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How to use Markdown

L file, PDF, Word and other formats. The following are some common grammars and usage methods of Markdown: 1. Title: Add 1-6 # signs in front of the text to indicate different levels of titles, such as: ``` #First-level title##Second-level title### The th

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with concise typography syntax, allowing people to pay more attention to the content itself rather than typography. It writes documents in an easy-to-read and easy-to-write plain text format, can be mixed with HTML, and can export HTML, PDF, and its own .md format files. Because of its conciseness, efficiency, readability, and ease of writing, Markdown is widely used, such as Github, Wikipedia, Jianshu, etc.

Basic syntax

【Title 】

# This is H1 
## This is H2
# ## This is H3
#### This is H4
##### This is H5
###### This is H6
< p data-tool='mdnice editor' ><span id='jump'>Default anchor point

[rhetoric and emphasis]

use asterisks and underline to mark the section that needs to be emphasizedboldbolditalicitalic==red==


To Deleted content


< u>underlined text</u>


Unordered Lists use asterisks, plus and minus signs as list item markers

  • Candy.
  • Gum.
    < /li>
  • Booze.
  • Booze.
  • Booze.

    • Nested
    • Nested

Ordered list uses general numbers followed by an English period as the item mark

  1. hello
  2. hello2
  3. hello3

[to-do items]

You can use the check box to mark the completion of each task of a project[x] A[ ] B

  • [x] selected
  • [ ] unselected


[Jump to 'Python Basics.md'](★★★ Examples of Common Python Libraries/• Python Basics.md


< /tr>
Computer 1600 USD5
Phone12 USD12
Pipe1 USD234
Left alignment****Right alignment****Center alignment* ***
< td >item 1
1. one
2. two
3. three


Here is a quote

【Separation line】

【Markdown block】


Noob tutorial

Learning not only technology but also dream

【new line】

just need more than two spaces and then enter

I am the first line

I changed the line

Markdown advanced usage


Markdown uses a lot of special symbols to express specific meanings. If you need to display specific symbols, you need to use escape characters. Markdown uses backslashes Escape special characters:

**Text bold** 
**Normal display of asterisks**

The effect is as follows:

  • ** Normal display of asterisks**

Markdown article content

  • In amWiki, only h2 and h3 are extracted and converted into directories in the order of appearance, and the following h4 can be arranged freely
  • In amWiki, h1 Do not participate in the table of contents, because h1 is only recommended to be used once as a headline
  • If your title does not write a serial number, when the table of contents is generated, a digital serial number will be automatically added before the title text
  • If your title starts with a serial number, no additional serial number will be added
  • The following title types will be recognized as already With a serial number, it will not be recognized except:
    • Chapter 1 Demonstration
    • Section 2 Demonstration
    • Three, Demonstration
    • (4) Demonstration
    • (Twelve) Demonstration
    • 【One hundred fifty-six】Demonstration
    • 【一Baiwu Shilu] Demonstration
    • 4.1 Demonstration
    • (4.1) Demonstration
    • Digital serial number demonstration
    • Chinese serial number demonstration

Markdown footnote

somewhere in the text of the article^1text of the article

Markdown image size and alignment

Test gif image

Markdown flowchart

< span >graph LR;
pie title Dante RegCtrl layer UT code completion (2022/7/14)
'Completed': 62.7
'Incomplete': 37

markdown folding content syntax< /span>

Title of content  Content to hide! hello world   jimmy

Markdown in-page jump implementation method (the way of setting anchor points)

Markdown text settings

Set text attributes

==__I want to become #7FFF00 background color__==< /td>

As you think, so shall you become.

As you think, so shall you become.
__As you think, so shall you become.__
__As you think , so shall you become.__ In Markdown, set other attributes for text God's mercy Fangcao, the world is full of evening sunshine. Sorrowful and sad, life parting, happy and happy, new acquaintance.

As you think, so shall you become.

Change text background color

< tr >
I want to become #7FFF00 background color
I want to become #D2691E background color
I want to become #6495ED background color
< tbody >
I want to become #FFF8DC background color
I want to become #008B8B background color
I want to become #A9A9A9 background color
I want to become #8FBC8F background color

markdown to insert special characters

| | 
` `
] ]
[ #91;
> >
< <
@ @
# #
- -

Insert html code in markdown

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/How%20to%20use%20Markdown.html

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