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Is Hawking a liar? Are his remarks reliable? Why do many people scold Hawking?

Hawking was a renowned physicist and astrophysicist, widely appreciated for his academic contributions and scientific research. However, he also caused some controversy and criticism because of his views and remarks on some topics. Hawking's remarks mainl

There are many right and wrong people, and more right and wrong show that people are popular. There are many supporters of Hawking on the Internet, but there are also many people who call Hawking a liar. For Hawking's team, this is something they like to see and hear, and it means a lot of money. But for Hawking himself, it may not be what he wants. The real Hawking, what kind of person is he? He is just an old man with a wheelchair, an unfortunate old man who has been afflicted for decades by Lou Gehrig's disease, which causes muscular atrophy, an old man who is struggling with pain and hope, and an old man who has long since quit the scientific research circle and was kidnapped by a commercial team.

After the death of Einstein, there is no scientist who has always attracted widespread attention and discussion like Hawking. It is undeniable that Hawking is extremely popular all over the world. Professor Li Miao believes that Hawking is the number one IP among scientists in terms of popularity. It can be said that Hawking, who just passed away, is the number one Internet celebrity among scientists all over the world, with countless flowers and constant doubts. The Hawking we come into contact with always seems to be an unrestrained Hawking. For example, he often publishes his "opinions" on some science fiction topics, but in fact most of them are fabricated by his business team. So that Hawking's reputation has been questioned.

"King of the Universe"

There are also some words of his own, which caused a lot of controversy because they were too controversial.

For example, he said that alien life is almost everywhere in the universe, most of which are microorganisms and simple life forms, but a few have higher intelligence than humans. "There may be an alien creature that feeds on lightning on Jupiter." He believes that contact with such alien creatures will have a devastating impact on humans, and he advises humans not to search hard. "One day, we may receive a signal from such a planet, but we should be vigilant in answering. Encountering an advanced civilization may be like Native Americans met Columbus. The result is not very good." "Alien Life Possibly 'greedy marauders' who roam the universe in search of lootable resources and planets to conquer and colonize". "If advanced aliens visit the earth, it will bring disaster to the local people just like the Italian navigator Columbus first landed in America." He also said that in another 30 years, human beings will have to immigrate to other planets. "If people don't migrate to space, it's just a matter of time before they will die out due to overpopulation and climate change." These topics are highly controversial, and the scope of the debate goes far beyond the scientific community, becoming a a popular topic.

But to say whether Hawking is a liar or not depends on what specific words Hawking said, and whether these words are reliable.

In recent years, Hawking has indeed made some remarks that seem to be "out of the box". His remarks were examined. In fact, even if Hawking's remarks are "out of line", if measured by the standard of ordinary people's speech, they are actually ordinary, and they are generally the same as what ordinary people say. You see, there are so many nonsense on the Internet, and their reliability is far inferior to that of Hawking. I talked about Hawking with Luo Siyang, a senior engineer at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he said to me, "The old man Hawking has not done scientific research for several years, and he is no longer a member of the scientific research circle." If he does not do scientific research, he is naturally a little idle. , so occasionally I have a whimsy and express a little gossip, which seems to be nothing special.

Hawking when he was young

What Hawking "said" needs to be analyzed in detail. Generally speaking, the "extraordinary" remarks related to Hawking are not necessarily Hawking's own opinions. His remarks can be broadly divided into three situations:

1, it was not Hawking's own will, but the business team asked him to say this, or the business team said it directly.

An example is a series of documentaries on the Internet called "Understanding the Universe with Stephen Hawking". Among them, it talked about aliens (extraterrestrial life) that everyone is very interested in. "Hawking" said that there may be aliens (extraterrestrial life) on Jupiter. They are like "jellyfish", floating above Jupiter's atmosphere, with a diameter of several kilometers. It is also said that there is life on the stars, and there are life forms made up of plasma.

Actually, these words were completely fabricated by Hawking's business team. Hawking said a long time ago that I didn't say a lot of things. Those business teams are vampires, and they are only interested in copper coins. "How would they let me go," Hawking said. Hawking gave speeches in 2013 and 2015. He said: "Those vampires... Only when I enter the coffin can they (referring to the business team) finally let me go."

It is not surprising that under Hawking's banner, a large number of publishers and commercial team members have been supported. If Hawking is always silent, how can he attract the attention and enthusiasm of the public? Therefore, for the sake of popularity and eyeballs, it is not surprising that he made up some "appalling" weird remarks for Hawking from time to time. Hawking's business team is very greedy, and anyone who has been in contact with it knows it. A science and technology publishing house once wanted me to help contact Hawking's business team for cooperation, but later it was dropped because the other party's asking price was too high.

