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Internship report ppt model of news department

I took a training course on the basic knowledge of photography, and learned the basic principles of photography, how to use the camera, and photography skills. Through this training, I have a deeper understanding of camera work, and I can operate the came

During the internship process of this TV news program production, I mainly participated in the shooting of our two news programs during the shooting stage, so it is necessary to do a good job in the preparatory work for the shooting. One week before the filming of the program, I went online to Baidu to find some relevant information about the DVC180B machine we used.

First of all, what I need to understand is what is the purpose of my experiment from the perspective of this part of the work I have done. I summarize it as follows:

1. Understand the basic structure of the camera.

2. Familiar with camera adjustment.

3. Familiar with the basic operation of the camera.

4. Use various shooting techniques of different scenes to shoot.

5. Familiar with the operation method of shooting sports shots.

6. Preliminary shooting and composition of camera movement.

7. Learn how to shoot and compose pictures when the subject is moving.

8. Master the use of zoom lenses to shoot.

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2. Practice equipment and equipment

1. One digital video camera Panasonic DVC180B;

2. A DV video tape.

3. Experimental content:

1. Long shot, panorama, middle shot, close shot and close-up shooting.

2. The operation of the camera movement lens includes pushing, pulling, shaking, moving, following, throwing, raising and lowering the lens, performing telephoto and zoom operations, and using the zoom lens to compose pictures.

3. Composition of subject movement. These include shooting characters who stay in place, but the action posture changes; in the same environment, the spatial position of the characters changes; the composition of the group movement, etc.

4. Comprehensive motion composition. These include pictures where the camera does not move, but the camera moves in response to the movement of the subject; the camera moves with the subject, etc.

Four: Specific shooting:

1. When it comes to composing pictures with camera movement, I found that it is not so easy to appreciate the changes in content, composition and composition of the captured pictures; and I accidentally forgot to pay attention to the composition of the starting and falling widths ; Especially when paying attention to the composition of the zoom lens, because the technology is not skilled enough and the machine is a bit old, it feels that the operation is not very easy to use.

2. When shooting sports shots, we shot a group of "i sing i music" contestants walking, singing and dancing on the stage. Due to their various forms of movement, the commonly used methods of pushing, pulling, The basic methods of panning, shifting, and neutralization are all used, and proper coordination is required. I also made some unprofessional mistakes, which caused many combinations of shots to look unnatural.

3. I used a hand-held method when I was shooting a push shot where the judges scored, because I had to go in front of the judges to shoot. The jitter was obviously shown in the picture, and finally the content of this shot was not adopted. Originally, I wanted to attract the audience's attention to the score through the process of panorama to close-up of the supporting person, so as to highlight the theme content Worked, unfortunately failed.

4. Standing on the balcony on the second floor of the gymnasium, use the zoom lens (because the zoom lens is just the opposite of the zoom lens, from close-up to medium panorama, it can effectively express the environment of the main scene) to shoot during the game In the interactive situation, in order to avoid the failure caused by the shaking like before, I put my hand firmly on the balcony, and then held the camera, thus avoiding the shaking of the picture caused by the shaking. Thanks to this, the last Screenshots are also taken.

5. When filming the singer walking from the stage to the stage, making preparations before the competition, and knowing the start of the competition, I adopted the shooting method of panning the camera (of course the camera is firmly installed on the tripod), through the direction of the camera Move in the direction of the contestants, let the audience's reality follow along under the guidance of my camera, and give them an immersive feeling.

6. Since our camera is located behind the judges, we cannot capture the expressions of the judges when they are admiring the performances of the contestants, so I decided to carry the camera to take a group of shots of the judges' expressions and actions obliquely in front of the judges, so I used The shooting method of moving the camera is changed, so that the expressions of the judges are shown, and the audience can clearly understand the judges' attitude towards the performance of the contestants at a glance.

7. In this shooting, the most difficult thing I encountered was when shooting the shots of CCB. At that time, I wanted to shoot one of the students from queuing to withdrawing money, and recorded the sound of the cash machine, and waited for her to withdraw money. Follow up and ask him how he feels about queuing. Because of this, it is inevitable to use the shooting method with the camera, which is related to the unfixed combination of pushing, pulling and panning the camera. Since my camera needs to change its position at any time and move with the subject being photographed, the subject is always in motion. Because of this, even though the pictures I took were steady with my hands, they were still a little shaken, and I had to re-shoot the fixed interview scenes. This is one of the more difficult places encountered.

8. Another big difficulty encountered is that when shooting comprehensive sports, the camera in hand has to move with the subject to be photographed, so it is necessary to do complex scene scheduling and focus virtual and real changes. When composing pictures, I feel a little powerless. After all, I don’t have enough experience, and the composition of some pictures is not what I imagined before.

5. Oral broadcast news:

There are three major problems encountered in oral broadcast news. First, although I have memorized the news words and practiced them several times before, during the broadcasting process, I still forgot the lines due to nervousness and repeated them several times. It's embarrassing. Second: My Mandarin is seriously not up to standard. Although I practiced hard, I still lost it unfortunately. Seriously affected the final effect, I am very helpless about this. The last problem is: when broadcasting, my throat seems to be stuck, and I can’t speak out, so my voice is not as loud as Zhong Hua’s. He said he still hadn't overcome the shadow in his heart.

6. Editing and production:

In the process of editing in the linear editing classroom, the first problem we encountered was that the things we learned last year were a bit rusty because they hadn’t been used for a long time. The team members discussed for a while, and then started our work under the teacher’s prompt. Production, this lesson tells us to save the specific recording method well, so that we don’t know what to do when there is a problem in the future. After the recording started, when the production of the first program was about to be completed, our second big problem came out, that is, there was a required material that could not be recorded on the editing tape after repeated editing several times. An RBI position, or not. In the end, I had to give up that piece of material (this problem needs to be taken seriously in the future, and in the later shooting stage, two pieces of important material should be shot to prevent this phenomenon from happening). Finally, there is the issue of subtitles, because I didn’t consider the position of the logo when editing the subtitles, which caused the logo to block part of the subtitles and had to be changed, which wasted a lot of time.

7. Summary:

In general, I have learned a lot from this internship in TV news program production. Although there were many problems in the shooting, broadcasting and final editing stages, what we got was the opportunity to correct the problems in the constant mistakes and summaries. methods and ways to avoid these problems as much as possible in the future. After all, failure is the mother of success. What we can do is to calm down and think about whether we have considered all the problems that should be considered, the problems that may be encountered, and how to solve them. Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is that we dare not learn lessons and learn from experience after failure.

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