:Have you mastered the 10 process steps of PPT production?-PPT information免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Have you mastered the 10 process steps of PPT production?

Yes, I understand the production process of PPT and can provide 10 process steps to help you make PPT better: 1. Determine the goal: clarify the purpose and audience of the PPT, and determine the main information you want to convey. 2. Collect content: co

In the eyes of most people, making PPT is nothing more than three steps.

Choose a PPT template, copy and paste the content, and save it.

Even, 95% of the time is spent picking templates.

Hmm, this is wrong, the cart before the horse.

So, what is the correct and reasonable PPT production process?

In my opinion, there are 10 steps.

Of course, before doing PPT, you should ask yourself a question first.

Is it necessary to do PPT?

Why complicate things if they can be solved in 5 minutes of chatting?

01: Determine PPT theme and goal

To make a PPT, you must first determine the theme of the PPT.

That is the title of the cover, which is the core point of this PPT.

Is it the overall progress report of the project? Or your contribution to the project?

The theme of PPT is different if the focus is different.

Also, you need to define your goals.

That is, through this PPT, what result do you hope to achieve.

Is it to get the leadership to support you and give you more resources to complete the project? Or let the leader recognize you and give you a promotion and salary increase?

The theme and goal are established, and all subsequent steps should be developed around this.

02: Analyzing the Audience and Presentation Environment

Next, you need to determine who the audience for your presentation is.

Is your leader? Or your client?

What kind of personalities are they? What are your preferences? Is it serious and steady? Or youthful?

When designing and beautifying the PPT, you can choose the appropriate style according to your preferences.

Also, the presentation environment is important.

Is it a projector or an LED screen? What is the size of the PPT?

If it is a projector, what is the quality of the equipment?

The more details you know, the better, so that you can make a "safe" PPT.

03: Collect data and organize content

Collect all materials related to the PPT topic.

Collect text materials, data charts, product pictures, etc. as much as possible.

The collected information does not have to be used in the PPT, but can be used selectively.

If you have the habit of regularly writing work summaries, then this step is very easy.

04: Determine the content on each PPT page

According to the content, sort out a logical line.

Then, split the content and determine the content on each PPT page.

Which words, pictures, and charts are on one page of PPT.

You will find that there is still a lot of work to be done before opening the PPT software.

05: Determine PPT design specifications

Next, we will officially enter the PPT production process.

Before beautifying the PPT, it is necessary to determine a PPT design specification.

In other words, it is to determine the overall style of PPT, is it youthful and colorful? Or calm business?

Choose the right color and font, and the right typesetting.

Choosing a PPT template is a shortcut.

The template itself defines the design guidelines for you, you just need to follow it.

However, if you are not proficient in the basic operation of PPT and do not understand the principles of PPT production, even if the template is suitable, you still cannot make PPT well.

06: Make a PPT skeleton

When making PPT pages, there is also a sequence.

Make the PPT cover and end page first, and then make the content page and transition page.

This is the skeleton of the PPT. After the skeleton is completed, the overall style of the PPT will be more obvious, and the logical structure will be easier to understand.

There are still many benefits.

07: Create a content page

The rest is to analyze the logical structure and beautify the layout according to the content on each PPT page.

The PPT as a whole has a narrative logical structure, and each page of the PPT also has a logical structure.

Tie? cycle? progressive?

Different logical structures mean that the content is formatted differently.

Choose the right one.

08: Review

After beautifying the entire PPT, in addition to saving the file, you also need to review and check.

Are special fonts used? Can fonts be embedded in PPT? If it cannot be embedded, should it be converted into a picture, or should the font package be carried with it?

Is the animation of a higher version software used? If the demo computer is a low version, do you want to change the animation effect?

Are there any typos in the PPT?

These will require you to check several times.

09: Release Demo

Before the official presentation on stage, it is best to practice a few times in advance.

Control the timing, the rhythm of the speech.

If the PPT is done well, the confidence of the speech will also increase.

10: Review summary

This last step, many people will ignore it, but I still recommend everyone to do it.

Review, in this PPT production, which areas are not good enough and can be improved?

What design techniques can be reused? Wait

It can be analyzed from multiple angles.

Only by reviewing the video once can the value of experience learned from this PPT production be maximized.

Want to improve your PPT production ability?

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