:Free commercially available fonts-Picture material template recommendation免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Free commercially available fonts

Content summary: commercial use. Commercial use includes trademarks, business logos, commercial advertisements, commercial products, etc. When choosing a free commercially available Chinese font, it is best to make sure that the font is licensed for comme

Free commercial fonts have always been a pain in the heart of designers (especially Chinese fonts). Today, we will show you a wave of free commercial fonts font.

Chinese first

There are three words to describe the copyright of Chinese fonts: a bit messy!

For different font manufacturers, different purposes, different charges, and different terms are very painful.

Why do we need free commercial fonts? I think the answer is only three words, poor and poor!

Because, since free commercial fonts are free, the quality is generally not so high to a certain extent. Many free commercial fonts are not suitable for large-scale typesetting. After all, Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola are still a little different . However, there are also pretty good fonts.

Then, here comes the problem, if you can’t buy the commercial copyright of these fonts, but want to use some genuine fonts, what should you do? Below, we will take stock for you.

01. Siyuan Blackbody

Download address https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-sans/ (or directly reply to the keyword "Siyuan Blackbody" in the background)

Source Han Sans (English: Source Han Sans) is an open source font family developed by Adobe and Google. Versions 1.001 and earlier are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, while versions 1.002 and later are licensed under the SIL open source font. Serif bold. Siyuan HeiTi was first released on July 16, 2014. It supports Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean, and has seven font weights (ExtraLight, Light, Normal, Regular, Medium, Bold and Heavy). At the time of publication, it was the font with the largest number of characters at that time, with 44,666 characters belonging to 65,535 glyphs, which is the limit of OpenType font technology. As far as copyright is concerned, Siyuan HeiTi has to be said to be the conscience of the industry, it can be used for free commercial use, and can even be modified.

02. Siyuan Song Style

Download address https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-cjk

Siyuan Arial is the latest pan-CJK font released by Adobe Type, which is the Arial counterpart to Siyuan HeiTi; they released both fonts in response to the need for a unified design to serve a population of 1.5 billion in East Asia. Siyuan Song Typeface supports four different East Asian languages ​​(Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean), with 65,535 glyphs in each of 7 weight types that work together to present a consistent visual aesthetic. The font also includes several Western glyphs, supporting Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts, all derived from Source Serif.

03. Siyuan soft black body (source soft ゴシック)

Download URL http://jikasei.me/font/genjyuu/

This font is modified based on Siyuan HeiTi, and the author is Japan's own フォント Workshop.

Similarly, it provides three versions with different degrees of rounded corners, and seven versions with different thicknesses.

04. Huayuan Ming Dynasty Style

Download URL http://fonts.jp/hanazono/

Hanazono (Hanazono) is a free font developed for GlyphWiki, with a total of 45090 + 47186 glyphs, including almost all Chinese glyphs. The disadvantage is that the font is based on the Japanese font, and some characters do not conform to the Chinese writing standards (whether it is the mainland standard or Hong Kong and Taiwan standards).

05. Wang Hanzong series fonts

Download address is everywhere on the Internet, just search it

Wang Hanzong free fonts were first donated by Professor Wang Hanzong of the Department of Mathematics of Chung Yuan University in Taiwan, who developed the Tiancan font library, in 2000 and 2004 respectively. Ten sets of WCL series fonts and 32 sets of new fonts were distributed under the GNU GPL license.

In 2005, Taiwan's well-known font maker Arphic Technology believed that Wang Hanzong's font was extremely similar to Arphic's font, and some free software websites decided to remove the font download before the problem became clear to avoid legal problems. However, justfont, a cloud font service company, does not believe that there is an authorization problem, and 17 Wang Hanzong free fonts can be seen in the list of provided fonts. Wending Company felt that Wang Hanzong had many sets of fonts that were copied from Wending. But if it is a complete plagiarism, it will be controversial, because although the skeleton is the same, but the depiction points are different, legally it can only be regarded as "suspected" plagiarism.

