:How should IDEA be set up? Only then can it become a powerful artifact~, it’s too comprehensive!-Appreciation of masterpieces免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How should IDEA be set up? Only then can it become a powerful artifact~, it’s too comprehensive!

Here are some suggestions on how to set up IDEA (IntelliJ IDEA) to become a powerful development tool: 1. Install plug-ins: IDEA has a rich plug-in ecosystem, and you can enhance its functionality by installing plug-ins. Commonly used plug-ins include: Lo

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< p data-tool='mdnice editor'>Author: Please call me Xiaosi

Source: https://blog.csdn.net/zeal9s

Display Toolbar

(1) Effect picture(2) Setting method

  • Mark 1: View–>Toolbar
  • Mark 2: View–>Tool Buttons

Set mouse hover tips

(1) Effect picture(2) Setting methodFile–>settings–>Editor–>General–> Check Show quick documentation…

Display method separator

(1) Rendering diagram(2) Setting method

File–>settings–>Editor–>Appearance–> check

Ignore case prompt

(1) Effect Figure Remarks: The default setting of idea is to strictly distinguish case prompts. For example, entering a string will not prompt String, which is inconvenient for coding(2) Setting methodFile–>settings–>Editor–>General -->Code Completion -->

Theme settings

(1) Effect picture Remarks : There are two styles of black and white(2) Setting methodFile–>settings–>Appearance & Behavior–>Appearance–>

Eye protection theme setting

(1) Rendering diagram(2) Setting method If you want to change the theme of the editing page, you can go to the settings to adjust the background colorIf you need a good-looking coding style, there are many themes here http://color-themes.com/?view=index&layout=Generic&order=popular&search=&page=1Click on the corresponding theme, scroll down and click the buttonThere are many Jar packages downloadedChoose to import the jar package in the above position, then restart the idea to take effect, and then go to the settings after restarting

Automatic import package

(1) Rendering diagram Remarks: By default, the package needs to be imported manually. For example, if we need to import the Map class, it needs to be imported manually. If it is not needed, the instance of Map is deleted, and the imported package also needs to be deleted manually. If this function is set, it will not work. It needs to be done manually, and it will automatically import and remove packages for you. It is not convenient to take screenshots. Please test the effect~(2) Setting methodFile–>settings–>Editor–>general– >Auto Import–>

Display multiple Tabs in a single line

(1) Effect pictureThe default is to display single-row Tabs:Display multiple Tabs on a single line:(2) Setting methodFile–>settings–>Editor–>General -->Editor Tabs–> Remove √

Set font

(1) Effect picture Remarks : By default, the font of Idea is very small when you start the installation, and you are not used to it. You need to adjust the font size and font (you can adjust it if necessary) (2) Setting methodFile–>settings–>Editor–> Font–>

Configuration class document comment information and method comment template

(1) Rendering diagram Remarks: It is convenient for accountability and management to view during team development(2) Setting methodhttps://blog.csdn.net/zeal9s/article/details/83514565

Display code horizontally or vertically

(1)Effect imageRemarks: If you need to compare codes in Eclipse, you only need to drag the Tabs, but the idea needs to be set(2) Setting method Right-click Tabs

Replace shortcut keys

(1) Effect picture Remarks: When transplanting from Eclipse to idea coding, many shortcut keys are inconsistent, resulting in lower writing efficiency. Now let's replace the shortcut keys (2) Setting method

  • Method 1:

File–>Setting–>For example, if it is set to Eclipse, you can ctrl+d to delete a single line of code after setting (idea is ctrl+y)

  • Method 2: Set template
  • File–> Setting–>
  • Method three:

Take the ctrl+o rewriting method as an example

remove italics

(1) rendering(2) Setting method File–>settings–>Editor–>

Code detection warning prompt level setting

Strongly recommend, don’t turn it off, don’t feel troublesome, his tips are all good for you, help you improve your code quality, very helpful

Project directory related – folding empty package

window reset

This is when you suddenly mess up the window, you can still restore it, just restore it directly, and it will be fine.

View local code history

Quick completion semicolon

CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER in Anywhere in the current line can quickly generate a semicolon at the end

Quickly find the Controller method

If there are many controllers in your project, There are many http or resful methods in it. How to quickly find these methods? At this time, ctrl+alt+shift+n can come in handy.

For example, you vaguely remember that there is a bill url path in the interface related to billing, then use ctrl+alt+shift+n and directly enter /bill.

When you are looking for methods in thousands of Controllers, this trick can greatly improve efficiency.

Brace bracket matching

This is also very useful, because the code is too long, a certain The for loop may have filled the entire screen. At this time, it is very difficult to find the other side corresponding to a certain brace. You can position the cursor on one side of a brace, and then use ctrl+] or ctrl+[ to go back and forth. Supplement: The above configuration information is saved in the system diskBy default, there will be these two filesconfig: During the initial installation of IntelliJ IDEA, you are asked whether to import the existing configuration information. This config is your configuration information, which is convenient for reinstallation when changing computers and systems. The premise is to save this folder.

system: This folder is when IntelliJ IDEA encounters any unpredictable errors, such as blue screen, sudden power failure and the project cannot start, you can try to delete this file and let the system regenerate A system file

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