2, is the meaning of Hawking himself.

According to the "Daily Mail" report, the famous British physicist Stephen Hawking said that humans can survive in the world for less than 1,000 years.

Hawking said, "There is no future for human beings not to fly into space. Therefore, I want to arouse public interest in going to space, and I will conduct training to fly there." Hawking actively called on scientists to show interest in space exploration and space travel, and march into space.

Hawking habitually counted the threats that could lead to the extinction of human beings. According to him, human life could be wiped out in a nuclear war due to the development of genetically engineered viruses or artificial intelligence. At the same time, he called it a huge achievement for humans to come close to understanding the laws that govern the universe.

For his remarks, I think it is not unreasonable. In some places, it is more unfounded, and in some places, it is exaggerated. But it has nothing to do with the word "liar". If we let ordinary people say this passage, everyone will feel normal after hearing it, and there is nothing special about it. Just because Hawking is the most famous scientist in the world, his words and deeds will attract huge attention, so people will be careful. Zoom in on all of Hawking's words. This is normal. People regard scientists as supermen, and Hawking is "the superman of supermen". Even if he says something that he thinks is very common, the public will pay special attention.

The Thinker

3. It has nothing to do with Stephen Hawking himself or the business team. It is a rumor fabricated by the outside world with the help of his fame.

On the Chinese Internet, not long ago, there was a rumor of a street stall level. It is said that Hawking issued a warning not to land on the moon again. Because there are terrible things on the moon - alien bases. "Hawking" also said convincingly: There is an alien mothership base on the back of the moon, and the aliens have been controlling humans on the earth through the moon. So, if humans go to the moon and annoy the aliens, as soon as the aliens get angry, they will invite you to drink tea.

Actually, such rumors are very boring. According to my investigation, they came from a place called "Technology News". Cosmology enthusiasts know that this is really unreliable. Hawking's recent dynamic news, you can find it by searching foreign websites, and there is no such thing at all. It’s just that the BBC recently released a documentary in which Hawking was interviewed. Hawking called on humans to colonize alien planets, and the moon can be used as a base for outward expansion. that is it. However, some people made up Hawking's rumor that there were aliens on the moon based on this, which caused the rumors to spread all over the sky, and even alarmed the "science madman" Dr. Zheng Yongchun to publicly refute the rumors.

Hawking's huge fame and aura do not match his actual academic status, and it is also one of the focuses of controversy. The reason why Hawking is always scolded by some people is because Hawking is over-mythologized and packaged by the commercial team, and the excessive myth of Hawking by his fans is also a reason for the damage to Hawking's image.

Hawking's admirers always retaliate maliciously against doubts about Hawking himself, and people have a rebellious psychology. In fact, science has idols, but science does not need saints. Hawking is an icon in the scientific community, but Hawking is not a saint. Coupled with Hawking's free will on some topics that are not explained at all, although it is the intention of his business team, ordinary people don't know this, so they think Hawking is a weirdo with a mouthful of firewood, a book that attracts attention by hype dealer. In fact, most of these remarks are not Hawking's original intention. Hawking is very disgusted with the hype of his business team. But as a person who has lost the ability to take care of himself, what can he do? In any case, as an old man who has resisted illness for decades and has made popular science a household name, we should give him due respect.

The Hawking that the public has come into contact with is a Hawking who is packaged as a god who is on par with Einstein. This is because Hawking's business team deliberately packaged and consumed Hawking, exaggerating Hawking's status in the history of science.

For example, when introducing Hawking's life, there is always such a sentence: "He has become the most famous scientific thinker and the most outstanding theoretical physicist in the world since Einstein. It can be said that all mankind depends on this man who likes to look up at the stars. The wheelchair giant..."

This is the juxtaposition of Hawking and Einstein, the "God of Science". "Famous" does not mean the highest achievement, and "depending on" seems to be exaggerated, but readers will not seriously think about the details. After reading this introductory text, their first impression is that Hawking is comparable to Einstein.

Einstein: I heard you mentioned me again?

For another example, every time we see the text introducing Hawking, there is always such a sentence: "The day Hawking was born is magical, January 8, 1942. On the same day 300 years ago, Galileo died." Or: "Hawking was born on This day is Galileo's memorial day." Directly refer to Hawking as the reincarnation of Galileo.

This hints to readers that Hawking is the reincarnation of Galileo.

