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Good learning and talking about things | Provincial Physical Education Teachers Basic Skills Competition: Problems and Suggestions in Courseware Production

Courseware refers to presentations used to assist teaching, usually in the form of electronic documents. The functions of courseware include but are not limited to the following points: 1. Provide information: courseware can present text, pictures, charts

1. Interpretation of the connotation of the courseware and the relevant requirements of the competition


1. The content of making courseware< /span>

Discussing courseware Before making questions, it is necessary to clarify what is courseware and what are the functions of courseware? Because only by recognizing the essence and clear direction can we better make and use courseware and make it play its biggest role. "Courseware", as the name implies, is the course software used in computer-aided teaching. Under the guidance of the new curriculum standards, teachers design the teaching activities and content based on the teaching content and learning situation after determining the teaching objectives, teaching models and teaching tasks. Course software made from interfaces used in the teaching process. From the definition of courseware, it can be seen that courseware is the product of the development of educational informationization and serves to improve the effect of education and teaching. It can be seen that making and using courseware is a general education and teaching skill that teachers must master. The text, sound, image, video and other materials involved in the courseware point to a common teaching goal, reflecting the integration of a certain teaching strategy and teaching content. Therefore, the extraction and presentation of courseware materials should be based on "usefulness" as the standard, too much is cumbersome, and too little is not enough. The content of the courseware is for the purpose of interactive presentation and output of information, and it is inseparable from the word "beautiful", which can stimulate the senses and enjoy the beauty.


2. Courseware production requirements< /span>

Sports by province Teachers' basic skills competitions have different regulations. Some require contestants to extract class topics from the competition papers of the physical education and health knowledge class, complete a teaching design plan for the semester according to the given teaching content and teaching conditions, and use this The design is based on the production of teaching courseware. The teaching design and teaching courseware production time is three hours, and finally presented in the form of an indoor class. Interpreting the spirit of the document shows that the course type of the teaching design and courseware production competition is a sports and health knowledge class, not a physical education practice class. Therefore, the courseware design can completely refer to the methods of courseware development in other disciplines. It should not only reflect the important and difficult points of teaching, follow the basic principles of teaching design, not only conform to the cognitive rules of students, but also help inspire students to think positively and reflect the interaction of multimedia courseware. The advantages of strong nature and rich pictures and texts are conducive to stimulating students' interest in learning and serving teaching.

Second, courseware production Frequently Asked Questions and Suggestions


Question 1: The role of the courseware is unclear

Analysis: Although The competition plan has clear regulations on language expression and the use of courseware, but there are still some contestants who still focus on the language expression in the form of speaking, and the courseware has become an auxiliary tool for speaking; In the production of courseware, the text in the teaching design is simply and mechanically copied, resulting in unclear audiences and confusing language logic.


Question 2: The courseware background does not match the theme

Analysis: Theme It is the core of the teaching content, and it is also the teacher's insights after analyzing the teaching materials. Courseware elements should be structured around the main body. For example, the background should be harmonious and unified with the main body, and the theme should be more vivid and thick through the contrast of the background, instead of placing the content on a background randomly and bluntly, so that the background and the theme are completely separated, which is very important. unexpected. Choosing a background image that is more in line with the theme can play an auxiliary role in explaining the text. Excellent courseware, whether it is elements or colors, should mobilize the audience's positive emotions and reactions, can affect the audience's perception of the theme, and can also deepen the judges' impression of the work during the competition, so as to make it stand out.

Suggestions for improvement: Identify templates from instructional design topics. Courseware is only a means of classroom teaching. To make excellent courseware, you must first optimize the teaching design, clarify what to teach and how to teach it, and then choose or make templates. In general, templates on the Internet are designed by designers for specific scenarios. Although they are beautiful, they are not necessarily applicable. Especially for physical education teaching, there are few templates that are very suitable for teaching design, and more text is needed. In addition, be good at collecting and processing relevant materials. The materials can be pictures, videos, sounds, tables, etc., but the selection of materials should be based on the teaching needs, closely follow the theme, select appropriate materials from the Internet, teaching materials, etc., and process them through software to achieve the use effect. When modifying, select visual elements related to the theme while maintaining the original style, and highlight the key points when arranging text, and the effect will be improved.


Problem 3: Improper handling of courseware materials

Analysis: Materials It is a variety of auditory and visual materials required for courseware production, and is the basic unit for carrying teaching information, including text, graphics, images, animations, videos, audios, etc. According to the requirements and effects of use, courseware materials can be divided into "direct materials" and "indirect materials". "Direct materials" can be used directly without processing, and "indirect materials" need simple processing to achieve the use effect. "Material" processing ability is also an aspect of examining teachers' courseware production skills. In the works of this basic skills competition, some contestants put unprocessed "indirect materials" directly into the courseware, such as using network pictures with watermarks, videos without removing slogans, etc., which greatly reduced the quality of the works.

