official document format generally use the No. 3 Fangsong (Fangsong_GB2312) font, and the title of the official document uses the No. 2 font of Fangzheng Xiaobiao Song (Fangzheng Xiaobiao Song Simplified). The word "Issuer" should be in No. 3 imitation Song style font, and the name of the issuer should be in No. 3 italic script (单体_GB2312). The first-level title uses boldface No. 3, the second-level title uses italics (Italic_GB2312) No. 3, and the third-level title imitates Song Dynasty (GB2312)

The second is the page number. The page numbers use the four-point font of Song Typeface. The header and footer generally choose different odd and even pages. According to the printing test, the header is set to 1.55cm, and the footer is set to 3.55cm.

The third is the page margin. The page margin values ​​are: top 3.7㎝, bottom 3.5㎝, left 2.8㎝, right 2.6㎝, line spacing 28 points, about 10㎜. Orphan control is generally canceled.

Fourth, there are a few points to be reminded:1. The issuer generally only uses the above text. 2. The version is in the No. 4 imitation Song _GB2312 font. 3. Numbers should use New Roman.

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