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How should the text style of CAD be set?

In CAD software, text style is a set of attributes used to define the appearance of text, including font, character height, thickness, slant, underline, color, etc. A font is the part of a text style that defines the appearance characteristics of characte

In other software such as WORD and PS, there is the concept of fonts, but there is no concept of text styles. So what is the difference between text styles and fonts in CAD, and what is the relationship between them? In addition, there are fonts, font styles, and large fonts in the text style. What is the relationship between them?

Although you can directly set the font for the text in the multi-line text editor of CAD, from the perspective of CAD standard operation and subsequent editing, you should use the text style to set the font of the text in CAD, and set it directly in the multi-line text Fonts can cause many problems, such as:

Why am I modifying the character height in the style but the dimension text size remains the same?

Why can't I match the font and color of the text with Format Painter? Which features can match?

Although many articles about fonts and text styles have been published before, there are still many people who ask text questions. In order to help you better set the text style and avoid related problems, let me re-introduce the method of setting the text style and the function of some parameters in the text style dialog box.

Basic operation steps of text style setting

One or two default text styles are provided in the CAD template, but the default text styles usually cannot meet the needs. Beginners tend to ignore the setting of the text style, or directly modify the font of the default text style and use it directly. If everyone uses these default text styles, if the definitions are different in different drawings, copying and pasting drawings or external references may cause text changes.

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Before drawing a picture, we must plan several fonts to be used in the picture, and then set the text style.

1. Enter ST and press Enter to open the Text Style dialog box, as shown in the figure below.

On the left side of the text style dialog box is a list of text styles and examples of text effects, and on the right side is the setting of fonts and related effects.

In the low version of CAD, there is only one default text style: Standard, and after the high version of CAD supports annotation, an annotation text style is added: Annotative.

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Current text style is the text style that will be used by default when writing text. The default current text style is Standard. The setting of the Standard text style in each version of CAD is also different. Some use the built-in font (*.txt) in CAD, and some use the ARIAL font of the operating system. In the simplified Chinese version of AUTOCAD 2018, it is directly set to Times New Roman. Even if there is no requirement for the font, STANDARD may not meet our needs, so it is recommended to create your own text style when drawing.

Create text styles using operating system fonts

1. Click the "New" button, and enter the name of the text style in the pop-up New Text Style dialog box, preferably with the same name as the font to be used or related to the purpose, such as label fonts, etc. In this way, we can more easily distinguish which text style should be used when using text styles.

The fonts of the operating system are relatively easy to use. You only need to select a font. After selecting the font, other settings are similar to other software such as WORD.

2. Select Arial in the font drop-down list, and other parameters can be ignored temporarily, and this text style can be regarded as defined.

The advantage of using the fonts of the operating system is that there are relatively few cases where fonts cannot be found when different CADs and different machines are opened, but the fonts of the Chinese XP system and systems above WIN7 are not completely consistent, and sometimes they are operated in higher versions When opening drawings on the system, fonts cannot be found.

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Create text styles with CAD fonts

If the drawing is not large and there are no strict requirements on the font, you can use the font of the operating system, which is relatively simple to set. However, if the drawing is relatively large and there are many characters, it is recommended to use the fonts that come with CAD. The fonts that come with CAD are single-line fonts, which occupy less system resources.

In the font name drop-down list of the text style, the small fonts of the operating system and CAD are listed at the same time. Because there are too many fonts in the operating system, the SHX fonts of CAD are all submerged.

1. Click the "New" button to create a new text style, select Yes when asked whether to save the text style settings, and name the new text style "CAD" or other easily distinguishable names.

2. Click the font name drop-down list, In order to quickly find the font we need, you can enter the first two letters of the font name, such as TX, you can quickly find txt.shx.

When the high version of CAD is selecting the font, you can see the example of the font in the lower left corner, if you don't pay attention to the low version.

If Chinese is to be displayed normally, the text style must be set to a large font.

3. Check "Use large font", and select chineseset.shx or hztxt.shx in the large font list on the right.

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4. Click the Apply button to complete the setting of the current text style, or directly click the Close button to complete the text style setting and close the dialog box.

5. Enter DT, write two lines of text, and then set the text style to "Song Type" and "CAD" respectively, and observe the effect of the text style setting.

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CAD multi-line text format setting

In the "Format" option under the text style dialog box, except for the "commentary" that is not easy to understand, the others should be relatively easy to understand. After setting, you can directly see the effect from the preview image in the lower left corner, so I will not introduce it again up. Special attention should be paid to the setting of the character height. If the self-height is set in the text style, the character height cannot be set and modified when writing a single line of text. If there is a clear requirement for the character height in the drawing, and the same character style does not need to be used for characters of different heights, you can set a fixed character height, otherwise you can keep the character height as 0.

Although the text style setting is simple, there are thousands of fonts circulating on the Internet. It is recommended that you use several commonly used fonts. For small fonts, use txt.shx, simplex.shx, tssdeng.shx, etc., and for large fonts, use chineseset .shx, hztxt.shx, tssdchn.shx, etc., if there is no unit regulation or special needs, do not use other fonts at will. Not to mention copying all the fonts to the FONTS directory of CAD. Too many fonts will not only affect the performance of CAD, but also make it troublesome to choose fonts. It will also bring some unexpected problems, such as garbled dialog boxes and scripts that cannot run normally. etc.

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The above techniques are applicable to similar software such as AUTOCAD and GstarCAD.

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