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Good song recommendation||

Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot provide specific picture or video resources. However, I can recommend some good songs by Xie Dan to you. In addition to "Red Ribbon", I also recommend the following songs: 1. "Karat Kagyu" 2. "The Heart of the Palm

Xie Dan Post Bar

"One of the largest WeChat self-media in Tibetan areas, 340,000 compatriots pay close attention"

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After Karma 1. Precautions (1) The "item category" and "item number and name" on the cover are based on the published items on the national intangible cultural heritage list The category, number and name are filled in correctly. The project categories are: folk literature, traditional music, traditional dance, traditional drama, folk art, traditional sports, entertainment and acrobatics, traditional fine arts, traditional skills, traditional medicine, folklore. (2) Except for the signature, all the forms should be filled out by computer, and the content should be accurate, complete and true, and no falsification is allowed. The signature cannot be copied or printed. 2. Instructions for filling in the form (1) In the "Honorary Title" column, fill in the honorary title that the inheritor has won, such as "Master of Folk Crafts", etc. If not, please leave it blank. (2) In the "Resume" column, briefly fill in the successor's work and study. In the "Inheritance Genealogy" column, fill in the clear inheritance context of the project. (3) "Learning and practical experience" fill in the inheritor's academic and practical experience related to the intangible cultural heritage. (4) In the column of "Technical Characteristics", the inheritor's unique skill expression form in the project field should be filled in. (5) In the "Personal Achievements" column, the rewards, commendations and achievements obtained by the inheritors should be filled in; "In the column, it must clearly express "agree to recommend" and affix the official seal. (7) The font in the form is in imitation of Song Dynasty _GB2312 small four characters. 1. Precautions (1) The "item category" and "item number and name" on the cover should be filled in correctly according to the item category, number and name of the published national intangible cultural heritage list. The project categories are: folk literature, traditional music, traditional dance, traditional drama, folk art, traditional sports, entertainment and acrobatics, traditional fine arts, traditional skills, traditional medicine, folklore. (2) Except for the signature, all the forms should be filled out by computer, and the content should be accurate, complete and true, and no falsification is allowed. The signature cannot be copied or printed. 2. Instructions for filling in the form (1) In the "Honorary Title" column, fill in the honorary title that the inheritor has won, such as "Master of Folk Crafts", etc. If not, please leave it blank. (2) In the "Resume" column, briefly fill in the successor's work and study. In the "Inheritance Genealogy" column, fill in the clear inheritance context of the project. (3) "Learning and practical experience" fill in the inheritor's academic and practical experience related to the intangible cultural heritage. (4) In the column of "Technical Characteristics", the inheritor's unique skill expression form in the project field should be filled in. (5) In the "Personal Achievements" column, the rewards, commendations and achievements obtained by the inheritors should be filled in; "In the column, it must clearly express "agree to recommend" and affix the official seal. (7) The font in the form is in imitation of Song Dynasty _GB2312 small four characters. Click the voice below to play

Click the voice below to play the song

The red ribbon is an international symbol of HIV and AIDS awareness, first appeared in 1991 in New York, USA. It represents concern, and this symbol is worn by more and more people to show their concern for HIV and AIDS, care for those living with HIV, care for those patients who have died, and care for those affected by AIDS . The red ribbon has become a symbol of hope, symbolizing the success of vaccine research and treatment of infected persons, and the improvement of the quality of life of HIV-infected persons. The red ribbon represents a kind of support, support for HIV-infected people, support for continuing education for uninfected people, support for all efforts to find effective treatments and vaccines, and support for those who have lost their loved ones to AIDS.

Xie Dan

Xie Dan is a famous Tibetan singer who is deeply loved by Tibetan compatriots in Tibetan areas. Just like Andy Lau in the Mainland, he has a certain influence in the hearts of Tibetans and is known as the "prairie lark". He has been performing on stage since he was 12 years old, and countless songs have been passed down so far. As an excellent Tibetan singer who sings with his life and soul, he not only has skillful playing gestures and a beautiful singing voice, but also has profound Tibetan traditional culture in his playing and singing.

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Member of “Tibetan”, the First We-Media Alliance in Tibetan Area

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Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/Good%20song%20recommendation.html

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