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Interpretation of pictures and texts + knowledge points + simultaneous exercises of Lesson 19 "The Country of the Pasture"

I'm sorry, I'm an artificial intelligence language model, I can't read and provide graphic interpretation of specific textbooks and synchronous practice knowledge points. However, I can tell you some common knowledge points and tourist attractions about t

Knowledge points

Textbook Analysis:

The Netherlands has always been known as the "Country of Flowers", "Country of Windmills", "Country of Canals" and "Country of Pastures". This article presents the unique style of Holland from the perspective of "land of pastures". The text describes for us the vastness, tranquility and harmony of the Dutch pasture during the day and the peace, silence, and mystery of the night: during the day, the pasture is a paradise for animals, whether it is cattle of various colors, or horses or sheep, pigs, chickens, etc. , on the "green grass low ground where no one can see a single figure" is so leisurely, comfortable and comfortable. The vast grassland is undoubtedly their kingdom of freedom, which is a good picture of poultry and livestock leisurely recreation. Even the appearance of milkers in the evening did not break the silence of the grassland. The cows are still "serious and silent", and the milkers are even more "silent". It reflects the silence of the grassland. Until night fell, the Netherlands sank into a stillness, and it became a picture of a quiet night. The description of the text allows us to see the unique topography of Dutch pastures and canals, the important role of animal husbandry, especially dairy cows and dairy products, in the national economy and people's livelihood of the Netherlands, and the beautiful and charming scenery composed of blue sky, green grass, cattle and sheep in the Netherlands. The natural and harmonious landscape, so the author said "this is the real Netherlands" four times. This is not only the author's introduction to the characteristics of the Netherlands, but also an admiration for the beauty of the Netherlands.

About the author:

Karel Capek: (1890~1938)

A famous Czech writer, playwright, journalist, and fairy tale fabler. In 1920, Capek published the science fiction script "Universal Robot" and invented the word "robot". This script has become a classic of world science fiction literature. Karel Čapek has written serious and thoughtful books, such as the science fiction novel "The Salamander Rebellion", and touching stories for all ages, such as "Little Karel Čapek Dog Dashka" "Nine Fairy Tales" and so on. They are not only well-known Czech classics, but also treasures of world literature.

I can write

Approximate form:

Inlaid (Inlaid) Fat (Fat) Yin (Boundless) Low (Low head)

Soil (soil) floating (beautiful) root (fundamental) bottom (lake bottom)

block (resist) steed (horse) paint (black) gallop

Dang(bell) Jun(handsome) knee(knee) pool(pond)

Polyphonic words:

模 mó (pattern) mú (appearance)

养chù (livestock) xù (livestock)

Circle quān (circle) juàn (sheepfold)

Zai zài (full load) zǎi (record)

After three years and five years ( zǎi ), I returned to my hometown full of ( zài ) the joy of success.


Concentrate - Concentrate Dignified - Steady

cover up - cover up - cover up - obstruct

Vast - vast Appreciate - agree

leisurely - leisurely soothing - slow

Deportment - Appearance Boundless - Boundless

Appreciate - enjoy


Concentration - Distraction Modest - Frivolity

cover - expose vast - narrow

Approval - Disapproval Relief - Urgent

dark - bright faint - strong

Understanding words:

Dignified demeanor: Refers to the expression and manner, the posture and demeanor are dignified and dignified.

Mosaic: To embed one object within another, in this case canals and lowlands interlaced.

Leisurely contented: Refers to a leisurely look, feeling very satisfied in the heart. It means that the sheep live on the green grassland, happy, carefree, comfortable and satisfied.

Yelling: Shouting loudly. Here it means that people and animals are all whispering, which shows the silence of the environment.

To cover up: to conceal; to cover. This lesson refers to tall grass covering the canal.

Soothing: slow. This lesson refers to the boat moving very slowly.

Fat fat body strong: Describes the fat and strong livestock. This lesson describes the horse's body fat and strong.

Continuous: continuous. This lesson refers to the fact that there are many wild flowers in Tianshan Mountain, which are continuous like endless brocades.

Colorful: describe the color as very beautiful, rich in color, mixed, numerous, and dazzling.