In addition, in terms of fonts such as "Lishu", "Fangsong", etc., Arphic is not original. There are many font companies with the same name that almost look exactly the same. In this way, it is actually difficult to say who copied whom. However, in order to avoid disputes, we still list the Wang Hanzong fonts that Arphic claims to be infringing here for your reference: Ming style, Wang Hanzong's fine round style, Wang Hanzong's special round style, Wang Hanzong's stacked round style, Wang Hanzong's Kanting style, Wang Hanzong's variety style, Wang Hanzong's running script, Wang Hanzong's variety style double empty yin, and Wang Hanzong's thick regular script. Arphic claims that the above Wang Hanzong font is infringing, please consider before using it. The Wang Hanzong font in other parts is not controversial.

06. Wenquanyi series fonts

Download address http://wenq.org/wqy2/index.cgi

Wenquanyi is an open source Chinese character font project, founded by Fang Qianqian (FangQ), a scholar in the United States, in October 2004, focusing on solving the shortage of high-quality Chinese fonts on GNU/Linux.

At present, Wenquanyi has developed and released the first multi-standard dot matrix Chinese character library covering GB18030 Chinese characters (including more than 27,000 Chinese characters), and the first open source vector font library covering GBK character set (Wenquanyi Zhenghei), and provides most of the symbols related to Chinese, Japanese and Korean in the open source font that currently contains the largest number of characters - GNU Unifont.

These fonts have gradually become the preferred Chinese fonts for Chinese desktops of mainstream Linux/Unix distributions. Currently, Ubuntu, Fedora, Slackware, Magic Linux, and CDLinux use Wenquanyi as the default Chinese font. Debian, Gentoo, Mandriva, ArchLinux, and Frugalware provide official source support, while FreeBSD provides it in its ports.

Currently available

Clear and sharp traditional Chinese interface: Wenquanyi Dot Matrix Songti

Soft and sleek modern Chinese interface: Wenquanyi Zhenghei

Smart combination of softness and clarity: Wenquanyi Dot Matrix Zhenghei

A monospaced open source font that takes into account both Chinese and English alignment: Wenquanyi Monospaced Zhenghei

Small but powerful high-quality vector font: Wenquanyi Micron Black

Classic monospaced dot matrix Chinese font: Wenquanyi Unibit

07. Station cool font

Download address http://www.zcool.com.cn/special/zcoolfonts/#firstPage

Station cool high-end black

In Christmas 2014, Zaku.com released a completely free Chinese font "Zhanku High-End Black". On January 13, 2015, after collecting the opinions of designers and netizens, the revised version of Zaku High-End Black was released. . This typeface, which took eight months to produce, was initiated by zakuol.com typeface designers Hu Xiaobo and Liu Bingke, and was completed by 100 typeface designers who participated in the Hundred People Dance of Chinese Characters. All fonts were completed by 79 designers scattered across the country in the form of crowdsourcing, including 6763 Chinese characters, numbers and English letters.

Zhanku happy body

Zhankuhappy font is made by font designer Liu Bingke and 150 friends who design fonts. This set of relaxed and lively fonts is also the second set of handicraft fonts created by Kuyou collectively after Jizhanku high-end black, which is free for everyone to use permanently (commercially available).

Zhankuhappy font is a relaxed and simple font. It is very flexible in terms of stroke structure and stroke thickness, and the design is not very difficult. Considering that the design level of each of us will be slightly different, choosing to design such a font will have a much higher success rate and accuracy rate, and the coordination and unity between characters will be easier to achieve.

Station cool black body

Initiated by Hu Xiaobo, the members of Ziyou Studio do the basic glyph design. Ten students from Hu Xiaobo's design class jointly completed the design. The strokes of the font are rough and powerful, and the wide and flat typeface is used to build a thick font shape. The decoration of the stroke details not only enhances the design sense of the font, but also makes the font a little more delicate. The combination of typography between is very eye-catching and beautiful. Contains 3,500 commonly used characters, 52 English letters, and 10 Arabic numerals.

