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How to Control Flash Playing in PPT Presentation

Entered into the PPT, and then we need to control the playback of Flash. The following is a method: 1. Select the inserted Flash video, and select "Insert" - "Action" in the PPT menu bar, as shown in the figure: [Insert Action](https://i.imgur.com/sKx5xRZ

Open the PPT, as shown in the figure:



2 Execute "Insert" - "Video" - "Video in File", as shown in the figure:



3 A dialog box pops up, we select the video in the dialog box, as shown in the figure:



4 Now the video is inserted, as shown in the figure:



5 Shrink the inserted video and move it to the middle, as shown in the figure:



Perform "Video Effect" - "Image" - "Half Image" on the video, as shown in the figure:



The video effect becomes as shown below:



Change the shape of the video to "Rounded Rectangle", as shown in the figure:



At this time, the style of the video will change to the style as shown below:



After selecting the video image, click the play button to enter the playback state, as shown in the figure:



In the non-screening state, we can change the progress, forward or backward, and adjust the sound, as shown in the figure:



In the show state, you can also change the progress and sound of the show, as shown in the figure:



After executing "Shift+F5", and put the mouse on the video file, a playback progress bar will appear, as shown in the figure:



When the play button is clicked, it enters the playback state, and the playback effect is as shown in the figure:



Adjust the progress in the playback state, as shown in the figure:



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