Colorful: refers to a variety of colors, very beautiful. Colorful, various colors. Colorful, numerous intertwined appearance. This lesson describes wildflowers in a variety of colors.

Spotted spots: Describe the surface color of an object is messy or uneven.

Group: A group of people or animals gathered together. This lesson refers to herds of woolly goats coming together.

Silently: silently, silently. This lesson refers to the milker keeping quiet and not talking.

Paragraph intent:

The first part: (1) Always write that the Netherlands is a country of pastures.

The second part: (2~4) introduces the scene of pastures and grasslands in the daytime.

The third part: (5) introduces the scene of the pasture coming at night.

Part Four: (6) Summing up the real Netherlands.

Text topic:

From the perspective of "the country of pastures", this article describes the vastness, tranquility and harmony of the Dutch pastures during the day and the peace, silence, mystery and subtlety at night, showing the beautiful and charming natural and harmonious landscape of the blue sky, white clouds, and flocks of cattle and sheep in the Netherlands. It expresses the author's sincere admiration for the picturesque pastoral scenery of the Netherlands, his love for the Netherlands and his yearning for the beautiful nature.

Extracurricular development:

The Four Treasures of the Netherlands: Windmills, wooden shoes, cheese, and tulips are known as the Four Treasures of the Netherlands. Wooden shoes are the first of the four treasures.

Graphic Interpretation

Text Analysis

Sentence analysis:

1. The Netherlands is a country of water, flowers and pastures.

This is a general sentence, the sentence is closely related to the topic, straight to the point, after pointing out that the Netherlands is "the country of water" and "the country of flowers", it emphasizes that the key point of this article is to describe the unique topographical characteristics of the Netherlands - "the country of pastures". ", because one-third of the Netherlands is a pasture, this sentence sums up the whole text, and the following describes in detail the vast and endless pastures of the Netherlands and the carefree livestock and poultry living on the pastures.

2. The cows are very focused when grazing, and sometimes stand still, as if they are thinking about something.

"Focus" refers to paying attention. This anthropomorphic writing makes people feel that the cow is as deep and reserved as a person whether it is eating grass or standing, thinking about various problems in life from time to time, and reminiscing about the boundless beauty of the grassland. It can be seen how quiet and peaceful the whole lowland is, and there is no disturbance from the outside world to the cattle.

3. Overlooking as far as the eye can see, there are velvety green grasslands and black and white flower cows all around.

This sentence is a summary of the previous scene that specifically described the activities of the herd of cattle. It is magnificent and brightly colored, so the author exclaimed, "This is the real Netherlands".

4. The vast wilderness seems to belong to them. They are the masters and dukes of this free kingdom.

There is no shouting from the shepherds, no disputes over food, no attacks from powerful enemies, and horses are the noble masters of this boundless grassland. Facing the carefree and free life of the horses, the author witnesses their unrestrained freedom and willfulness on the grassland. Galloping heroic, I lamented the harmony between the pasture and the horses.

5. The dog stopped barking, the cows in the pen no longer mooed, and the horses forgot to kick the barn of the stable. Sleeping livestock, silent lowlands, dark night, and a few lighthouses flickering faintly in the distance. This is the real Netherlands.

The sunset fades away, the night falls, the livestock sleeps, everything seems silent, only the lighthouse in the distance shines dimly and dimly like the eyes of a sleepy person, what a peaceful and peaceful state, the author sincerely admires "this is The real Netherlands". The tranquility of the night is also a hallmark of the Netherlands.

Question Summary:

1. What is the main content of this text? In what order were they written?

The text mainly depicts the unique pastoral scenery of the Netherlands from the perspective of "land of pastures". The text is written in chronological order from day to night.

2. What are the characteristics of Dutch pastures? Where can it be seen?

The Dutch pastures are vast, peaceful and harmonious during the day, and peaceful and quiet at night, mysterious and reserved. During the daytime, the pasture is a paradise for animals. Whether it is cattle of various colors, horses, sheep, pigs, or chickens, it is so leisurely, comfortable, and boundless in the "green grassland where no one can be seen". The grassland is undoubtedly their kingdom of freedom. In the evening, the milker did not break the silence of the grassland. The cows were still "serious and silent", and the milker was "silent". The silence of the prairie. Until night falls, the Netherlands is even more quiet.