ZCOOL Addict Italic

Insert an English font, [ZCOOL Addict Italic] ZCOOL Addict Italic is designed by Big Cat Addict, the first non-profit Western character library named by ZCOOL, it is a free commercial Western character, released in May 2016 Edition. Number of words: 52 letters, 10 numbers, 24 symbols. Scope of use: Free authorization for the whole society to use (including commercial use).

08.Founder Typeface

Download URL https://www.foundertype.com/index.php/FindFont/index.html

Not much to say, Founder has four fonts that are free for commercial use, but written authorization is required. The four fonts are: Founder Black, Founder Shu Song, Founder Fang Song, and Fang Zheng Kai.

09. Arphic Font

Download link http://www.arphic.com.tw/zh-tw/support/index#download

In the past, there were many free and commercially available Arphic fonts, but now there are only five: Arphic Fine Shanghai Song Traditional, Arphic Zhongkai Traditional, Arphic Baosong Simplified, Arphic Simplified Zhongkai, and Arphtic PL Ming U20-L.

10. Seto font

Download URL https://www.dropbox.com/s/vj2yg2p5uf699fy/SetoFont.TTF?dl=0

Seto font is a cute font that supports Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese, including CJK common Chinese characters, Hiragana, JIS Level 1 to Level 4, with a total of more than 30,000 characters.

11. Quanziku Shuowenjiezi

Download URL http://www.cns11643.gov.tw/AIDB/download.do?name=%E5%AD%97%E5%9E%8B%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89< /span>

Shuowen Jiezi is the first calligraphy book in China that systematically analyzes the shape of Chinese characters and studies the etymology. Written by Xu Shen, it was completed in the first year of Jianguang (121) of Emperor An. There are 14 chapters in the original book and one chapter in the narrative. The text is mainly written in Xiaozhuan, with a total of 9353 characters. There are also 1163 characters in the same script, such as ancient Chinese and 籀wen, and more than 130,000 characters in explanation.

The version currently used is "Shuowen Jiezi Zhu" published by Yiwen Press, which was revised by Xu Xuan in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the version annotated by Duan Yu in the Qing Dynasty (known as the Daxu Version) and refers to Liming Culture "Shuowen Jiezi Notes" by the business company, and "Shuowen Jiezi Biography" written by Xu Kai of the Southern Tang Dynasty

Because the original text of Shuowen Jiezi does not have a complete correspondence with the current Unicode encoding, it is impossible to include all the glyphs in this font file, so some characters may not display the correct glyphs. ! (The total number of characters currently included in this font file is 6721)

It is estimated that no one will use it, a touch of sadness!

12. Droid Sans Fallback

Droid Sans Fallback is a font designed by Taiwan Huakang Technology (Weifeng Digital) for the characters of East Asian countries when Google launched Android devices. The structure is not perfect. After that, Wenquanyi began to design Wenquanyi micron black based on Droid Sans Fallback. It can be said that Droid Sans Fallback and Wenquanyi micron black have a strong blood relationship.

Downloading this is not very meaningful, just use Wenquanyi micron black and it will be OK.

12. Pangmen Zhengdao title body

Download address http://www.zcool.com.cn/work/ZMjA0MDg0MDA=.html

This font is co-produced by Pangmen Zhengdao and Ziyou Space Creative Studio.

13. Huakang font (Alibaba platform only)

Download address http://www.dynacw.com.cn/news/news_detail.aspx?s=7

I don't say anything about this, I can't talk to you.

I am roughly sure that it is free and commercially available, and that’s about it. The ability is limited, welcome to add, (if there is any mistake, please point out), in addition, I am not sure about some fonts, which are said to be free and commercially available. But I can't be sure, be careful.

These fonts are found in the open source system linux. After all, they who do open source understand fonts and laws better than us!

Hong Kong Reference Song Type

Taiwan Ministry of Education standard font

NTU Chinese font

Cao Tan Zhai Mao Zedong

Book Tifang free font

Warring States Chu bamboo slips and silk font

English font

01. Butler

A modernist serif font

Personal and commercial use

Download address http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hsf0Hww

Inspired by the Dala Floda and Bodoni font families, Butler is a free font designed by Fabian De Smet. His aim was to provide serif typefaces for modern typography by studying the curves of classical serif typefaces.

