:"Interesting Graphic Tutorial 2" Make good use of PPT shapes, simple but also tall-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"Interesting Graphic Tutorial 2" Make good use of PPT shapes, simple but also tall

Thank you so much for your sharing and advice. Let me introduce how to make good use of PPT shapes. First of all, PPT shapes are a very useful tool that can be used to highlight key points, add graphics, text or other elements to make your slideshow more

OriginalSmile dumb fishSmile dumb fish
Smile dumb fish


The author of "Let Your PPT Talk (3rd Edition)". HRBP manager of a listed company, amateur PPT design customizer.

>>March 27>

Hello everyone, I ama dumb fish who often breaks.
I was sorting out the PPT documents a few days ago, and found the PPT graphic tutorials I made a few years ago. I originally wantedto make a paid course,After thinking about it, I decided to share it with everyone, hoping to bring you to harvest.
This is the second sharing in this series. This tutorial is a bit long, it is recommended to bookmark it before watching it.

(Multi-picture warning, please open in WIFI environment, horizontal screen reading is the most comfortable)

Preface: The frequency of use of shape in PPT is second only to text, and it is also a factor often used in design. Without shape, the PPT effect will lose a lot of color. Therefore, in this part of the tutorial, how to use shapes to add points to your PPT from the three dimensions of the function of shapes (knowing the shape), the use of shapes (using the shape) and the gameplay of the shape (playing the shape)!

01 Zhixing

For most people, if the PPT is not good, it is very likely that the shape is useless. Moreover, these people all have a common feature, that is, they don't know the role of shapes in PPT.
So, if we want to do a good job in PPT, we need to figure out what the shape in PPT does first.

02 Form

After knowing the usage, we also need to learn to use the shape correctly. In this way, we can really make the PPT effect we want.
The PPT made by most people is the same, and the audience did not understand it. The reason is that the shape is not used well, let's take a look at how to use the shape correctly.

03 play shape

Those high-looking templates and those professional-looking effects are actually not as difficult as you think, but you don’t know that there are these functions.

Let's take a look together and see what tricks are worth learning.

Finally a recap.
Knowing the shape: Correctly recognize the shape and avoid falling into the pit.
Using shape: Appropriate use of shape to transfer efficiently.
Playing with shapes: Simple design skills, highlighting professionalism.

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Book Recommendations

More content, I wrote in my book, it is strongly recommended to start.

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