3. How does the author use vivid language to express the beautiful scenery of the Dutch pastures?

In the article, the role uses metaphors, personification and other techniques to vividly express the beautiful scenery of the Dutch pastures. For example, "The cows are very focused when they are grazing" uses anthropomorphic techniques to write that the cows are as deep and reserved as people, expressing the tranquility and peace of the grassland; The softness and fineness of grassland.

4. In the author's pen, what kind of picture is the pasture in the evening?

It is a peaceful picture like heaven, and the people in it are also full of infinite interest. No one wants to destroy this tranquility, so the cow is "serious and silent", the bell is "no sound", and the milker It is also "silent". "Silence and silence" implies the feelings of enjoying life and nature.

5. How many times does "This is the real Netherlands" appear in the text? What does it do?

Appears four times for emphasis. It not only introduces the characteristics of the Netherlands to people, but also expresses the author's affirmation, love and praise for the pasture scene.

6. What does the author want to express by using vivid pen and ink to describe the country of pastures?

By introducing the idyllic scenery of the Dutch pastures, the author creates a beautiful artistic conception of harmony and unity between animals, people, and the environment, expressing his love for the Netherlands and his yearning for the beautiful nature.

Answers to homework questions:

1. Read the text with emotion.

On the basis of understanding the content of the text, grasp the idyllic scenery of the country of pastures, and experience the harmonious coexistence of grasslands, livestock and people.

2. What does the "real Netherlands" look like in the author's eyes? Why does the author repeatedly emphasize "this is the real Netherlands"?

In the author's eyes, the real Netherlands has a unique terrain interlaced with pastures and canals. It is a paradise for cows, a world for horses, and a paradise for various small animals such as pigs, sheep, and chickens; Fascinating, natural and harmonious landscape, it is a peaceful world.

The author repeatedly emphasizes that "this is the real Netherlands" and points out the characteristics of the Netherlands. On the one hand, it is to let us truly feel that the Netherlands, as a country of pastures, not only has unique natural scenery, but also lives in harmony with humans and animals. On the other hand, it also expresses the author's strong love for the Netherlands.

3. The cows, horses, sheep and other animals described by the author have a special interest. For example, "The calf looks like a lady, with a dignified manner". Find such sentences, read them, and copy them down.

(1) The emerald green lowlands are inlaid with canals, and there are groups of horses, fat and strong. Nothing can stop them from flying far away except the canals covered by deep weeds.

(2) On the green grassland, the white sheep are at ease. The herd of black pigs grunted incessantly, as if expressing approval for something.

(3) Thousands of chicks and herds of long-haired goats enjoy their own kingdom leisurely on the green grass where no one can be seen.

Lesson exercise 1

Reference answer:

Text 19 The Land of Pastures

1. Read pinyin and write words.

Deportment Overlook Steeds Mercedes-Benz Vast

sheep bells recovery livestock kicker

Second, compare and then form words.

Saving (savings) kicking (kicking) stool (stool) irrigation (irrigation) witty (witty)


Three, polyphonic words.

juàn sheepfold chù livestock

quān circle xù animal husbandry

Four, synonyms.

Concentrate—(Concentrate) Demeanor—(Appearance) Dignified—(Solemn) Praise—(Praise)

Leisurely - (leisurely) silent - (calm) soothing - (slow) weak - (weak)

Five, antonyms.

Approved - (against) serious - (lively) quiet - (lively) soothing - (urgent)

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(Velvety) Green Grassland (Deep) Wild Grass (Boundless) Wilderness

(thousands) of chicks (hordes of) goats (golden) sunset

(dark) night (weak) light (smooth) driving

7. Choose the appropriate words to fill in the brackets in the sentence.

gallop gallop

1. When writing an article, you should not be limited by the things in front of you, but let your imagination (run) in the vast world.

2. Nothing can stop them (flying) to the distance except the canal covered by deep weeds.

gaze at

3. Holding the door firmly with one hand, rubbing the old eyes, staring (staring) intently, as if expecting something.

4. Huang Jiguang angrily (stared) at the enemy's firepower, he turned around and said firmly to the chief of staff: "Chief of staff, please entrust this task to me!"

