Interview self introduction ppt:If you are still anxious about the "22MBA re-examination", let's see how to prepare for self-introduction-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

If you are still anxious about the "22MBA re-examination", let's see how to prepare for self-introduction

For the preparation of self-introduction for the 22MBA re-examination, the following are some suggestions: 1. Determine the structure of self-introduction: self-introduction can be organized in chronological order, educational background, personal achieve

Although the management candidates are professionals and often interview others, when they are interviewed, they will appear at a loss.

The retest in my eyes

In fact, everyone I'm too anxious when I'm waiting for the score line. If you don't know how to prepare, just be quiet first, from Write an introduction about yourself to get started.


How to write self-introduction

Self-introduction is Show yourself the first window, let the other party know your highlights in just 2-3 minutes, and form a memory.

Students look at this self-introduction:

Hello, examiners , I am XXX, from the beautiful hometown of liquor - Sichuan. I graduated from the Chinese Department of Sichuan XX University in 2017. During my four years of study at the school, I served as the director of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union. I have held many large-scale activities and accumulated rich experience. The academic performance was among the best in the class and won the honor of "Excellent Graduate".

Enter XX after graduation I work as a teller in the bank. When I was working in the bank, I was warm and friendly to customers, serious and responsible for my work, and won unanimous praise from my colleagues and leaders...

This self Problem with the introduction? have!

Such as: as In-service candidates, the introduction is regardless of priority;

Such as: no Data support, lack of convincing;

such as: logic Not strong, easy to be "soul torture" by the examiner.


Form of self-introduction

Some Institutions are oral self-introduction, such as Southwest University of Finance and Economics MBA

Some Institutions are displayed in PPT, such as Sichuan University MBA

Some Institutions can submit self-introduction videos, such as Southwest Jiaotong University MBA

Introducing yourself At the same time, we can show ourselves through multimedia, which is more convenient and direct.

but in production During PPT, many students are prone to make mistakes,

such as: text Too many, just read the text

such as: content Too complicated, no focus


Display of self-introduction

Facing the examiner What should we pay attention to when introducing ourselves?

Such as: meter Neat and in good spirits

Such as: sound Loud, not submissive

Such as: humble Be polite and don't make inappropriate jokes

In summary, In the part of self-introduction, from text writing, PPT production to presentation, you need to get some skills and polish them repeatedly.

During an interview , a person's words and deeds will be infinitely magnified,Your first impression on the examiner is often very large affect the examiner's subjective scoring.

How to do a good "self-introduction"

How to look your best in an interview

Pinrui re-examination class

Self-introduction PPT production & interview etiquetteGive you the answer

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