Learn to make ppt:How to quickly improve the level of PPT? Before answering, you need to understand the four stages of learning PPT-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to quickly improve the level of PPT? Before answering, you need to understand the four stages of learning PPT

The four stages of learning PPT are: mastering basic skills and proficient use of tools; learning design principles, understanding the layout, color matching and fonts of PPT; mastering storytelling skills and being able to write clear and coherent conten

In the online and offline sharing process, I often encounter such questions: How should a PPT beginner learn PPT scientifically?

I think there are roughly four stages to go through.

01 The first stage - technology

Master the basic skills and have a certain proficiency in tools.

This is the foundation of everything, and the difficulty at this stage is patience.

I was still in college at the time, so my first reaction was to go to the library to borrow books and borrow 8 books at a time (because it is stipulated that a person can only borrow up to 8 books at a time).

Most of these books start from the interface, which is extremely boring, and I lose patience after reading a few pages.

Look, the learning problems are all the same-,-

So, on the one hand, I started to learn the operation from the idea of ​​dismantling, and on the other hand, I also read a lot of tutorials from online PPT experts.

The most obvious feature of these two learning methods is result-oriented. There is a clear goal at the beginning, and there is a sense of accomplishment in the learning process.

for example:

For example, when I was studying PPT, I saw a Taobao store page selling men's clothing one day when I was shopping on Taobao.

Low oil, I feel good, so I cut a part of the picture:

I think the composition and layout of this picture are good. After taking the screenshot, I opened the PPT, imitated this screenshot, and made a two-page PPT page introducing Jobs:

The good templates, posters, and web pages we have seen are all high-quality products that have been modified many times by many professional designers, with a lot of design details.

The colors, shapes, fonts, typography and animations are all worthy of our careful consideration.

02 The second stage - surgery

Study and study the PPT works of masters, and try to imitate and practice. It is difficult to do it at this stage.

After mastering the basic skills, where does the idea of ​​making PPT come from?

Learning a language has a "language sense", playing the Internet has a "network sense", and doing PPT also has a "P sense". If you practice a lot, you will have a "P feeling". At that time, you will not be out of order when doing PPT. This has become your intuition.

Sometimes you don't know why you do it, but you do it, and it looks good.

I am not a student majoring in design, and I have no background at all. When I first started learning PPT, I was often joked by my peers.

But I stipulate that I must practice 1~2 works every day, and watch more than 10 various PPTs downloaded from the Internet every day.

The practiced works are put into a folder with time naming, so as to ensure the proficiency of the interface, commands and basic operations of the PPT software.

In such a process, I persisted for half a year without landing, and then I became a teacher of the training class. After sharing my works online, I was called a master, and then I published a book and cooperated with @秋叶, which is currently the most popular Welcome to the online course...

So don't think that a little bit every day is nothing special, the energy in the long run is amazing!

03 Phase 3 - Law

Knowledge forms a system and becomes a master. The difficulty at this stage lies in systematic thinking.

What I said above is the skills or experience of PPT beautification, which can allow you to make beautiful pages, but to really become an expert, you can't just be an artist.

Therefore, after the small practice of single-point breakthrough, it is necessary to start to do finished exercises, such as making a book or an article into a PPT of reading notes. This process will examine your comprehensive abilities in refining, logic, and copywriting.

04 Stage 4 - Road

Use well and become an expert.

The above three stages are all about PPT production skills, but the ultimate goal of all PPT production is to meet the application in different scenarios. What's the point of having cool animations and beautiful pages without achieving the purpose of presentation?

So the next room for improvement lies in the content.

The slides you make are intended to be presented to the audience. If you determine the needs and problems of the audience, it is easy to prescribe the right medicine and make your slides more convincing.

You need to set questions to attract the audience, and then gradually solve the problems in his heart one by one, let him follow you all the time, so that your purpose of conveying your point of view can be realized.

You may have very good technology, or you may have material that you think is very good, or you think a certain point of view of yours is very interesting, but none of this is the point!

The point is, can these things help you communicate effectively with the audience, and can they help you convey your content to the audience.

Therefore, when looking at your PPT from the perspective of cherishing the audience's time, you must be willing to delete unnecessary content. Deleting unnecessary content can make the PPT more practical, and it can also grab the attention of the audience to the greatest extent. In fact, this is an important way to make a good PPT.

Are these four stages just talking about learning a PPT?

In fact, all learning processes are roughly the same.

Building a skyscraper also starts with laying the foundation. If you want to become a master, you must start with the basic skills. You must first strive to become a "proficient".

I am very grateful for the tutorials I read at the beginning. The "skills" and "Tao" I learned from them are the premise of everything I later.

You are more fortunate than me, and you don't have to go to the library to borrow 8 books countless times. Click on the column card below, the essence of the book has been refined for you, and you can try it for free~

Free 1.4G templates, materials, and font packs when purchasing courses, all the necessary office materials for professionals are here!

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