What is the font of simsun:How to solve the problem of garbled characters in CAD drawings? Three ways to solve it-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to solve the problem of garbled characters in CAD drawings? Three ways to solve it

Garbled characters in CAD drawings may be caused by the following reasons: missing fonts, text encoding problems, or language settings of the operating system do not match. Here are three ways to solve this problem: 1. Install the required fonts: Missing

This article mainly talks about three problems: 1. How to solve the garbled characters on the drawings; 2. How to solve the garbled characters on the software interface; 3. How to save the drawings and send them to the other party without garbled characters.

1. How to solve garbled drawings

Step 1: Open the drawing with the CAD version you installed, here I take CAD2010 as an example.

If the situation in the picture below appears when you open it, it means that your CAD fonts are not complete, and the red circles are the fonts that are missing in your CAD font library.

Step 2: After opening, the fonts are not fully displayed.

When the above situation occurs, many words, labels and symbols in the opened drawing will not be displayed, making the drawing incomplete and unable to be reviewed. For example, the following situation will occur:

Step Three: Start Fixing the Problem

Take the following situation as an example to illustrate the solution. After opening the CAD drawing, it prompts that the font is not found: gbcbig. Do not click the OK button at this time. Click the OK button to replace the gbcbig font with other fonts, so that the displayed font is not the original font. Sometimes there may be errors, but write down gbcbig.

Step 4: Search for fonts.

Open the browser and search gbcbig with Baidu or other search engines.

Step 5: Select a website to download fonts

Here, everyone can screen and download according to the search situation, and the CAD self-study network provides them.

Font library:

CAD font library 2458 fonts free download: http://www.cadzxw.com/775.html

Free download of Tianzheng CAD font library: http://www.cadzxw.com/1587.html

5 types of CAD steel symbol font library download: http://www.cadzxw.com/2251.html

Step 6: Copy the font to the CAD font library

Copy the downloaded fonts into the CAD font folder, for example, mine is: C:zcsAutoCAD 2010Fonts, just copy the downloaded fonts gbcbig or other fonts into it.

Step 7: Download all fonts.

Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 to download all missing fonts and copy them to the Fonts folder.

Step 8: Re-open the CAD software and open the drawing.

Close the CAD, open the drawing again with CAD, all the fonts are displayed.

2. How to solve the garbled characters on the software interface

Sometimes when opening a cad file, all dialog menu interfaces become garbled characters. The fonts in the font folder of the main CAD software conflict with the fonts that come with the system;

Open the file location in the right-click menu of the cad desktop shortcut menu "Properties";

Find and open the fonts folder, find the simsun.ttc font;

Delete the simsun.ttc font directly, and reopen the cad software.

Note: In some cases, it is not necessarily caused by the font simsun.ttc, mainly because the system’s own fonts are put aside in the cad font folder, and can be arranged by type Find other font files with suffixes ttc and ttf and delete them.

3. How to save the drawing and send it to the other party without garbled characters

Whether you are Party A or Party B, or. . . Do you often open CAD drawings and there will be garbled characters, so how to transfer drawings without garbled characters? As a designer, it is very important to develop such a good habit.

Specific method:

1. First open the drawing that needs to be saved, click the [A] icon in the upper left corner, click [Publish], and click [Electronic Transmission];

2. Point transfer settings;

3. Click Modify;

4. Here is mainly to check [Include options] in the lower right corner, and other settings by yourself. After setting, click OK;

5. Click Close;

6. You can see the saved file in the upper left corner, and click OK after confirming that it is correct;

7. After the transfer is completed, open the compressed package, and you can see that the transferred files include fonts, font mapping files, drawings, instructions and other documents.

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