:I wrote a small tool in Python, no matter how complicated the folder is, it will help you organize it in minutes!-Picture material template recommendation免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

I wrote a small tool in Python, no matter how complicated the folder is, it will help you organize it in minutes!

Haha, I can help you tidy up your desktop! You can provide the code of the gadget, and I can help you modify or optimize the code. Or, if you just want a Python script that tidies up your desktop, I can write one for you. Whichever way you choose, just te

It sucks

I admit that I am not a tidy desktop People, because I think the messy desktop makes it easier to find files.
Haha, but recently the desktop is so messed up that I can’t stand it anymore, almost occupying the entire screen. AlthoughThere are many softwares for organizing the desktop with one click, but for files in other paths, I also need to organize them, so I thought of using Python to complete this demand.

Effect display

I have divided the files into 9 categories, namelypicture Video, Audio, Documentation, compressed file, Common format< /code>,program script, executable program and font files.
# Nested dictionary composed of different files
file_dict = {
'image': ['jpg','png','gif','webp '],
'video': ['rmvb','mp4','avi' ,'mkv','flv'],
'audio': ['cd'< /span>,'wave','aiff','mpeg','mp3','mpeg-4'],
'document': ['xls','xlsx',< span>'csv'
,'doc','docx','ppt','pptx'< /span>,'pdf','txt'],
'compressed file': ['7z'< /span>,'ace','bz','jar','rar','tar','zip','gz'],
'Common format': ['json','xml','md','ximd'],
' Program script': ['py','java','html','sql' span>,'r','css','cpp','c', 'sas','js','go'],
'Executable program': ['exe','bat','lnk','sys','com' span>],
'font file': ['eot','otf','fon' span>,'font','ttf','ttc','woff', 'woff2']
file_dict is a dictionary defined by ourselves, which contains the , The format commonly used in the work. Common formatI need to explain to you, for files that are often used but don’t know which type to put, they are all stored here .
Note: If you have more file formats in your computer, you only need to modify the above file_dict dictionary that's it.
Before formally explaining the knowledge points, let’s see the effect directly,I specially recorded a short video span>!

Development ideas< /span>

The development of such a small tool involves three Python libraries, which are os module< /code>,shutil module,glob module, they are used together to process files and folders, it's super awesome!
    The general idea of ​​the whole development steps is as follows:< /span>
    • ① Any given file path;
    • ② Obtain all files under the current file path, and obtain the corresponding suffix of each file;
    • ③ Determine whether each file is in the specified embedding Set the dictionary and return the corresponding file classification;
    • ④ Determine whether the folder of each file classification exists. Because a new folder needs to be created to store files in categories;
    • ⑤ copy each file to the corresponding category;
    • < /ul>
      The complete code is as follows:【Detailed remarks】
      # Import related libraries
      import os
      import glob
      import shutil< br>
      # Use the input() function to dynamically input the file path to be processed.
      path = input('Please enter the file path to be cleaned:')

      # Define a file dictionary, different file types, belong to Different folders, a total of 9 categories.
      file_dict = {
      'image': ['jpg','png', 'gif','webp'],
      'video': ['rmvb',' mp4','avi','mkv','flv'],
      'audio' : ['cd','wave',< span >'aiff'
      ,'mpeg','mp3',< /span>'mpeg-4'],
      'document': ['xls', 'xlsx','csv','doc','docx','ppt' ,'pptx','pdf','txt'],
                                                                                                                                                                         span >'jar'
      ,'rar','tar','zip','gz'< /span>],
      'Common format': ['json','xml','md'< /span>,'ximd'],
      'program script': ['py','java'< /span>,'html','sql','r','css','cpp','c','sas','js','go' span>],
      'Executable program': ['exe','bat','lnk'< /span>,'sys','com'],
      'font file': ['eot'< /span>,'otf','fon','font','ttf','ttc','woff','woff2']

      # define a function, pass Enter the suffix corresponding to each file. Determine whether the file exists in the dictionary file_dict;
      # If it exists, return the corresponding folder name; if it does not exist, name the folder as 'unknown category';
      # br>def func(suffix):
      for name, type_list in file_dict.items():
      if suffix.lower () in type_list:
      return name
      return 'unknown category'
      < br># Recursively get all the files and folders under the 'path to file to be processed'.
      for file in glob.glob(f'{path}/**/*',recursive=True ):
      # Since we are classifying files, we need to select files here.
      if os.path.isfile(file):
      # Due to the isfile() function, the full path of each file is obtained. Here call the basename() function to get the file name directly;
      file_name = os.path.basename(file)
      suffix = file_name.split('.') [-1]
      # Determine whether 'filename' is in the dictionary.
      name = func(suffix)
      # Create corresponding folders according to each file classification .
      if not os.path.exists(f'{path}\{name}'):
      os.mkdir(f< span >'{path}\{name}'
      # Copy the files to their respective folders.
      shutil. copy(file,


      < span >The code of this article, Huang has already shared it with everyone. But I didn't make a visual interface for this code. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can package the program, and then send it to other people directly, and then they can use it directly.

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