Fengyun office ppt:How to compress PPT too big? Super simple method, recommended collection-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to compress PPT too big? Super simple method, recommended collection

We all need to use it in study and office PPT file, sometimes we will find that the PPT file is too large, takes up too much volume, is not easy to transmit and store, and will cause a lot of trouble. At this time, it needs to be compressed. Many users will work on the computer and process PPT files. Many users do not have an easy-to-use computer compression tool, and do not know where to start. Today, I will bring you two simple and easy-to-operate methods. The tools used are different, but they are all for beginners. , to choose the most suitable and easy-to-use tools for everyone, and users can choose the method they think is simple to operate.

The first tool used by the editor is Fengyun compression:

First of all, we first open the downloaded and installed Fengyun compression software, find the "PPT compression" function on the homepage and click to enter.

Next, click the "Add Files" button down the middle of the page. Support PPT and PPTX format file import. Add the PPT to be compressed locally.

Finally, after adding the PPT file, we find the "Compression Options" and "Output Path" at the bottom left. After setting, click "Start Compression".

The second tool is Rainbow Office Center:

First of all, we first open the downloaded and installed Rainbow Office Center, find the file processing in the left column and click to enter, then select the "PPT compression" function, or you can directly search for "PPT compression " to find the feature.

Next, we find the frame of the pop-up page, which supports the import of PPT and PPTX format files. We click anywhere in the frame to add the local PPT to be compressed. . Or directly drag the PPT file here.

Finally, find the "Output Directory" at the bottom of the lower left corner, and set the file saving location. Click "Start Processing" in the lower right corner.

The two tutorials compiled by the editor are here and the explanation is over. I wonder if it can help you? Did you suddenly become enlightened after reading it? These two tools are also very functional. One is a professional compression tool and the other is an all-round file processing tool. If you only need to deal with compression, the editor recommends the tool of method 1. If you need to deal with it usually A lot of files, the second tool is more suitable. Friends can consider comprehensively and choose the appropriate software to download the application.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/How%20to%20compress%20PPT%20too%20big%20Super%20simple%20method%20recommended%20collection.html

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