font:How are the words on the computer made? Many people realize that they have misunderstood it after reading it-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How are the words on the computer made? Many people realize that they have misunderstood it after reading it

Do you know the process of a font from being creative to becoming a font product?

The font library is not as some people imagined, it is formed by simply splicing several strokes by the computer. On the contrary, the creation of fonts is a painstaking process. What I need to tell everyone is that the characters in the font library are all designed by the font designer one character at a time, and each character needs to be pondered over and over again and revised continuously before it can be finally completed.

For a new font, the chief designer or calligrapher is usually responsible for designing or writing the original manuscript, and then a design team is composed of several font designers to complete the fine design of all Chinese characters.

The production of the font library mainly includes the following steps:

1. Design the original manuscript

Original manuscripts include handwritten manuscripts, as well as manuscripts created directly by designers on computers. The manuscript may include all Chinese characters in the font library, or it may only include some Chinese characters; it may be a design sketch, or it may be a high-quality manuscript.

The design sketch of Fang Zhengqian

Guan Jun’s regular script sketch written by Guan Jun, president of the Chinese Calligraphy Academy and calligrapher

The sketch of Jinglei style written by film director and actor Xu Jinglei

2. Scanning and digital fitting for handwritten manuscripts

If it is a handwritten manuscript, it needs to be input to the computer. The first step is scanning, using software to digitize the manuscript and storing it in the computer. The second step is digital fitting, which is to make the scanned dot matrix graphics of the manuscript as close as possible to the curve profile information of the original manuscript.

Designers who are proficient in using computers may design manuscripts entirely on the computer. At this time, there is no such process, and they directly enter the next step of "fine font design".

Schematic diagram of digital font fitting

3. Fine font design

The members of the design team carry out fine design for each glyph, including unifying the style, adjusting the thickness of the strokes, and making them coordinate with each other, so that each character has a sense of beauty. To design a font product used in mainland China, it must cover at least 6763 commonly used Chinese characters included in the national standard GB2312-80. Some words in the original manuscript need to be further refined; words that are not in the original manuscript need to be designed according to the style of the original manuscript under the guidance of the chief designer.

4. Repeated modification of font design

In addition to the designer's self-examination word by word, the paper pattern will also be printed out, and the chief designer will propose revision opinions on the structure, stroke shape, and thickness of each glyph, including checking whether the outline of the glyph is smooth, whether the structure is reasonable, and whether the thickness is correct. Uniformity, whether the gray scale is harmonious, whether the overall appearance is beautiful, and repeated revisions until satisfactory.

The chief designer prints out the pattern, puts forward suggestions for modification, the designer makes adjustments, and prints again. This must be repeated at least 3 times.

Part of the paper patterns in the process of creating a beautiful body

The graph of the process of repeated modification of the fonts of Qi Ti and Shu Ti

It can be seen that creating a complete set of computer fonts is a long process. Through the unremitting efforts of font designers, art aesthetics and computer science are perfectly integrated. It is because of their efforts that they can accurately and artistically express their emotions in all aspects of life.

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