The Butler font family contains 334 characters in seven regular weights, and includes alphanumerics, hyphens, and fractions. De Smet said it would be suitable for "posters, headlines, books and fancy stuff".

02. Arvo

Excellent geometric serif font

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Arvo

Arvo is a geometric serif font family suitable for screen and print use. Designed for legibility, it was created by Anton Koovit and published as an Open Font Free (OFL) in the Google Font directory. Unlike many serif fonts on Google Fonts, Arvo includes normal, italic, bold, and bold italic styles.

03. Crimson Text

A font inspired by vintage books

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Crimson+Text

This is a free font family dedicated to book production, inspired by old Garamond-esque book fonts. Crimson Text was created by German-born, Toronto-based designer Sebastian Kosch, who says he was influenced by Jan Tschichold, Robert Slimbach and Jonathan Hoefler.

It’s also Taylor Palmer’s favorite free font, a senior UX designer from Utah, USA. “Crimson has a sophisticated serif and is a great alternative to traditional Garamond-esque fonts,” he says, “It also has a very expressive italic, which works well with strong geometric sans serifs like Futura or Avenir) pair well.

04. Aleo

A font that perfectly balances personality and legibility

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/8018673/ALEO-Free-Font-Family

With semi-circular details and sleek construction, the Aleo has a lot of character while maintaining good readability. This free font family includes six styles: three weights (light, regular, and bold), and their corresponding italic counterparts. Released under the SIL Open Font license, it was designed by IBM Dublin designer Alessio Laiso as a slab serif companion to Lato.

05. Cormorant

Inspired by the representative font Garamond of the old serif

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/28579883/Cormorant-an-open-source-display-font-family

Cormorant is a serif font inspired by Garamond. It's handcrafted by Christian Thalmann, aka Catharsis Fonts, with razor-sharp serifs and dangerously smooth curves. This font is best used for large headlines and poster text on large screens and in print, but is also very legible on smaller text displays.

06. Brela

As the title and text, there is a good sense of design

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/19448911/Brela-Regular-(free-font)

Brela is an editorially designed serif font. Even at small sizes, it's still perfectly legible, but it works just as well for large headlines. This free font was designed by Spanish creative agency Makarska Studio and comes in both regular and bold weights.

07. Libre Baskerville

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Libre+Baskerville

Libre Baskerville is a web font optimized for body text (typically 16px). It's based on the Baskerville font from 1941, but it has a taller X-height (lowercase x-height), and a little bit of contrast, making it work well for screen readers. This open source project is led by Impallari Type, a type design company based in Rosario, Argentina.

08. Jura

Personal and commercial use

Download address http://tenbytwenty.com/?xxxx_posts=jura

Jura is a very elegant typeface, characterized by narrow proportions and fine details, including a rounded wedge liner. As good as it looks, this free font was created by British designer Ed Merritt.

09. Fenix

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/6901203/Fnix-(FREE-Typeface)

Fénix is ​​a calligraphy-inspired font that can display both titles and body text. With its strong serifs and rough strokes, it reads long text at a small text size, providing a lovely rhythm. This is the work of designer Fernando Díaz of TipoType in Uruguay.

10. Luthier

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/18364983/luthier-free-font

Luthier is a modern typeface with sharp serifs and high contrast, it has two weights and italics. Used to good effect on both headlines and body copy, it is more suitable for designs that focus on serious intellectual topics. This free font was created by Barcelona-based designer Adrià Gómez.

11. Titillium Web

Personal and commercial use

Download link https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Titillium+Web

While many lower-quality free fonts are the work of amateurs, Titillium has a more respectable pedigree, born out of a type design project at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino in Italy. Every academic year, a dozen students work on projects, develop further and solve problems, and all designers are asked to use Titillium in their projects, and they are sent some examples using the Titillium font family to help them further refine .

