:Free Commercial Fonts Packed! No longer worry about copyright issues when making PPT!-PPT information免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Free Commercial Fonts Packed! No longer worry about copyright issues when making PPT!

Fonts can be used. So today I will share some free and commercially available fonts, so that everyone will no longer worry about copyright issues when making PPT. 1. Noto Sans Noto Sans is a free font developed by Google, which supports multiple languages

Hi, Hello everyone, I amAhe~

Last time I wrote an article about various photo sites, and the response was good~

At the end of this article, I received a message from a reader who wanted to know which free commercial fonts are recommended in PPT.

When it comes to font copyright,Many people think thatthe most common and common fonts have no copyright issues,In fact otherwise.

For example,"Microsoft Yahei", whose copyright belongs to Founder Group,The reason why youhaven’thave been approached by infringement disputes is mainly because you only Or use it on non-commercial occasions. When you rise to commercial nature, believe me, sooner or later you will be targeted...

So in order to avoid copyright disputes, here I recommend several free commercial fonts, and talk about fonts by the way~

Free commercial fonts

1)Siyuan Font Family

When it comes to free fonts, I first recommend the Siyuan font series. The Siyuan font series includes two series: "Siyuan Heiti" and "Siyuan Songti".

Siyuan Heitiis an open source font launched by Adobe and Google in July 2014, with seven font weights (ExtraLight, Light, Normal, Regular, Medium, Bold, and Heavy).

AndSiyuan Song Typeis a Song Type developed after Si Yuan Hei Ti Font also has seven font weights.

Siyuan font series is not only rich in font weight, but also easy to read. At the same time, the boldface itself can give people a solemn feeling, so they are very suitable for formal documents.

2)Alibaba Inclusive Body Series

Alibaba Inclusive 1.0is a free commercial series font launched by Alibaba Group in 2019. The 1.0 series has 5 font weights to choose from (Light / Regular / Medium / Bold / Heavy) .

On May 14, 2021, Alibaba will upgrade this font to the 2.0 series, in the original The font was fully upgraded on the basis of , and 4 weights were added at one time (45 Light, 65 Medium, 85 Bold, 105 Heavy)!

Alibaba Puhui Ti 2.0 will allow fonts to have a clearer visual effect on the mobile terminal, and at the same time, the font Some simplifications have also been made on the strokes, which are more youthful, and are very suitable for text and titles.

3)OPPOSans Series

OPPOSansThe series of fonts are developed by OPPO and belong to OPPO's brand custom fonts.

OPPO Sans font also has 5 font weights to choose from (Light / Regular / Medium / Bold / Heavy respectively).

OPPOSans adopts a new skeleton, structure and font design, and also simplifies some strokes, making the overall shape of the font more concise and elegant , especially for long reading.

And the digital design of this font is very elegant, it can be said to be my favorite among so many fonts!

4)Pangmen Zhengdao Series

"Pangmen Zhengdao Title Style" is the first font of the Pangmen Zhengdao series, released in 2016.

It was developed by the designer of PangMenzhengDao Official Account and more than a dozen font design masters The latter group of designers also successively launched "Pangmen Zhengdao Bold Script" and "Pangmen Zhengdao Relaxed Style".

At the end of 2020, Pangmen Zhengdao launched the second free and commercially available calligraphy font "Pangmen Zhengdao Zhengui Kai".

This font was written by Mr. Pang Zhengui, the father of Pangmen Zhengdao’s account owner, with a total of 6,600 characters and it took 9 months to complete.

The shape of the font is uniform in thickness. It is a calligraphy script with personality and very easy to use. It is also suitable for titles.

How to install fonts

How to install the downloaded fonts has gradually become one of the most concerned issues for Xiaobai. Most Xiaobai have downloaded fonts from font websites, but they don’t know how to install and apply them to PPT.

If you have the above situation, then please see the following two ways.

1)< /strong>Win7/Win8/Win10 system font installation

Copy and paste the downloaded font file to: C:\WindowsFonts

2)< /strong>Direct installation

Right-click on the font file (thisintoselect a single font , or you can select all fonts), and then select [Install]. After installation, the font files will also be saved in the Fonts folder of the system disk.

After installing the font file, restart PPT to use the downloaded font.

How to Avoid Font Infringement

The easiest and most effective way to avoid font infringement is to use known free fonts, except In addition, if you want to avoid font infringement, you have to know whether this font has copyright.

1)View font properties

Right-click the font file, click [Properties]-[Details], you can see the detailed copyright information inside, and use it as a judgment.

2)360cha font network

360 check font website: http://fonts.safe.360.cn/.

This is a website where you can check the copyright of fonts, and you can simply and directly know which fonts you have installed or not. Is there any copyright.


If the above two methods cannot determine whether the font has copyright, then it is recommended to go directly to Baidu, if Baidu can’t find the copyright issue of the font, the best The practice is not to use this font of unknown origin.


The use of fonts is mainly divided into actual use occasions. If you use them for personal use, such as teaching, practice, etc., then you don't have to worry too much about the copyright of fonts.

But once it involves commercial profit-making occasions (< span >collectively referred to as commercial use), such as poster design, advertising promotion, etc., then you still have to clarify the copyright issue of the font used to avoid subsequent disputes.

Free commercial font access

In addition to the free commercial fonts I mentioned above, I also packaged several other series of free fonts for everyone.

In public account "PPT Institute"< Reply keywords in /strong> [Free Fonts], you can get the free font files I have organized.

- End -

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Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/Free%20Commercial%20Fonts%20Packed%20No%20longer%20worry%20about%20copyright%20issues%20when%20making%20PPT.html

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