8. Please write the corresponding words according to the meaning.

1. Refers to the expression and manner, the posture and demeanor are upright and dignified. (demeanor)

2. To embed one object in another. (mosaic)

3. Described as leisurely and calm, with a good mood. (leisurely)

4. Praise for what you think is good. (approval)

5. Shout out loud. (shouting)

6. Small and weak. (weak)

9. Answer the questions based on the content of the text.

1. Fill in the characteristics:

Calves: dignified manners Horses: fat and strong

Sheep: leisurely and contented pasture late at night: everything is silent

2. The order of time for writing the article: day, evening, night; the order of writing the article is this: first write about the animals in the pasture, then write about the workers milking the cows on the pasture, and finally write about the night scene of the pasture.

3. Write down the sounds of several animals.

Cow moo, dog woof, chicken woof

4. The word "forget" is generally used for characters, but it is written in the text that "the horse also forgot..." This writing technique is called personification. What are the benefits of writing like this?

Can make the article lively and interesting to read.

Lesson exercise 2

1. Polyphonic words.

Modulus: mú( ) mó( )

Circle: quān( ) juàn ( )

Second, explanation of words.

End: ①Hold flat with your hands; ②Rules; ③One end of things; The beginning of things; ④Aspects; Items; ⑤Reason; Cause.

1. The leader is dignified and gentle. ( )

leisurely: ① long, far, long; ② swinging in the air; ③ steady, control; ④ leisurely, idle.

2. They took a leisurely walk in the park. ( )

3. Write appropriate synonyms for the following words.

Concentration─( )Deportment─( )Dignified──( )Boundless──( )

Leisurely─( )Appreciation─( )Careful──( )

4. Write the appropriate antonyms for the following words.

Dignified──( ) Weak──( ) Restoration──( )

5. Read the selected passages and complete the exercises.

In the evening, I saw someone coming in a small boat, sitting on a small bench, and milking the serious and silent cows. The golden sunset spread over the western sky, and the sound of sirens occasionally came from a distance, followed by silence again. Here, no one shouted, the bells on the cows' necks did not ring, and the milkers were silent. In the canal, ships filled with milk barrels move slowly and steadily. Cars and trains, loaded with cans of milk, kept heading towards the city. After the car and boat passed, everything returned to calm. The last twilight of sunset also gradually disappeared, and the whole world was darkened. The dogs stopped barking, the cows in the pens stopped mooing, and the horses forgot to kick the barn. Sleeping livestock, silent lowlands, dark night, only a few lighthouses flickering faintly in the distance. This is the real Netherlands.

1. Find a pair of synonyms from the text ( )—— ( )

2. Follow me (do the same, write words).

(1) One can :

(2) Silence:

3. The text in this paragraph is for the pasture ( ).

A. dynamic description

B. static description

4. "True Holland" is mainly manifested in ( ).

A. The milkman is very serious

B. The train goes non-stop to the city

C. tranquility of night

5. Use " " to draw a parallel sentence in the text.

6. This paragraph mainly writes .

6. Write down the other names of the cities in our country. Such as: Chongqing (Mountain City) Harbin (Ice City)

Guangzhou—( ) Chongqing—( ) Xiangtan—( )

Chongqing—( ) Changsha—( ) Chengdu—( )

Kunming - ( ) Suzhou - ( ) Jinan - ( )

Reference answer:

1. Model: mú (appearance) mó (model) Circle: quān (trap) juàn (sheepfold)

Two, 1.② 2.④

3. Concentration──Concentration Deportment──Appearance

Dignity──Solemn Infinity──Boundless

Leisurely──Casual Appreciation──Appreciation

Casual and comfortable──Natural

4. Dignity──Casual Weak──Strong Restoration──Severance

Five, 1. Serious and silent, silent and silent

2.(1) Cool and lively, lively (2) Thriving and generous 3.B 4.C

5. Sleeping livestock, soundless... faint light.

6. The Dutch pasture scene from evening to night

6. Guangzhou——Flower City, Yangcheng

Chongqing—Mountain City, Fog City Xiangtan—Manganese City, Lotus City

Chongqing—foggy capital, mountain city Changsha—star city, Tancheng

Chengdu—Rongcheng, Jincheng Kunming——Spring City, Flower City

Suzhou—Water City Jinan—Spring City

Class Exercise 3

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