New employee self introduction ppt:How do I introduce myself to a new unit?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How do I introduce myself to a new unit?

, and don't brag about your abilities and achievements. Remain humble and respect the expertise and experience of others. 2. Not confident enough, too low-key. While remaining humble, don't let people overlook you by being so low-key. Appropriately demons

How to introduce yourself to a new unit can be eye-catching Bright, but not too high-profile? The public election king takes you to learn how to play in the workplace!

01 Minefield

1. Too high-profile and flashy.

When you come to the new unit, you are a rookie.

Don't think how good you are, show off in front of unfamiliar leaders and seniors, and show off your sense of superiority. Otherwise, you will either become a stupid X in the eyes of everyone, or fill up your hatred.

2. Incoherent, nervous and inferior.

Whether it is entering a new unit or a new leader, the first impression is very important.

If you are too nervous, not confident, and your voice is as small as a mosquito buzzing, not only will everyone not be able to hear what you are saying, but you will also be very nervous. I am impatient and feel that you are not capable.

02 Minesweeper

How to introduce yourself, which is eye-catching without being too high-profile?

1. Prepare a beautiful PPT.

In the self-introduction PPT, present your basic situation, hobbies, expertise, and experience briefly and wonderfully.

If you look good, you can add a photo of yourself.

Practice at home in advance and control the time, preferably within 3 minutes.

2. Language introduction, short, vivid and creative.

Extract interesting keywords from your own name or experience, which is impressive.

It is also very interesting to combine the name with its own appearance characteristics.

For example, there is a boy surnamed Lu who introduces himself by saying "I am a man, but my surname is Lu".

For example, a tall girl introduced herself and said, "My surname is Pang, huge Pang".

Here, Lao Xia also introduces himself. Everyone can remember me and understand me.

My family and friends, my name is Xia Xiaohua. Xia Yuhe's "Xia", Ji Xiaolan's "Xiao", Andy Lau's "Hua".

My experience can be summed up with "7420", that is, "I actually love you".

7: I have served as the main leader of 7 units in the workplace.

4: I once won the first place in 4 public selection exams.

2: I have won national awards twice, "Five One Engineering Award" and "Golden Lion Award".

0: I have worked in the workplace for 25 years, with zero complaints from the public and zero mistakes in major work.

Although my surname is "Xia", I hope that all the family members can go "up".

How to play tricks on self-introduction? It is to be good at summarizing and applying the framework.

For example, in my self-introduction just now, I used the framework of "mathematician".

There are still some frameworks, which I will share with you:

"Zoologist" framework: I live like a magpie, work like a flat-headed brother, and behave like a woodpecker.

"Botanist" framework: combine your own personality with the characteristics of plants such as plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum.

Five elements framework: pure as gold, calm as wood, plain as water, passionate as fire, and dedicated as earth.

After the self-introduction, I have to say a word of humility at the end, otherwise people will think that you are here to kick the club, you can say:

I'm new here and I'm not familiar with the situation. Leaders and colleagues please take care of me. If there is something that is not well done or said well, please be more tolerant, criticize, arrange and guide me more.

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