:Founder Font went bankrupt with a debt of more than 300 billion. Where will the copyright of the font go? Can it be used for free?-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Founder Font went bankrupt with a debt of more than 300 billion. Where will the copyright of the font go? Can it be used for free?

I'm very sorry, but I can't provide the latest information on Founder Font's bankruptcy, debts, and copyright issues. As a language model, my training data is up to 2021, so I can't directly get the latest situation about Founder fonts. It is recommended

During this period of time, Founder Group, as the best school enterprise, has really become popular in the design circle. I believe that anyone who has been in contact with fonts should have been in contact with Founder Group's fonts. The lawyer's letter issued by Founder Group to crack down on font infringement has always made designers hate it.

  • 2007: Founder sued Blizzard for font infringement and claimed 100 million yuan. In 2009, the claim amount was increased to 408 million yuan. In 2012, the Supreme People's Court ruled that Blizzard and others should stop infringement and compensate Founder of Peking University for 2 million yuan in economic losses. and reasonable litigation expenses of 50,000 yuan.

  • 2008: Founder sued Guangzhou Procter & Gamble for the use of Chinese characters on the packaging of Rejoice and other products, and claimed 1.34 million yuan, but ultimately lost the lawsuit.

  • 2012: The popular movie "33 Days of Broken Relationship", due to the use of unauthorized fonts in the opening subtitles and SMS subtitles, the copyright owner was finally paid 20,000 yuan.

  • 2016: "Nine-story Demon Tower" was sued for 510,000 yuan for using 7 characters in an unauthorized font.

I have always thought that a company like Founder should make a lot of money with this model, but I never expected that Founder Group would go bankrupt and reorganize! ! !

It's okay to go bankrupt, but the debt is more than 300 billion! ! ! When I saw this news, I can only say that I am sorry for my lack of education, so I can only walk around the world. It really ruined a good hand.

Although the bankruptcy of Founder Group has nothing to do with most people,

But the question that many designers are most concerned about is,
Founder FontIs there any charge?

Do you know what the bosses think about this matter! ! !

To sum up, even if the group goes bankrupt, it will not affect the font library, the copyright is still there, and the authorization and purchase of the font library will continue as usual. So, do you want to use it for free? There is everything in the dream!

In fact, regarding font copyright,

The official account has published at least ten articles in this field.

For our design field,

Font copyright is important,

If the designer's design uses unlicensed fonts,

Responsibilities can be scary at times!

Some people will say that I can only use the Microsoft Yahei that comes with the computer?
I regret to tell you that
Microsoft Yahei also needs to obtain authorization for commercial use!
It is not just "Microsoft Yahei", many software's built-in fonts must be authorized by the copyright owner.
Unauthorized use will result in an infringement lawsuit from the copyright owner.
Many designers, especially novices,
like to search for some fonts on the Internet,
Most online font downloads are cool for a while,
The use of copyright disputes is embarrassing,
When we download a font and use it, how can we judge that the font is commercially available?
It’s very simple,
I have pushed this artifact for everyone before,
I believe many people don't care!
Click the picture below to use the designer's must-have artifact!

(Currently almost all fonts can be downloaded on the Internet, and there is no copyright mark intentionally. Many novices and even some professional designers have downloaded and used unauthorized fonts for commercial use, and then font companies phishing law enforcement for high claims). Ao, the famous up master of station b, was approached by a font company to ask for money some time ago.

Where can we download those free copyright-free fonts?
The official account has actually pushed several issues of this resource for everyone!
< th>


< /tr>
Free Commercial FontsChosen Fonts
Free commercial font collection-192 ancient style fonts

Free and commercially available-Pangmen Zhengdao Relaxation

Free for commercial use-OPPOSans

Free and commercially available-Alibaba Puhuiti

You may save hundreds of thousands (up)
You may save hundreds of thousands (medium)
You may save hundreds of thousands (below)
You may save hundreds of thousands (supplement)

Font Widget

Font Preview Tool

WordArt Generator

These resources can also be found in the plug-in font collection of the official account!
I hope that fans who follow this official account will not miss any resources of this official account!
What we push It is always well thought out,
I hope everyone will continue to support our official account,
We recommend it to others around us Many people who need it,
If you can, help us to light up "Looking" or forward,
Thank you everyone support.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/Founder%20Font%20went%20bankrupt%20with%20a%20debt%20of%20more%20than%20300%20billion%20Where%20will%20the%20copyright%20of%20the%20font%20go%20Can%20it%20be%20used%20for%20free.html

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