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How to edit text on pictures in PS? How to edit pictures

Editing text on pictures is very easy in Photoshop. Here are some basic steps: 1. Open Photoshop software and import the picture to be edited. You can import it by clicking "File" -> "Open", then browsing and selecting your image. 2. Select the Type tool.

How to edit text on pictures? Photoshop (PS) is a powerful image processing software. It can not only process the size, color, brightness, etc. of the picture, but also add text, graphics and other elements to the picture to make the picture more colorful. This article will introduce how to use PS to edit text on pictures.

Step 1: Open the picture

First, open the picture you want to edit. In PS, you can open the picture through the "Open" option in the "File" menu or the shortcut key "Ctrl+O".

Step 2: Select the text tool

In PS, the text tool is located on the left side of the toolbar. The text tool can be selected by clicking the "T" icon in the toolbar or pressing the shortcut key "T".

Step 3: Edit text

Click the left mouse button on the picture to start editing text. When editing text, you can select attributes such as font, font size, and color, and you can also adjust the position and rotation angle of the text.

Step 4: Save the picture

After editing, you can save the picture through the "Save" option in the "File" menu or the shortcut key "Ctrl+S". When saving a picture, you can choose the format, quality and other properties of the picture.

PS is a relatively professional picture editing software. If you want to use this software to edit various pictures, you need certain professional knowledge, and you need to spend a certain amount of time learning it first. time.

Here is a relatively simple photo editing software that can be used on mobile phones Change Picture Duck. It is also a software that can edit pictures, and one of its functions is to edit text on pictures. This software does not need to use professional knowledge like PS, just open the software on the mobile phone, then select the picture editing function, and then upload the picture to be edited to the software, and then you can edit the picture, you can Edit the text you need on the picture. After editing, just click Save. There is no need for too many other operations. The steps are simple, and novices can also operate and edit.

How does PS edit text on pictures? Editing text in PS is very simple, just select the text tool and click the left mouse button to start editing text. When editing text, you can select attributes such as font, font size, and color, and you can also adjust the position and rotation angle of the text. Remember to save the picture after editing.

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