:Is the Arial font that everyone uses every day free for commercial use? Is there a best alternative? What is the best combination of Chinese and English fonts for free commercial use? #公子问题# No.021-PPT information免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Is the Arial font that everyone uses every day free for commercial use? Is there a best alternative? What is the best combination of Chinese and English fonts for free commercial use? #公子问题# No.021

Arial font is one of Microsoft's commercial fonts, so it is not free for commercial use. If you want to use Arial fonts in commercial projects, you need to purchase the corresponding license to obtain legal rights of use. 2. Is there any best Arial font a

Three questions: Is the Arial font that everyone uses every day free for commercial use? Is there a best alternative? What is the best combination of Chinese and English fonts for free commercial use?

1. Is the Arial font that everyone uses every day free for commercial use?

When the son is in the company's internal training (please refer to >>Buyizi PPT course company internal training details), repeatedly emphasize a certain JuhardYaheifonts should be used with caution, especially if there are currently alternative fonts, such as Siyuan HeiTi, Siyuan SongTi, and Ali PuhuiTi (please read>> ;Comparison of visual effects between Alibaba Pratt and other fonts and Gongzi's suggestions), just download and install and then replace.

Then through [Design] Variants[wordbody], directly set the free commercial font as The subject word, as shown above. In this way, the font of the input text when we newly insert the text box is the theme word set by ourselves.

However, some students asked that there are free commercial font replacements for Chinese fonts, but what about Western fonts? Is the commonly used Arial font free and commercially available?

Who told you that Arial is a free commercial font? If there is no official and authoritative authorization statement, you can’t take it for granted that the fonts that come with Microsoft Office software are free for commercial use. Many people have suffered from this loss, let alone you don’t know !

Second, is there a best alternative?

ArialThis font is very beautiful and generous, and it is widely used because it comes with Microsoft Office. Now that everyone is aware of copyright, is there any alternative fonts that are free for commercial use and have similar aesthetics?

Of course, Alibaba Puhui also includes Western fonts. But the son recommended another one, "Nexa light" and"Nexa Bold" in the Nexa font .

Are they free for commercial use?

The font Nexa comes from fontfabric company, official website introduction, the company "Founded in 2008 by Svet Simov in Sofia, Bulgaria", official website Shows that the company is focused on font design, "WE DESIGN FONTS"

There are 16 styles of this font, among which light and ” Bold” are marked as FREE, although they are very small and light, but ordinary people still see them at a glance.

What is the specific meaning of this FREE? The commoner found the license statement about Free Font on the website again.

To sum up the main points, commercial use is allowed, such as LOGO production, printing of books and magazines, and online use, etc., but modification, resale, etc. are not allowed. The license in the screenshot above shall prevail.

There is a free font website fontstorage.com, as shown in the picture above, claiming "Collection of free fonts for your websites", the commoner went to this website to test it, and found that he could search and download "Nexa light" and "Nexa Bold", but the font Arial cannot be found.

In this way, it can basically be judged that "Nexa light" and "Nexa Bold" are free for commercial use. So how does it perform? As shown in the picture below, Arial is bolded, the Western font Bold in Alibaba Pratt is bolded, and the default style of Nexa Bold is not bolded. Let’s compare it:< /span>

3. What is the best combination of Chinese and English fonts for free commercial use?

In this way, the best combination of Chinese and English for free and commercial use will come out. If all fonts are sans serif fonts, the combination is as follows:

▼Example of design effect:

If Chinese needs to use Song Ti, a serif font, the combination is as follows:

▼Example of design effect:

This issue of "Gongzi Q&A" briefly introduces the two free commercial Nexa fonts "Nexa light" and"Nexa Bold" , if you also have free and commercially available Western fonts, I look forward to your feedback!

- END -

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