Giant's garden ppt:Grade 4 Chinese Volume 2 Lesson 26 "Giant's Garden" Class Notes + Exercises after Class, Collection Preview-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Grade 4 Chinese Volume 2 Lesson 26 "Giant's Garden" Class Notes + Exercises after Class, Collection Preview

After the text, the giant repented and reopened the garden for children to play, and the garden became beautiful and prosperous again. Class notes: - "Giant's Garden" is a fairy tale by Oscar Wilde, which tells the story of the giant's garden from beauty

Textbook Jane said:

"The Giant's Garden" This is a fairy tale written by the British writer Wilde. This article is about the beautiful and happy garden of the Giant before the Giant came back. After the giant came back, he drove the children away, and the garden was full of desolation and lifeless. When the cause was found out, the giant welcomed the child, and the garden was full of joy again. From this fairy tale, we can realize that the happiness that can be shared with everyone is the real happiness.

The notable feature of this article is the use of contrast to develop the storyline and reveal the truth. There are many comparisons in the article, such as: the comparison between the giant building the wall and the garden scene after the wall is demolished, the comparison of the attitude and feeling between the giant building the wall and the demolition of the wall, it is in these comparisons that the plot of the story becomes ups and downs There are ups and downs, and the truth revealed by the story is also naturally revealed.

I Will write:

Master: shuò (big fat master fruit)

Allow: yǔn (allow, promise, agree, fair)

Building: qì (stacking, wall, jade, carved railing and jade)

Brand: pái (cards archway signboard)

Forbidden: jìn (prohibited strictly prohibited prohibited forbidden area)

Punishment: chéng (punishment punishment punishment severe punishment)

Trace: zōng (trace missing track traceless)

Tsunami: xiào (tsunami tsunami howling screaming)

Self: sī (private private smuggling selfish)

Cheek: jiá (cheek cheek cheek cheek)

Demolition: chāi (dismantle demolition dismantle demolition)

I Will recognize:

cover: fù (cover, overwhelm, overturn)

Strangle: lǚ (one thread, thread, thread)

向: lǒu (arms, hugs, hugs waist)

More Phonetic words:

Forbidden jìn (prohibition) jīn (cannot help)

like sì (similar) shì (similar)

结jié (end) jiē (solid)

乐 lè (joy) yuè (music)

Synonyms :

Overflowing - full of permission - permission

Lonely - lonely still - still

Noisy - noisy addition - increase

Rebuke—rebuke stare—stare

beautiful - beautiful suddenly - suddenly

Strange—strange, cold—cruel

Allow - Agree Wither - Wither

Covering - Covering Blooming - Blooming

play - play alone - lonely

Desolate - secluded

Antonyms :

Joy—Pain Long—Short

Noisy—quiet wither—bloom

Cold-enthusiasm wide-narrow

Allow——Prohibit Strange—Normal

Selfish - Selfless Vicious - Kind

Desolation—Prosperity Rebuke—Praise

Excitement—Calm Bloom—Wither

Arrogance—Constraint, Beautiful—Ugly

Increase - decrease warmth - cold

Understanding Words:

Fruit: (fruits) are many and big, mostly used for abstract things.

Appreciation: Enjoy the beautiful things and appreciate the fun.

Enjoy yourself: Try to let your emotions go without restraint.

Desolate: Lonely and desolate (mostly describe the environment or scenery).

Track: The trace left by the action.

Whistling: Make a high and long sound.

Reprimand: reprimand, reprimand.

Cheeks: The sides of the face.

Rebuke: Use harsh words to point out someone else's mistakes or crimes.

Strange: Odd and special.

Overlay: Overlay.

Decoration: add something attached to the surface of the body or object to make it beautiful.

Paragraph effect:

The first part (1, 2 natural paragraphs): Before the giant returns, the giant garden is lovely and happy.

Part II (paragraphs 3-9): After the giant returned and drove the children away, the garden was full of desolation and lifelessness.

Part three (10-15 natural paragraphs): After discovering the reason, the giant welcomes the child, and the garden is full of joy again.

Text theme:

This article mainly tells the story of a selfish giant who was inspired by children, corrected his mistakes, and lived a happy life with the children. This story tells us that the real happiness is the happiness that can be shared with everyone.

Question Summary:

1. What is the reason why spring does not come to the garden?

The spring does not come to the garden because the giant is too selfish, he scolded the children and drove them out of the garden, no children where there is no spring. When the giant drove away the children, built walls, and hung up bulletin boards, he also shut out the spring and locked his heart in the wall. He wanted to enjoy everything in the garden to himself, but what he got was cold and desolate.

2. Tell me why the scenery of the Garden of Giants changes?

The reason for the change in the giant's garden is that the giant drove the children out of the garden because of selfishness, and the garden no longer has spring, and the giant's garden is cold all year round. When the giant realized his mistake, the children returned to the giant's garden, The peach tree bloomed again, the birds sang again, and the flowers poked their heads out again , spring is also back. It shows that the happiness that can be shared with everyone is the real happiness.

3. Seeing the giant's changes, what do you want to say to the giant?

I would like to say to him: "You did a great job of tearing down the walls and opening up the garden to the children. I'm happier when the joy is shared."

4. What did the changes in the giant's garden teach us?

Happiness should be shared with everyone, and one should not be capricious or selfish.

Learning Text Reading-26 Giant’s Garden

The Happy Prince (excerpt)


"Dear little swallow," said the prince, "you have told me a lot It is a strange thing, but what is even more strange is the suffering suffered by those men and women. There is nothing more inconceivable than suffering. Little Swallow, fly around my city and tell me what you saw there something."

So the swallow flew over the city and saw the rich In the mansions, the beggars sit at the gate and suffer from hunger. He flew into a dark alley and saw the pale faces of hungry children looking listlessly at the dark street. In the bridge hole of a bridge, two children hugged each other, trying to keep each other warm. "We're so hungry!" they said. "You are not allowed to lie here," the guard yelled, and the two children staggered out into the rain again.

Then he flew back and told the prince what he had seen.

"I'm covered in fine gold flakes," said the Prince, " You take them off piece by piece and give them to my poor. The living believe that gold will make them happy."

The swallows pecked off the golden leaves one by one until the Happy Prince become dull and dull. He gave these pure gold leaves one by one to the poor. The faces of the children were flushed, and they were playing games happily in the street. "We have bread now!" cried the children.

Then snow fell, and after the white snow came severe cold. The street looks white, as if made of silver, bright and dazzling; long icicles hang from the eaves like crystal swords. Everyone put on fur coats, and the little ones put on red hats and went skating outside.

(from "Wilde's Fairy Tales" published by Huazhong University of Science and Technology Society)

1. "Unbelievable" means

. His synonyms are , , etc.

2. The line drawing sentence uses the technique of , The words " " and " " make a strong impression.

3. The Happy Prince asked the swallow to take off the gold piece from his body and give it to the poor Send it, why do you think this is?

4. How did the Happy Prince change the lives of the poor? Say it in your own words.

5. After reading this article and combining it with "Giant's Garden", you What quotes come to mind?

【Reference answer】

1. Unimaginable, incomprehensible Example: Unbelievable, incredible

2. Contrast, have fun and starve

3. Because the Happy Prince sympathizes with the poor and has the quality of selfless dedication.

4. The Happy Prince feeds the poor and keeps them warm so that they can live happily Live and play again.

5. Example: Doing good is the only action in life that is truly enjoyable. ——Sidney

The greatest possible happiness for each individual is the greatest happiness achieved by all middle. ——Zola

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