12. League Gothic

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.theleagueofmoveabletype.com/league-gothic

League Gothic is a beautiful sans serif typeface inspired by the classic typeface Alternate Gothic #1 designed in 1903 by Morris Fuller Benton of the American Type Founders. Movable Type decided to make their own version, open source as always, with contributions from Micah Rich, Tyler Finck, and Dannci.

13. Chivo

Personal and commercial use

Download address http://omnibus-type.com/fonts/chivo.php

Chivo is a weird font, and it's perfect for headlines and other pages that demand attention. Whether confident or elegant, it has released four weights with matching italics. This free font is the work of Héctor Gatti and Omnibus-Type Team.

14. Comfortaa

Personal and commercial use

Download URL http://aajohan.deviantart.com/art/Comfortaa-font-105395949

Comfortaa is a rounded geometric sans-serif typeface for large text. Created by Johan Aakerlund, a design engineer at the Technical University of Denmark, it is a simple yet beautiful typeface that includes a large number of different characters and symbols. It is part of the Google Font Improvements Project, and the latest updates to the font family include the addition of Cyrillic characters and support for Vietnamese.

15. Noto Sans

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Noto+Sans

This is not too much to explain, it is the legendary Siyuan black body, Google it is called Noto Sans!

16. HK Grotesk Hanken

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://hanken.co/product/hk-grotesk/

HK Grotesk is a sans serif font inspired by classical grotesques such as Akzidenz Grotesk, Univers, Gothic and Gill Sans. It was designed by Hanken Design Co with the aim of creating a friendly and distinguishable typeface suitable for small text. It recently expanded language support, adding Cyrillic characters (Bulgarian, Russian and Serbian).

17. Aileron

Personal and commercial use

Download URL http://tipotype.com/ileron/

Aileron is a fancy sans-serif typeface that sits somewhere between Helvetica and Univers. It was created by Sora Sagano, a designer at Tipotype, to provide readers with a high level of visual comfort. It has 16 weights ranging from ultralight to blackbody.

18. Ubuntu

Personal and commercial use

Download address http://font.ubuntu.com/

This free font is specially designed for Linux operating systems on PCs, tablets and smartphones. Designed by Font Foundry Dalton Maag, it uses OpenType features and displays well on both desktop and mobile screens.

19. Clear Sans

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://01.org/clear-SANS

Clear Sans is a versatile font designed by Intel designed for on-screen legibility. Suitable for screen, print, and web, this free font's noticeable minimized characters and slightly narrower proportions make it a great choice for UI design, from short labels to long paragraphs (for example, has been adopted by Mozilla's "Firefox for Android" browser).

Clear Sans supports various languages ​​using Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts, including Medium, Regular, Thin and Light weights.

20. Source Sans Pro

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Source+Sans+Pro

Released in 2012, Source Sans Pro was Adobe's first open-source font family, and it was hugely popular. This font is inspired by the gothics family of fonts designed by Morris Fuller Benton. It offers six weights (regular, extra light, light, semi-bold, bold, black), all of which include italics. This font includes support for quite a few Latin scripts, including Western and Eastern European languages, Vietnamese, Chinese Roman alphabet, Navajo, etc. It was designed by Paul D. Hunt.

21. Nickainley

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/24243507/Nickainley-Script-Free-Font

Nickainley is a very popular free handwriting font. It has a classic-style Monoline script with uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and punctuation. It is also suitable for a wide range of applications, including logos, t-shirt designs, letterheads and signage, etc. This free font was created by Indonesian Seniors Studio.

22. Pacifico

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Pacifico

Pacifico is a fun brush handwritten font inspired by 1950s American surf culture. This open-source font is one of the great contributions of designer Vernon Adams, who passed away last year.

23. Cute Punk

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/17184235/cutepunk-typeface

Cute Punk is a vibrant, youthful and thoroughly modern handwritten font. This free font is the work of Stockholm-Bratislava-based designer/illustrator Flou with an engaging geometric feel!

