html font size:HTML development notes 08- font style and color (attributes of tags)-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

HTML development notes 08- font style and color (attributes of tags)

;br> <img src="image.jpg" alt="image"> 2. Font style tag 1. <b> tag: used for bold text, for example: <b>Hello World</b> ;2. <i> tag: for italic text, for example: <i>Hello World</i>3. <u> tag: for underli

1. Classification of tags: double tags and single tags

Double tags: they appear in pairs, similar to this<html> </html>

Single tag: It can be used alone, similar to <br> newline tag or <hr> horizontal line tag.

Second, the role of label attributes:

The attributes of the label are used To define the color, width, height, thickness, size, etc. of text or characters, this is the role of label attributes.

Third, the characteristics of label attributes:

1. Each label Each has its own attributes, both single-label and double-label.

2. A tag can have multiple attributes.

3. Each attribute has a corresponding value, and the value should be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

4. Use spaces to separate multiple attributes.

5. There is no order of attributes.

6. The font attribute value must be a font that can be recognized by the system, generally the font that comes with the system.

7. The font attribute in HTML5 has been deprecated.

Source code: ↓

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<!--Webpage header-->

<title>Central Weather Bureau</title>



<!--The width of the horizontal line is 500 pixels, this width is Label attribute-->

<hr width="500">

<!--The following are multiple tag attributes, multiple Attributes are separated by spaces -->

<font color="red" face="黑体" size= "7">label attribute</font>



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