Suggestions for improvement: To properly process "indirect materials", teachers must learn to use basic software for processing materials. At present, the most commonly used software for teachers to make courseware is PowerPoint. It is easy to operate, easy to use, and easy to use. However, no matter how powerful the function is, it cannot achieve all the functions required for courseware production. It is recommended that teachers master several easy-to-operate and commonly used functions. software. For example, "Light and Shadow Magic Hand" can be used for image processing; "Wondershare God Scissors" or "VideoStudio" can be used for video processing; "GoldWave" can be used for sound processing. Proficiency in these software can basically meet the needs of teachers to effectively process materials in daily courseware production.


Question 4: The overall layout of the courseware is not good

Analysis: Text Too fancy or similar to the background color increases the difficulty of audience identification; a case that can be explained with a picture is presented with a lot of text, which weakens the intuitiveness of the story; the layout is relatively cumbersome and there are too many elements that have nothing to do with teaching, not only It will interfere with the attention of the audience and affect the overall aesthetics.

Suggestions for improvement: In PPT, a reasonable layout can not only clearly express the content, but also directly affect people's visual experience. When making PPT, it is necessary to rearrange elements such as text, pictures and icons to make the page beautiful and the content clear at a glance. It is recommended that only the core content be placed on the PPT, and fragmentary knowledge points can be expressed through the teacher's dictation. The overall layout should be unified without any abruptness, and the colors should be limited to 3 to 4, not too many; the text should avoid copying the lesson plans, and the font, font size, and color design should be standardized and unified, and try not to exceed 3 levels. After the overall layout, the aesthetic level and expression effect of the courseware will be improved.


Question 5: Less innovative courseware

Analysis: Courseware Innovation is mainly manifested in novel ideas, unique ideas, and ingenious designs. However, in this competition, there are still some similarities in the courseware among individual players. It can be seen from this that some teachers rely too much on downloading content from the Internet and simply copy and use it.

Suggestions for improvement: If you want to make novel and unique courseware, you must plan your ideas and prepare a script before making it. The script is the overall planning of the courseware production process. Although the production of courseware must follow the process of teaching design, some environmental scripts of courseware production may not necessarily be written on paper, but must be in mind. The script design should be matched with the teaching design, combined with the courseware design concept, and finally refined into a practical production guide. After the PPT is completed, a demonstration test must be carried out. During the testing process, material or page transitions can be adjusted in time according to the needs of the teaching process. It’s worth noting that, in general, don’t use animations or transitions that are too flashy, as they can become distracting and distract the audience from the content of the lesson. All in all, courseware production is a complex and delicate skill, and it is also a skill that physical education teachers must master. Through the courseware production link of this basic skills competition, the majority of physical education teachers will pay more attention to the information-based teaching ability and promote the information-based teaching of physical education teachers. Capacity building and development.

III. Courseware production Note


1. There are differences according to the school stage

According to different ages According to the different characteristics of students, the production and use of multimedia courseware should be different. Primary school students, especially those in the lower grades, are usually curious and imitative, and their thinking tends to be intuitive and visualized. Teaching courseware should be more suitable for creating situations, explaining processes, and concretizing and materializing knowledge. By establishing intuitive The students' perception is mobilized by demonstrative and interesting means, and the memory of multiple information sources is formed through the impact of various media. Children in the upper grades have greatly improved their cognitive abilities, their minds have become more mature, they desire autonomy psychologically, they have a certain degree of self-discipline, their thinking has also changed to abstraction and conceptualization, and their language skills have been strengthened. , Thinking means can better stimulate their desire to explore, and the courseware in teaching is more suitable for listing knowledge, analyzing the process, concretizing abstract knowledge, or helping students improve the knowledge system through comparison and statistics. Multimedia is not simply stacking a variety of media, and the more media elements in courseware, the better, and its evaluation criteria should never be its visual effects. A variety of media should focus on reflecting one thing or related things. Understanding learning knowledge through multiple media, or multiple perceptions, is a cognitive mode different from oral writing on the blackboard. The production and evaluation of courseware must be subject to Students' cognitive rules serve the requirements of teaching, and good courseware must also adapt to the teaching mode.


2. Match with teaching objectives< /span>

Multimedia courseware is not The digitalization of textbook content should be combined with the teaching objectives and adapted to the teaching mode. Multimedia courseware is a teaching method, and its design ideas and forms of expression must serve the teaching objectives. Multimedia courseware is not just a teaching method, it is an attempt to change and optimize the education and teaching mode, and it is a new teaching mode. The behavior of playing multimedia courseware with traditional teaching mode can only be pseudo-informatization.



In the end, I believe that the physical education teachers have a clear understanding of the links, requirements, problems and suggestions of courseware production. Please pay special attention next time you participate in the competition!

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