24. Yellowtaila

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Yellowtail

Yellowtail is an old-fashioned, flat brush font that reminds you of the 1930s, like Gillies Gothic and Kaufmann. Designed by typography institute Astigmatic, this font has a mix of joined and unjoined letters that give it a unique look and ensure good legibility.

25. Bauru

Personal and commercial use

Download URL http://www.pierpaolo.tv/bauru/

Bauru is one of the best free retro fonts and it has a feeling like it sums up the past. This can well create a sense of nostalgia and timeless value, which can be widely used in branding, poster, advertisement or logo design. It was designed by Brazilian art director and illustrator Pier Paolo.

26. LOT

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/359440/LOT-Free-font

LOT is one of the fattest and coolest typefaces, reminiscent of stylized typefaces for ads, posters and magazine designs of the 1970s and 1980s, LOT offers a stylish, new retro style, it has 78 characters and works well in posters, logos and titles. This font is the work of FontFabric.

27. Streetwear

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/14302297/Streetwear-(Free-Font)

Streetwear is a cool, retro-inspired typeface that combines features of 1960s and 1970s fashion and sporty design. Suitable for logos, posters, branding, packaging and t-shirt designs, this is the work of Indonesian studio Artimasa.

28. Paralines Font

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/28060847/Paralines-Free-Font

Paralines Styled with special parallel lines, this free font will suit any project that aims to evoke the graphic design of the 1970s and early 1980s. This is the work of British freelance designer Lewis Latham.

29. Hamurz

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/34303959/Hamurz-Free-Font

Hamurz is a funky retro typeface with rough edges and a rounded shape. Created by Bagus Budiyanto, it offers many potential uses such as logos, headers or designs for t-shirts, badges or letterpress printing.

30. Playlist

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/32809963/Playlist-Free-Font

Playlist is a hand-drawn typeface with a dry brush style, ideal for graphic design typefaces (including posters, t-shirts, etc.), the work of Indonesian studio Artimasa.

31. Sophia

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/30281267/Sophia-Free-Handlettered-Brush-Script-F

Sophia is a lighthearted, friendly font. Designed by Mats-Peter Forss and Emily Spadoni of Finland, this free font is described as a "handwritten brush font with a sweet decorative bonus." The collection includes multilingual glyphs , and left and right stylistic monograms.

32. Kust

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/33481677/KUST-Free-Brush-Font

Kust is a handwritten font with a distorted, slightly chipped appearance. This free font is by fashion designer and artist Leva Mezule using a thick brush, based on letters drawn on stiff paper using pure black ink. It is provided by the studio Wildtype Design from Latvia.

33. Brux

Personal and commercial use

Download link https://www.behance.net/gallery/32559339/BRUX-BOLD-BRUSH-FONT

While most brush-style fonts look rather laid-back, stylistically speaking, Brux is rather rigid, almost having a stencil-like feel. But, this also gives it a very fresh and original look. The free font includes Swedish, German, and Spanish, and it's the work of Stockholm-based art director Marcelo Melo.

34. Serval

Personal and commercial use

Download URL http://www.dafont.com/serval.font

Serval is another calligraphy font, one that is perfect for tattoo styles, Serval is a beast of a design style. This free font is the inspired work of Maelle.K and Thomas Boucherie.

35. Blow Brush

Personal and commercial use

Download URL https://www.behance.net/gallery/33043073/BlowBrush-free-font

Blow Brush is a handwritten marker font inspired by hip hop and urban culture. Quirky, but just enough to feel authentic while also having great legibility and font functionality, this free font is the work of Petar Acanski, as well as Raz, a Serbian multidisciplinary designer and front-end developer. It includes a full set of uppercase letters, numbers, 22 hyphens, a selection of special characters and some variations.

Source: Photoshop Compilation: Design Circle

Keyword reply:

Printing, business cards, posters, logo design, tea packaging, color spectrum, folding

BANNER, Tucao video, takeaway food, AV, quotation, Japanese poster

Layout, Republic of China, software, Olympics, welfare, resume, moon cake, Tmall

Double Eleven, recipes, red envelopes

(see the corresponding knowledge article)

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