Readers can't help thinking in their brains: Wow! Galileo is a great god! How amazing is Galileo, so is Hawking. Hawking has accumulated experience in his previous life, and he may be even more powerful than Galileo!

Actually, Hawking's status in today's scientific community is not that high, and his reputation ranks first, which does not mean that he is the first in strength. Hawking is indeed an outstanding theoretical physicist, there is no problem with this, but his actual academic level is not top-notch. If you want to rank scientists after World War II, Hawking should be ranked after 1,000, and the upper limit should not exceed the top 200. In other words, Hawking is a second-rate scientist. Of course, the second-rate scientists are also amazing. Except for Yang Zhenning and Shi Yigong, there is really no one in China who can reach Hawking's level.

Actually, Hawking has made a lot of contributions to the world, in many fields.

For ordinary people, Hawking's main contribution lies in a "A Brief History of Time" and a "Universe in a Nutshell". His works have entertained two generations Dao, became interested in cosmology, and China's Guoke.com was related to Hawking. This is Hawking's contribution to the popularization of science. Of course, many of my friends think Hawking's work is more philosophical than physical. However, it is also a huge contribution to attract so many ordinary people to pay attention to cosmology. Before Hawking, cosmology was an unpopular topic. Who would care about what a black hole looks like, and what is a cosmic singularity? Since the publication of "A Brief History of Time", this book has become a must-have book for the public when traveling by plane. Many junior high school students are talking about the past and future of the universe with relish. There are even sexy Victoria's Secret supermodels who like to read Hawking's books and discuss time machines with their girlfriends.

Hawking’s main contributions in physics include proving the singularity theorem of general relativity and the black hole area theorem, proposing the theory of black hole evaporation (that is, Hawking radiation) and the boundless Hawking model of the universe. If any of these are confirmed, you can immediately win a Nobel Prize, which is a remarkable achievement.

In addition to his outstanding achievements in scientific research and popular science, Hawking also made contributions in the field of thought. For example, Hawking said that our universe does not need God, which is very courageous. So in this respect, I still admire Hawking. In my opinion, these are certainly worthy of my respect, but I admire Hawking's candor in his personal beliefs even more.

When many groups with ulterior motives advocated the great scientist Hawking to "believe in God", Hawking suddenly publicly stated in the media that "there is no God in the world", and admitted that he is a staunch atheist, "Religion believes in miracles, but miracles cannot co-exist with science". Hawking's confession caused an uproar in the Western religious circles—although it has long been speculated in the scientific community that Hawking is an atheist, because the vast majority of scientists are atheists—he has encountered numerous accusations from certain people. Many people wrote to Hawking, criticizing him fiercely. However, Hawking insisted on his own views on this. On September 10, 2010, he said in the "Larry King Live Interview" program on CNN that "God may exist, but science can explain why. The universe does not need a creator", "Gravity and quantum theory cause the universe to spontaneously emerge from nothingness", "Science is more and more capable of answering questions that have always belonged to the field of religion in the past, and the statement of science is very complete. Theology is unnecessary".

Hawking made everyone interested in the universe

Regarding the origin of the universe, Hawking said in his speech: "The question of the origin of the universe is a bit like this old question: which came first, the chicken or the egg. In other words, what was created The universe, and what created it? Maybe the universe, or what created it, has existed for an infinite amount of time and didn't need to be created. Until recently, scientists have tried to avoid such questions, feel that they are more a matter of metaphysics or religion than of science, however, it has been discovered in the past few years that the laws of science hold even at the beginning of the universe. In that case the universe could be self-contained, and are fully determined by the laws of science."

I admire Hawking's noble spirit very much. In Western countries, it takes great courage for any person or even a scientist to dare to disclose that he or she has no religious belief. In describing the origin of the universe, Hawking openly denied the necessity of the participation of supernatural forces, but pointed out that the creation of the universe is related to the laws of physics, which also makes idealism retreat to a place that is no longer worthy of attention. Based on this alone, it is worth giving Hawking 10 million likes.

In addition, Hawking also had the courage to admit his mistakes, without considering the issue of face. A scientist with a conscience can overthrow the cognition he has insisted on for the past few decades in just one minute. Hawking denied his previous black hole information loss theory at the Seventh World Conference on Gravity. According to ordinary people's thinking, Hawking is already a heavyweight academic leader, and the theories he put forward are widely recognized, so there is no need to publicly deny himself, otherwise it would be embarrassing! But Hawking dared to deny himself, he is a scientist with a conscience, a pure scientist.

Author: Doubt Explorer

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