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I changed the font in the elevator

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Collection of Design Tutorials

Works of Liu Bingke Studio
Li Maimai


With the rapid development of the times these years, advertisements are everywhere around us, especially in places where there is a lot of traffic such as subways and elevators, advertising posters can also be seen everywhere. As a designer, in When I see an advertisement, I will habitually stay for a few more seconds. When I encounter a good work, I will learn it. When I encounter an imperfect or ugly work, I often have the urge to modify it. I don’t know if you have any Such a habit, such an "occupational disease", is actually a good thing, and it is of great help to self-improvement.

In the elevator that takes me to and from get off work every day, I found that the font design in some posters does have room for improvement, so I came up with the idea of ​​​​modification. This time, I collected The four cases have been modified, and I have been addicted to modification. Here I will briefly share my modification ideas with you, hoping to help you.

Well, next, look at mine!

There are still some problems with the structure of the original font. Let’s take the word “Bo” as an example. The top is tight and the bottom is loose, and the center of gravity is slightly high. As shown in the figure below; the size of the red circle before modification is very different, and the red circle after modification is relatively balanced. It can be understood in this way when reflected in the strokes. The distance between the strokes is moderate, the negative space is reasonable, and the font structure is relatively stable.
Before modification; the stroke of the yellow circle is too high, which will cause the center of gravity of the font to be high on the left and low on the right. After modification; we will change the stroke of the yellow circle Adjust it down so it looks more balanced.
Before modification; the strokes of the yellow lines are slightly trivial, here I have done a continuous stroke processing to make the strokes more overall and have a sense of design, and also solve the following The half-empty problem kills two birds with one stone.

Let’s take a look at the details. Some students who are new to font design don’t pay much attention to details, so it’s hard for their works to stand up to scrutiny, as shown in the figure below; the stroke angles in the original font are different. It doesn't seem to be well-behaved and steady at all. We deal with it uniformly through the tilt angle. At the same time, the structure next to the skein is slanted and horizontal, and I processed it into a slanted vertical and horizontal, which will make the font look more stable and full.

In the process of making characters, it is no problem to add some features to the strokes so that the font changes have characteristics, but all of these must be changed based on the overall situation. Make the overall consideration of your temperament, rather than changing it at will. As shown in the picture below; the deformation of the three strokes circled, the three deformations of the three strokes, this is probably the strokes of the old Wang’s house next door, it always feels a bit out of place, and it also destroys the overall temperament. Do a unified treatment.

The problems mentioned above are relatively obvious. Other words have the same problem and can be adjusted according to the same method. Finally, we can observe as a whole and make local adjustments until we are satisfied. until.

# Final Draft Comparison

#Unification of literal size

The proportion of the font size of the original font is a bit out of balance. It is not difficult to find that the font becomes smaller as it goes to the back, as shown in the figure below; we compare the characters "海" and "电" and it seems extremely uncoordinated of.

#Unity of spacing
The font spacing in the original font is also too close, and the spacing is not uniform.
There are also some problems in the handling of broken pens inside the font, as shown in the figure below; where the red circle is, the strokes are too close together. When the font is reduced, the strokes are too close Easy to stick together.

#Unity of center of gravity

The high and low center of gravity will make the whole group of characters look a bit floating, as shown in the picture below; the character "kong" is obviously shorter than the character "er".

#Unity of stroke characteristics
A small part of the vertical line in the original font is closed The rounded corners are added, but the addition is not thorough enough, which will lead to weak integrity and counterproductive effects, so we uniformly added rounded corners to the places where the strokes of the vertical lines end.
In the picture below; I simplified the strokes of the red circle, which will make the word "sea" fuller and the negative space more balanced.
In the picture below; the broken pen processing and stroke highlight processing in the yellow circle are a bit trivial, so I choose to remove it.

#Unity of stroke angle

The unity of stroke angle can always bring us some sense of order.

Other words can be adjusted as a whole according to the same method. Let's take a look at the comparison effect before and after.

There are many friends who have just come into contact with font design. They often have such doubts, whether the font design is all transformed from the font library. I think it is a big mistake to understand it this way. That’s right, beginners are going to transform the font. If the transformation is not smart enough or bold enough, it will be difficult to get rid of the shackles of the original font and live in the shadow of the original font forever. So my suggestion is to redesign stroke by stroke and use your own Ideas to recreate a new sense of design, only in this way can it have its own characteristics.
It can be seen that the original author wants to make cursive fonts, and there must be a little waves to catch the feet. This type of font must first ensure the smoothness of the lines. At this time, the pen Tools must be played 6.

The problem of font connection. Font connection is a common method for our daily creation of characters. Before making characters, we need to think about whether such a proposition is suitable for connection, and whether such font characteristics are suitable for connection. If you want to connect, you must "connect to the end, decisively and simply". The original work was abandoned halfway through the connection, which is not complete enough. Since the propositions in this group are relatively long, if you connect them all, it will affect the recognition problem, so I canceled the font connection. , Sometimes not connecting is also a kind of whole.

Regarding the typesetting problem, the word spacing of the original font is too close, which does not seem breathable. Considering the title is too long, I chose to arrange it in two lines, which will be more intuitive, and the font misalignment of the original font appears to be It's messy.

The coiled thread needs to run through the whole to "wave". In the original work, only the character "Zhao" has a coiled thread. Only when everyone surfs together can the surf be happy. In the picture below, I have uniformly added winding lines in the four places circled in red.

#Contrast before and after

By observing the sharp corner treatment at the end of the stroke and the rotation of the font angle, it is not difficult to find that the original author wanted to express the feeling of "vigor".

The original work only cuts at the sharp corners at the end of the strokes, which seems a bit blunt, and the angles of the sharp corners are not uniform, which makes it appear too messy.

We removed the bottle cap and English to expose the problem more clearly. There is no echo between the words. The red circle in the picture below is very empty, which will make the whole set of words appear too trivial.

Here I adopted the feeling of handwriting as a whole, and the horizontal strokes were uniformly made an upward slope. In order to make the font more dynamic, there are more interspersed words between words, which can just solve the problem of unbalanced negative space. (I found that the difference from the original font is a bit big after the modification, I tried my best)

In order to make the font more tense, I exaggerated some of the strokes (the position of the red circle in the picture below), and added a cutting effect to the end of the last stroke of the word "Xian" in the original work. This position did not have the effect it should have. I added the cut to the position of the yellow circle in the picture below to make it more prominent.

The beer cover is pressed behind the font, which affects the recognition and is not beautiful. Put it at the front and shrink it a little. Don’t steal the limelight of the font. The English part is a bit scattered and needs to be integrated. Put it on the bottom left The corner is relatively vacant.

In this kind of design, we have used the "pen-making method". This method is more convenient and flexible. We can "play" happily, but we need to master a "degree" in the process of "playing". ", if the "play" is too big, there will be recognition problems. If the "play" is small, it is better not to play. Let's take a look at the before and after comparison.

OK, this one is finally finished. Although there are only 4 cases, it also contains a lot of knowledge points and dry goods. I hope everyone can taste and learn slowly. Finally, the four cases will be combined , Come to a wave of picture summary!

Well, it's over here, when you take the elevator tomorrow, remember to watch the advertisement a few more times! Goodbye everyone!

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